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Losing, Weight

If there is one thing Jesus taught us it is that you must never be meek. If you’re not shouting with a strong voice and hardhitting words then you’re not worth listening to.
All hail the golden idol and his shiny shoes.
30/6 2024

I want to sleep, but I don’t want to go to bed. I want to eat, but I’m not hungry. I want to jump off a cliff, but my wings are bruised and restrained. I want to fight with tooth and nail, but I want to give up. Feeling pulled apart by horses.
Well, in two hours it’s another month. Bye June. Halfway through the year, time to get up the christmas decorations. Put the Christ It’s Too Soon back in Christmas.
tHanks everyone for being part of the circles and squares, the geometry of XistenZ.
30/6 2024

Good goat times today. I needed that. Things have cooled down, around 17C(62F. A good deal of sunshine, and a brief rainshower as well.
It was a big day for the goats. I guess the city council was trimming the local vegetation and cut down a willow tree. Jeanette went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth, lugging branches with lots of tasty leaves into the goat pen. We got some bigger branches too and we’ll see if we can make some use out of those, something for the goats to climb on probably. But for now they were just delighted to have so much willow to munch on. Yum yum. Jeanette took like 10 trips, and she got help from some of our visitors too. A couple of kids proudly walking along with the wheelbarrow and carrying branches, throwing them in the pen. The goats will be snacking on all that for days. Lovely to see them working on that, and then settling down to relax when their bellies were full.
Now it’s time to fill my belly with some soup0.
1/7 2024

The goats enjoying their bounty of willow. And this was just the first part, there was lots more to come.

1/7 2024

Happy Canada day to my Canadian friends, eh.
Actually, happy Canada Day to all my friends.
I was just looking on twitter seeing more horrible American scotus stuff, and i actually caught myself thinking “maybe I should stop caring about America” because it seems like there’s no hope. Now of course that’s a pretty callous line of thought, and it’s not like you can just pick and choose what you care about it, in most cases. And knowing so many wonderful American friends mean I can’t not care. Also the fact that America is so important to the world and how it functions, means you can’t just ignore it.
But anyway, for a second there I was ready to say “screw America, I’m going all in on Canada now!”
I ‘m just joshing, you know I love you Murica. Most of you. some of you.
And I love you Canada. And all other countries. I love everything, everything is great. Everything’s going to be fine. What, me warty?
Countries aren’t really important to me, I’m not very patriotic either. But people are important to me, you people. So, happy day, people.
1/7 2024

More willow snacking. We dragged some of the plentiful bounty over to the platform. Always good to give the goats something to do, having to work for it a bit.

1/7 2024


2/7 2024

Been feeling kind of poopy today. But I did get an hour and a half in on the bike, so that’s good. My legs were cramping all day. I guess I didn’t stretch enough yesterday, or maybe it was the lugging willow around that did it. My legs cramp a lot if I don’t stretch. I have tried extra hydration and magnesium and other stuff, but it doesn’t seem to do much good.
Been tired today too, almost dozing off on the bike. That thing when you catch yourself slipping slipping slipping.. kept doing that. But at least I didn’t fall off. And the weight was good afterwards, so that’s motivating.
But yeah, been kind of a tired and depressed and achy day. But tomorrow’s another day, hey oh hey oh.
2/7 2024

On a sweeter note, aw Sky and Bella sitting together. The rivalry may be rising, but it’s good to see them bonding too. Bella sat down on the board first and the Sky came over to her. She’s been working on the willows and she got a willow branch stuck on her body so she ended up dragging it along, and sitting down with it, pretty funny. But sweet that she went and sat with Bella instead of on her own.

2/7 2024

Good goat times today. Another cooler day, but we had a lot of sunshine which made it feel quite nice. And we had a busy day. Jeanette ‘warned’ me in the morning, there would be lots of visitors coming. Several groups of kids, from other playgrounds I think. Jeanette told me later on that I had been recognised. There was a group from our old playground, the Yogi ground. I don’t know if it was any people I had talked to, they didn’t come over to say hi. But they told Jeanette that they recognised me. So that was fun. Fame! Well, notoriety maybe.
But yes, lots of socializing today. Jeanette started the campfire going and I was left talking to a lot of the visitors. Luring goats over to the fence so they could have a closer look and pet them. Answering questions. Later on some of the kids came into the goat pen for upclose experiences. A couple of times we were asked if Sky pregnant. Nope, still not. One adult remarked “look, it’s making goat bonbons” to which a kid replied “Those are bonbons, they’re goat poop!”. Yup, a goat scholar indeed!
Lovely day with lots of happy visitors and goats on the best behaviour. I think the change that Jeanette made to only do the feeding over the fence and then no feeding when the kids come into the pen, that has made it all go a lot smoother. The goats behave a lot better when they’re not mugging for food.
Now who do I gotsta mug for some soup around here!?
3/7 2024

Aw, Sky and Bella sitting together again. Always makes me happy. Their rivalry may be growing, but they’re getting closer too. Like two old ma’ams with their bratty Luna baby running around.

3/7 2024

And aww again again. I hope you’re not sick of pictures of Bella and Sky sitting together, because i enjoy them. This time, unlike the other times, it was Bella who walked over to a sitting Sky and sat down next to her. The queen and the crown princess. What does that make Luna? The court jester?

3/7 2024

The goaties working on some of the remaining willow goodness.

3/7 2024

Happy furth of July to my American friernds, and their humans too. Hope it’s a good day and everyone stays safe. I know I talk shirt about you a lot, but it’s only because I care. And because I’m a jerk.
4/7 2024

A new book report.
I finished Carrie, that was a pretty quick read. It’s a great idea, but it did feel a bit.. oldfashioned. Some of the ‘found media’ at the end dragged a bit, I guess that stuff was more novel at the time. It’s a classic and a beginning. I think if King had written it today he would have gone on for a lot longer, for better and worse. I read The Institute last year in which he also dealt with telekinetic kids. That one went a lot longer.
After that I went on to my first dip into the works of Harlan Ellison. I have for a long time been meaning to read I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream. Finally got to it. I was a little surprised that what I had was actually a short story collection. I think I knew that Mouth was a short stroy, but it was shorter than I had thought. After waiting for so long to get to it, it felt like it was over too quickly. I guess I had built it up a lot in my head. Just the title. I have always been fascinated by that title. In fact I first heard it back in the 90s when a computer game was released by that name, Ellison wrote on that one himself. It was a point’n’click adventure, a genre I have a deep love for. I never actually got to play the game back then, but from the first time I read it that title has stuck with me. It’s so evocative and brilliant. In fact it’s only a couple of days ago I think that I wrote on twitter “I have no mouth and I must eat soup”. I know, I’m very clever, I’m the Ellison of my generation. I’m also modest and good looking and have an almost fanatical devotion to the pope.
Aaanyway. Although I wish it had been longer, I did enjoy the story. In fact I enjoyed the whole collection, so I should probably read some more Ellison.
Now I have moved onwards to continue filling out the holes in early Stephen King works. Currently reading Rage, one of the Bachman books, and apparently somewhat controversial. I can see whay so far, with the school shooter motif. Although that kind of stuff can’t really be controversial anymore, right? It’s mainstream and accpted in America so. Again, happy 4th of July!
On the TV front I have started watching the new Star Wars show The Acolyte. The first episodes were a little mixed. I haven’t watched the one that just came out, but the one before that was really great, some of the light saber combat we’ve seen in Star Wars since.. well maybe the origianl movies. And Jason Mendoza is in it! I mean..Manny Jacinto. When I first saw him I couldn’t remember where I knew him from. It kind of blew my mind when I realised, it’s Jason from The Good Place! Oh boy. I love Jacinto, I love him in The Good Place and I love him in The Acolyte. He’s been really cool so far.
The main problem with The Acolyte is that it’s really grating on me how Star Wars has become cultural battleground. The Woke / Antiwoke war is raging and Star Wars fandom is more toxic than ever. The Acolyte has female, gay people, coloured people. I know, it’s an outrage! How dare they ! Disney ruined everything! I can accept giant space snails but black gay women who can use the force?! How unrealistic!
I could go on forever about some of the dumb coomplaints people have about the show, and Star Wars under Disney in genereal. But I’ll shut up now. I’m sad that this stuff is ruining some of my love for Star Wars. I miss the old days when it was just fun, instead of bigotry and stupidity. Disney has made mistakes, but the people who think George Lucas is infallible are whack. You can go all the way back to the first movie where you had twins in a romance and Vader being a lapdog to militiary personal, Kenobi talking sht some of which was planned to lies and some of which definitely wasn’t. From the very beginning Star Wars was full of plotholes and retcons and silly stuff. The franchise becoming inclusive and diverse is not making it worse.
No storrY I promised to shut up. Bortles!
4/7 2024


5/7 2024

Watch me move the camera with my amazing Force powers of my mind.
Or, maybe it was Luna.
5/7 2024


Oh Luna. She’s such a sweetheart. She has started doing this new thing. When I’m sitting on the ground, which I like to do to be on goat level, she’ll walk over to me and stand next to me, but not just next to me. She’ll almost stand either on my legs or over my legs. It reminds me of how she will very often sit down right up against me. It’s like she just want to be near me, which is obviously a wonderful feeling.
When she stands like that with her body over my legs, I can just put my arms around her. And recently if I give her a little push down on the tush she’ll sit down in my lap. Usually when I have wanted lapgoat time iwth her I’d have to grab her and place her in my lap. But like this it’s like she just settles down in my lap on her own. She’s a doll.

5/7 2024

Got an hour twenty on the bike today. Worn down legs. But great result on the scales afterwards. Getting close to the lowest weights I ever had in the time since I started noting it down in 2013. Down 30ish pounds since November now. So that’s pretty alright. Haven’t had a bad blood sugar measuring since I dropped bread. So that’s motivating, on a cold and depressed day. Keep on keeping a fish called Wanda.
6/7 2024

Hey Keiko, this is the Willard Scott clip I mentioned the other day. It even has a strawberry appearance!
6/7 2024

pending the night listening to some Rob Hubbard, as you do.
And if you don’t know who he is, then you probably didn’t have a Commodore 64 in the 80s or 90s. And look, I wish I could fix you. But some things are beyond even my powers.

6/7 2024


7/7 2024

Hanging on to Luna.

7/7 2024

One with Bella.

7/7 2024

Oh Lost.
I miss those beach scenes. Lost is my favourite show of all time, I love the whole run, even the ending. I love the craziness and the offtherailkness. But there was something special about that season 1. When it was so new and fresh, it was an ensemble cast, they were just castaways on a strange island. The mysteries were just little things building. What’s in the hatch, what’s the sound in the jungle, was Ethan not on the plane?! Later on it went nuts with time travel and alternate dimensions and all that craziness. There is a part of me that wishes the show could have stayed more like that, more grounded. The first season was simpler and magical. It was the most expensive pilot too, I don’t know if that record still stands. But it was just.. special. I don’t think any tv show, or anything else, will capture that feeling it gave me back then. It’s a different time now, a different world, a different me.
When I’m done with the Twin Peaks rewatch I think I’ll start a lost rewatch. It’s been too many years since I last watched it. I need to go back.

7/7 2024


That’s all for now.

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