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Good goat times today. It was a rainy one, though. Lots of rain coming down. Around 14C/57F. So we had to stay inside. If only we could have had cup of hot cocoa to enjoy. But the company was good at least. Hopefully it will warm up again in a couple of days. There’s still some summer left. And at least the grass got some watering.
Good soup weather too. Speaking of… don’t mind if I do.
8/7 2024

Bella and Luna were in the doorway bleating for me when I arrived, But Sky was still sitting inside. Who wants to get up on a rainty day?! Nicer to stay in bed and let the kids look out for visitors.

8/7 2024

Luna watching the rain.

8/7 2024


9/7 2024

Got an hour twenty on the bike today. Legs felt good. Butt fel better, thanks to Desiree probably. Thank you for pointing out there were memory foam bike seats on sale in a Danish grocery chain. I’m not sure if it’ll make a huge difference, but trying it out today felt better than the last couple of rides. So that’s a start. Now we just need the sun back.
9/7 2024

Good goat times today. I was expecting rain, but it all fell before I got out. Instead it was a hot and humid day. Not super hot, but the humidity made it feel worse. But it was fine. Pretty quiet day, other than a big headbutting match between Sky and Luna. You know it’s getting serious when Sky starts doing the buck routine, snorting and huffing and puffing and sniffing at Luna’s rear. Silly girls.
Had some visitors too, but they stayed on the side of the fence, just fed the goats. I lugged some logs around too. Just call me the Log Lasse. Nice summery day.
10/7 2024

These are my logs. There are many like them but these ones are mine.
Okay, they’re the goats.
From the big willow score last week. Jeanette had wheelbarrowed the big ones over to the platform. I decided to drag them closer to us and see if I could do something with them. Easier said than done. The biggest one was so heavy that I couldn’t lift or drag it really. I had to raise it up to standing and push it over and then keep doing that until I was over by the fence here. For now I laid them out like this against the fence, something the oats can go on when visitors are at the fence. I’ll consider if there are better ways of using them.

10/7 2024

Speaking of the willows, the goats are still working on them. Most of the leaves and a lot of the bark has been devoured. But they will probably be working on that for ages. When they get bored or hungry they’ll start climbing into the pile, looking for good bites.

10/7 2024

Good goat times today. Lovely warm day. Up around 21C/69F. Humid again so it felt hotter. Lots of sun. Quite nice. Goats panting and lounging in the humid heat.
We had some nice visitors too. Three young boys, probably around 12-13, came by. A little older than the visitors we usually get in the morning. Jeanette was off shopping, but I let them in the pen so they could hang with the goats for a bit. One of the boys was really nice, he remembered me but I had to remind him of my name. But he was very sweet, he went and petted Sky and talked to her really sweetly. I don’t remember his name, but i’m pretty sure he’s been around before, being very sweet and friendly.
Later on we had some more regular kind of visitors, kindergarten/daycare kids. They got in the pen too and got to feed and pet the goats.
Sweet day. The only downside is that Jeanette is going on vacation now. She’ll be gone for three weeks. We’ll miss her. Hopefully everything will be fine in the goat pen, I always worry when she’s away. Not all the other staff is as caring and mindful and good with animals as she is. But it should be fine. Hope she has a nice vacation!
11/7 2024

Beautiful day in the goaterhood.

11/7 2024

Meditation in the goat pen, while Bella wonders what I’m doing and why it doesn’t involve giving her treats.
Oh and for those keeping score, I got an hour twenty in on the bike after coming home from goating. Good exercise.

11/7 2024


12/7 2024

Here’s a Luna berryfall for younknowwho
12/7 2024

I don’t know how well you can see, but here Sky is working on a couple of trees that used to be standing next to the goat house entrance. Two long thing trees. We found them lying down on the ground one morning this week. I think the big storm that passed us actually felled them, I remember seeing stuff on the news about the storm bringing down trees in the morning before I left for the goats. They were pretty frail trees, but still surrpised to see them lying on the ground in the morning.

12/7 2024

Looking for some flashbacks for the goat page and came across this one. It’s a little too short for a flashback post on the page, but I thought some o you might enjoy this bleat from Vanilje. And the end where she turns to the camera like “you better not be filming me”.
12/7 2024

I love the sound of your hair when it falls down from the pillow late at night

13/7 2024

Who’s hypnotizing whomst? Well, I’m getting sleepy anyway…

13/7 2024

There are footprints in the clouds. Waves in the horizon. High tide in the night sky.n What fire do you glimpse through the pinhole stars?
13/7 2024

Got an hour twenty five on the bike today. Hot and humid. Another little dip on the weight, trying to keep it going. I am kind of craving bread and noodles and stuff, but it’s addictive to see the pounds coming off. I will probably keep it going for another couple of weeks. And then I’ll let myself indulge in some of the things I’m missing. And then change focus to trying to maintain weight without depriving myself. I am still overweight, but my current level is pretty comfortable and if I suck in my gut I can look almost normal. Thank you to people who notice and comment on it. The trauma of being fat is still deep in me. I am sure it always will be. But it’s nice to be doing a bit better.
13/7 2024

Btw, when I got on Facebook this morning they presented me with a survey they would like me to answer about the quality of Facebook. So I let them have a piece of my mind. Haha.
Well, I tried to answer it honestly. I don’t have any confidence that they’ll care or do anything about the answers, so I didn’t put too much time into it. But it was a pretty quick one anyway.
I get a lot of value out of Facebook, specifically you all everybodies. My life wouldn’t be the same without you. There are also huge problems with Facebook, both in technical ways and in societal ways. My main gripe is still the notifications. I don’t understand how a social media site can work without letting you know that people reply or comment to you. What’s the point? Like just now I scrolled down my page and saw bunches of comments from Roxanne, none of which I’d been notified of. It’s pointless if you have to constantly scroll down your own page and look at your own old posts over and over to see if there are new comments or replies. The point of a social media site is to be social. Well among other things. And it’s like the algorithm is trying to decide which people are important to you. There are people whose comments I’ll usually be notified of, and then there are people whomst I never get notified of. I don’t want Facebook to try to guess who is important to me. I want to read all comments I get. I guess if you’re a huge celebrity and you get thousand of comments it would be handy to have hte most important pointed out to you. But then have that as a setting .Allow users to get notified of all comments, some comments, top comments, whatever. I have gone through the notification settings and tried different setups, I have not found anything that gets me notified of all comments. Instead of notifications about comments to me I’ll get notifications of other people’s posts. And look, I love you all and I wish I was better at keeping up with everyone’s posts. But I don’t want to be notified that a friend posted something. That’s what I go into the newsfeed to see. I want the newsfeed to show me posts that my friends make and I want the notifications to tell me when I get something specifically meant for me personally, like a comment or reply or tag. Sometimes people post on my profile and I get no notification, I will only see it if I happen to scroll down to look at old posts. Urgh. It annoys me more than all the bugs. I still can’t write in comment or post fields, I have to write it in a text file or in the browser address bar and then copy it down into the comment or post field.
Ok ok. I’ll shut up. Sorry bout the rant. Sometimes I wish I could quit facebook, but then the couple of times recently when my account was temporarily blocked I panic at the thought of losing all of you and all the goat history and the only social life I really have, with humans.
Thank you for being here, is what i say.
13/7 2024

Uh oh, I think Bella might be drunk.
13/7 2024

Whoah. Shocking news tonight. Trump shooter? Not sure what to think about it but… luckily it doesn’t matter what I think. And it’s bedtime now.
Hey, maybe this will make America do something about the gun problem. I guess there were no good guys with guns around?
Ugh whatever.
14/7 2024


14/7 2024

If you tolerate this then your children will be next.
This song came on my exercise mix yesterday. While i was pumping the pedals in my head I was composing one of my usual political rants. About the state of the world, the state of America. Biden and Trump. In the end, after I got off the bike, i decided not to write it out and post it. Instead I posted a funny goat video. I wish I had that kind of restraint more often.
Like now. I shouldn’t be posting this. But hey, I love the song.
And then later, just as I was getting ready to go to bed, I saw the news of the attempt on Trump’s life. i wasn’t sure what to think at first, the video seemed really fishy. But at the same time, and get ready for the my once a decade positive remark on Trump, I couldn’t believe he’d fake an attempt on his own life. That would be TOO crazy. Even for this world. And now today seeing there are people dead and all, it’s hard to argue that it wasn’t real.
Not that there isn’t still lots to argue about and lots of bullsht to be said. I didn’t even get to bed before I saw the first repubs post about a DEMOCRAT ASSASSIN and Trump being a hero. Captain Bonespurs was on stage spewing hate and endless lies and someone shot at him, that doesn’t make him a hero.
It would be interesting if you could look into the magic mirror and see the alternate universe where Biden was shot. I guarantee the repubs would claim it was stages and the dems would claim it was a repub assassin. I wonder if Trump would reach out to Biden, like Biden has reached out to Trump. I suppose he’d have to, but I can’t imagine he’d be sincere. That’s just my prejudice talking of course.
Now more than ever I am convinced that Trump will easily win the presidency. Even on a level playing field, anger and hate and the feeling that you’ve been cheated will beat the ‘hope for a better world’. The dark side is always stronger. And now the wave of anger is stronger than ever and the wall of hope is fractured beyond belief. And with Project 2025 and Trump’s actual statements and so much else, I really fear for America. There was a time some years ago when I thought we would be heading for better times because well young people are more progressive right? Now the new generations are swallowed by the same old quicksandsht and with lifetime appointments and gerrymandering and a Trump with nothing to lose, how many generations before there will be any hope at all?
Oh well. When Putin comes knocking I’ll jump in my boat and row away.
I’ll shut up now,. I could go on forever. I’ll try not to post about politics. I’ll try to regain the restraint. I just feel so very sad about the world. The future’s bleak, you’re so last week.
🎶 So if I can shoot rabbits, then I can shoot fascists 🎵

14/7 2024

Sky and Sonja hanging out. Love how Sonja lways wants to be with the goat crew.

14/7 2024


That’s all for now.

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