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Good goat times today. Good to get away from the real world and spend some time in the downside up. Cool and grey today, bit of rain. But it cleared up righrt around when I got to the playground. I was there early and the goats were still inside. They cold and grey and earliness made for a pretty subdued morning. Later on they got more going. Some serious headbutting going on. And at one pount Sky was practically riding Luna’s backside down the hill while buckgrunting at her. Geez, get a room!
Feel emptier without Jeanette. We did have a couple of visitors. So I had to be goat ambassador. It’s still difficult for me, dealing with humans. So I will usually sit for a bit and.. hope they go away. There was a mother with a young girl and the girl was calling for the goats and I heard the mother say “I don’t think they want to come down to us”. We had serious rainfall over the weekend so the ground quite muddy. But okay I guess I gotta do my ‘job’! So I went down to the fence and got the goats to follow me down. The mother laughed and went “that chicken came running after you too”. Yeah, that’s Red Sonja. Practically a goat byn ow. When Bünal (I think his name is) came and let the feathers out it didn’t take 10 second then Sonja was running up the hill to join the goats. Ther other feathers eventually came over, but Sonja really seems to want to just hang with the goats.
Anyway, the mother and little girl got some closer time with the goats, so that was good.
Hopefully the summer weather will come back soon. Need some sunny days.
15/7 2024

Is it him? Is he here? Does it look like he brought treats?

15/7 2024


In other news, I finally got started on my rewatch of Twin Peaks The Return. It’s such a crazy story. Imagine ending a show with the notion of “see you in 25 years” and then actually getting to do a season 3 twentyfive years later. Itsa kinda magic.
This is my first time rewatching this season, after it’s original broadcast. I loved it the first time around. I was so enthralled and fascinated and delighted.
So far I’m enjoying the rewatch just as much. Although I do feel like I have gained more understanding of the section of the fanbase that were disappointed in how different it was from the original. The first time I watched The Return I don’t think i’d watched the first two seasons in a long long time. Now I’m coming straight from rewatching season 1 and 2 and the movie. And that does create more of a … “I wish I could have more of that” feeling. The first time I watched The Return I had no idea what to expect, what would happen, I was on the edge of my seat and I devoured it greedily week to week. Now I know what’s coming and I have the original series fresh in mind. But still, I love what Lynch and Frost did with it. And I love that they didn’t give us what we expect and wanted. Anyone whought that David Lynch was just going to give you what you were expecting, well you were kidding yourself. And The Return is probably my favourite season of TV since Lost. So fascinating.
There is a part of me that really wishes we could have had the season 3 back in the day, immediately after season 1 and 2. To have the whole cast alive and well and see the original intentions. In that way it reminds me of my feelings about Star Wars. I am not a Disney hater, I am not a Sequel Trilogy hater. But there is a part of me that wishes George had made the sequels closer to the originals, again so we could have the original cast in full force and get stories of those characters in their prime.
But time passes, and there was a time, a long time, when I thought I’d never get more Star Wars movies and I’d never get more Twin Peaks content, and I am just glad to have anything. You can never go back, but if you’re lucky you can go forwars. It’s a world of truck drivers.
In other other news I should probably also express my respect to Richard Simmons and Shannen Doherty. Rest in peacefulness.
I didn’t know Simmons super well, I saw him on various talkshow appearances and I also, unfortunately I think, often saw him being hte butt of jokes. But something that stuck with me was the sadness and vulnerability he displayed sometimes. Crying and saying he just wanted to be loved. Made fun of for it. But I can so relate. To struggling with weight and self worth and just wanting to be loved. I feel it. I always thought he was funny and endearing.
I can’t say I was a huge fan of Shannen Doherty, but I was a fan. I grew up with Beverly Hills 90210, one of the cool series from all the way away from America, back when America was another world and you didn’t have access to it, didn’t have it shoved down your throat. And then Charmed, which I also loved. Always thought she was one of the best bits of her shows and that she was cool and hot. And so sad to see her struggles with cancer. Gone way too soon. Life is unbearably unfair at times.
So that’s about all that’s happened in the world the last few days, can’t think of anything else.
15/7 2024

Holee molee, I’m back in my account.
That was scary. I thought I was gone for good.
Once again my account got locked. For ‘unusual activity’. That’s the third time in a month or whatever. The first time I submitted a photo of my passport and got back in. The second time I clicked through the things and it let me back in.
This time, it would not accept my photo of my passport. I launched the chat tp talk to an fb bot, it asked me for an alternate email and said it would send me a code and instructions on how to send a video with myself and the code (I have heard others experience this, I do believe it’s legit). But that was around 11 pm last night. I got up today, still not email from fb. Fks. So I go back in to try to launch chat, because the bot said if I had problems I could contact it again and it would forward me to an agent, a real person I suppose. Or Agent Smith. Well, today there was no button to launch chat. So fk. I tried to go through the verification steps again to see if the chat button would appear in a later page. Well, then it gives me a captcha image! With no audio or other accessibility options. Real nice, fb. I failed of course. But I managed to solve it on the second go, thankfully. And then i clicked through the same pages as yesterday except this time it sent me a verification code to my regular email and this time after entering that code it didn’t ask me to submit ID, it just went through the steps from the previous times and then I was back in.
I don’t get it. But okay. I’m back in. No signs of any unusual activity in my account, again. I am pretty sure it’s connected to my switching back and forth between the goat page and my personal page. I’ll have to try and see if I can be more careful with that.
But I fear that at some point this will happen again and I will lose access permanently. It was a close one this time. I don’t have any other ID with my photo than my passport. I am not sure I would have been able to get through the process, if it hadn’t suddenly magically worked like it did.
I don’t know.
In a way it would be freeing to be without facebook. In another way it would be completely isolating for me and I’d lose all my friends. And what about goatposting? I guess I’d post the videos on youtube, maybe photos on my personal site. But i’d lose all the validation and community and spirit of it. It means so much to me that there are so many people around the world who get something out my goat posts, who come daily to the page and join in and enjoy it. There’s no other place than fecebook I could really do that, if no one was watching would there be a point in putting in so much tiem and effort to do it? I don’t want to be a huge star like Esther the wonder pig, but I do want people to see it.
AND I WANT TO SEE ALL YOU PEOPLE. The thought of not being able to see what you’re doing and communicate with you is a sad sad one.
Glad I’m ack on. For now. We’ll see.
16/7 2024

It’s a balancing act. As exemplified by Bella.
Got an hour twenty five on the bike today. Peddling out the frustrations. Gotta keep moving moving moving. Don’t look back, in anger. Or is it don’t look up? Well, fortunately I don’t look much.
By the by, if I should ever lose my fb permanently, I should still be able to post a message on Mia’s page, since Jen who originally created it is still and admin on it, I can tell her to post a message from me there.
You may also want to bookmark my youtube channel youtube(dot)com/djaliplume or even my website which is still actually around at plume(dot)dk/blog (right now it’s just arcihing fb posts, I used to actually blog there)
Or you can just do like Kristen Bell does to all my loveletters and ignore and forget about me!
Sorry. Didn’t mean to lash out, Kristen. Call me.
Anyway. I realise we’re all the main character in our own lives, but in other people’s lives we’re just.. other people. I’m not suggesting i’m anything special. But you are all special to me, so very special as the MTV Edit of Creep goes.
Carry on.

16/7 2024

Luna is coming for the camera!
She just loves nibbling on stuff. She will not leave my blind badge alone. Recently I started using a new microphone with the camera and it’s connected with a wire and she will not stop trying to eat it. And yesterday I had accidentally not packed my mp3 player properly in my backpack, I guess the earphones were hanging out of the backpack while it was lying on the storage shelf. When it came time for me to go home I found the earphones hanging down off the shelf, and half of the wire just completely chewed up. GRrr argh! To my amazement it still worked withouth problems. PArt of the outer wiring was stirpped away and it was all bunched up. But I guess she just chewed on it all and thankfully didn’t break it completely apart. Oh goats.

16/7 2024

Good goat times today. Weather is warming up again. Up above 20C/68F today. Humid. We’re still getting rainshowers, but they all passed overnight. The humidity made it feel hotter, but was lovely and sunny. A good summery day.
A pretty quiet one. Only visitors were, I think, a mother and little daughter. But we were over by the platform behind the mountain and they were talking to the chickens and didn’t seem to desire a goat visit, so we let them be. Lots of lounging around in the humid warmth. Panting goats and yawns.
Speaking of the chickens, with Jeanette out on vacation they are being let out later than normal. I miss having them out with us when I arrive and serve breakfast. And I miss having Jeanette around too of course. I’m just grateful the goats don’t go on vacation! Although you’d think they could use one with how hard they’re working on being cute and funny. It’s a living.
17/7 2024

A beautiful sky and a beautiful Sky.

17/7 2024

Sweet Bella. When she’s tired she’s super sweet. When she’s not tired she’s usually more sassy and treatfixated. But since she’s the tireddest goat in all of Denmark that works out pretty well.

17/7 2024

Good goat times today. Another nice and quiet day with the goaties. Lovely sunny morning. Later on some clouds came in, but it stayed dry. Temperatures still above 20C/68F which is good enough for me.
I guess people are on vacation now, almost no visitors. Only a couple who quickly left again. The neighbour school is closed for vacation too I guess, none of the regulars that we usually get fro there have been by this week. And no Jeanette of course. It all feels a little empty, but you know me. It’s the goat company that matters to this guy. And the goat company is great. I did get a knock on the head today. I was sitting on the board, next to the bench. Bella launched a sneak attack on Luna who jumped up on the bench and then down again hitting my in the head with her horns. Luckily I took no lasting damage mutton fish trout.
18/7 2024

I love this new thing Luna has started doing when I sit on the ground. Walking right up and standing against me, so I can just put my arms around her. It’s different from when she wants attention, when she’ll smooch at me, paw me, fidget with my blind badge, all those things. When she does this she just walks right upagainst me and then stands there and chews her cud. And she’ll let me nudge her into sitting position so she can sit in my lap. Love it
Oh and for those keeping count, after the goating today I got another hour fifteen in on the exercise bike. You gotta want it.

18/7 2024

Love my Sky girl.

18/7 2024


19/7 2024

Been feeling pretty sad and depressed today. The world is getting to me.
But hey, here’s a fun video. Showing how Sky is willing to share her breakfast bowl with Red Sonja, but absolutely not with Bella. And the next part showing how Red Sonja will eat the tomatoes right out of my hand. She really is like a little goat.
19/7 2024

These two sweeties. Sky and Bella. When they are not fighting over the breakfast bowls they get along very well. More and more sitting together.

19/7 2024

The astounding blasphemy of the created images of god or an angel stopping the bullet and saving Trump really baffles me. If you think god sent an angel to save Trump, what are you going to say to the wife of the father who was killed. By bullets. Close to Trump. What are you going to say to the families of all the kids shot in schools over and over. The family of Shannen Doherty who died at 53 of cancer. All the tragedies that are constantly happening, with no angelic intervention. It is astoundingly disturbing to me that people could think this way. Whatever else your opinion of Trump is, if you think he’s some kind biblical hero protected by literal angels sent from god, you are descending into some deeply problematic cultish thinking. THe kind that ends up getting people to fly planes into towers because they think it’s the will of god.
I could go on and on and on, but this should be enough to test if I’ll get locked again. We’ll see!
19/7 2024

Goat post to top the page. Sky and Bella sitting on the platform. Luna often ends up like that, standing on the ramp. Sometimse the bigger girls just block her way, but she actually sometimes seems to just prefer to stand like this. She’ll be perched on the ramp and just chew her cud.

19/7 2024

Got and hour and a half in on the bike today. Had to push myself. Tired legs. Sun and space heater blasting. it’s a hot day in Denmark. But it felt good. And a new low on the weight. Up to 32 pounds lost since November. I am feeling that it’s getting hard to drop weight, feels a little like it’s plateauing. I’ll probably give it another week or so of working hard and if I still feel like it’s stagnating then switch to maintaining mode, because I’m okay with where I am now. And I’m really missing bread and noodles. But soup and tomatoes keep me going.
20/7 2024

Bella to the left of me, Luna to the right. Here I am stuck in the middle with goats.

20/7 2024

goatlog. With that characteristic Bella holler when she spots me.

21/7 2024

An hour fifteen on the bike today. Keeping it going going. Two days in a row. Hot days in Denmark. Today the Danish soccerball league starts up again, but just like politics I will try not to talk too much about that. Even though balls are more important than poitics, natch.
In books news, I finished Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Murakami. One of the few Murakais I had left unread. It’s a short story collection, and I must admit when it comes to his short stories I tend to zone out when listening ot the audiobooks, I find it harder to focus on them. I think i’d enjoy them more if I could read them on paper, but of course that’s not an option. There were some gems in the collection and it was good but when it comes to Murakami on audio I prefer the longer works and seeping into the weirdness.
Now I’m back to working on the early Stephen King stuff that I haven’t read yet. Started Salem’s Lot. That’s one that I’ve given a miss for a long time. All I knew about it was that it was something about vampires. And that seemed kinda trite and boring to me. But I must say, I’m loving it so far. So far it’s giving me the stuff I love about king books, setting and characters. We’ll see how the plot holds up. But so far enjoying it.
Loving the Twin Peaks rewatch too. It’s so weird and cool and funny and I just adore it. I am also reading along on forum posts from the fandom’s watch of it and it’s hilarious how divisive. Some people think it’s the worst sht and a personal affront to all TP fans. And some people love it. Luckily I fall in the lat category. I do miss oldPeaks but I loe newPeaks. Even Dougie. Especially Dougie. HellooOOoo.
Plodding along. As the world turns so does the sand through the hourglass of our young and restless lives, we’ll be right back after these massages.
21/7 2024

Always love having Luna near.

21/7 2024

What the actual fffff
I was sitting here watching the craziest end to a soccerball game ever, and then i got look on the internet and Biden has withdrawn. Jesus. That’s the weirdest 5 minutes ever.
Well, sorry. I said I wouldn’t post about soccerballs and politics, and here I go and make a post with both.
Are we sure his account wasn’t hacked or he Elongated Muskrat isn’t trolling? Well, I don’t know what’s going to happen now, but this doesn’t give me more hope for the world.
You wanna get nuts?
21/7 2024

I wish more politicians and judges and people in power had the guts to aknolwedge their limitations and act accordingly. Government weekend at Bernie’s is not a good idea. I’m a baby and I’m too old for this sh
That being said I don’t know if Biden did the right thing and it doesn’t change my outmust belief that Trump will easily win. I hope I’m wrong. Prove me wrong, old kids. Now, no more politics. And no more balls. Pinky promise.

21/7 2024


That’s all for now.

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