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Good goat times today. It’s the day before christmas. Jeanette’s last day before heading off for vacation for a week and a half. Hope we can make it through without her!
It was a very wet day. Thankfully no real rain while I was out, but the ground was really muddy and wet. Lots of goats standing around on rocks and buckets, trying to stay off the ground.
I did some photoshooting. Which you may see the result of tomorrow. If you’re on the good list.
There’s also a change in the goat pen. But I’ll show you that with photos later.
And Red Sonja joined us for a while. Apparenttly one of the new hens looks a lot like Sonja. But Jeanette can tell who’s Sonja because she’s always standing at the gate begging to be let out. Aw. Love how she runs up to us when she comes out.
Did I mention last week that Jeanette took me down to the coop to see the new hens? I think I forgot to mention that. It was just a quick looksee, and because it was inside and not well lit I couldn’t get the best look at them. But it was nice just to get introduced. We’ll have to see next year if they come out and join us eventually, while Jeanette is around to make sure they’re safe.
After Jeanette left today, and we wished our merry christmasses, some visitors dropped by. Not sure if it was a family or a daycare group. But they came to the fence and asked if it was okay if they came in and met the goats. So they came in and got to pet Sky for a bit, while Bella and Luna decided that it was too muddy for them to join the fun. But that was nice.
I should probably get some soup now I should, probably. Now.
23/12 2024

I hope we can all still stay friends when Denmark and America go to war over Greenland.
23/12 2024

Notice anything new? No, same old Sky. But we got two new podiums. Or platforms. They were originally used inside the club house, where kids and young people come after school. Apparently they were used in a cinema room, for watching movies. But they wanted something else in there, and Jeanette told them not to throw these things out. Get them in the goat pen. So now we have two new platform things. Not sure if this will be their final placement, we’ll see about that. There were goat berries on them, so they’ve already been in use. I had a hard time getting the goats to come down to them today, because the ground was so wet and muddy. I got Sky and Luna down to them. Bella just plainly refused. She jumped on the little rock and stood up there and looked down at us like “Shirley you must be joking, I am not coming down there. Dry out the ground and I’ll consider it”. But hopefully these new platforms will get some good use when the weather gets better. Goats love having stuff to jump on.

23/12 2024

Here we have Luna down on the new podium. Sky in the middleground. And Bella perched on the rock. She would not move from that rock no matter how much I tried luring her down to the podiums with treats and sounds. “Roll out a carpet for me if you want me to come down from this mountain top, human”.

23/12 2024

Bella on the rock. She stood there for ages and refused to come down to the new podiums.
All the goats spent most of the time standing on things, when they were out of the house. Very muddy and with pools of water around too. Come on, springtime. Get here soon.

23/12 2024

Sky spent a lot of time on the rock too. This was first thing in the morning. I was there while it was still dark. But the lamp post behind the goat house was actually on. I don’t think it’s been on befoe when I was there in the dark… it lit up the outside of the goat house very well, as you can see. Without that light, this would have been a very dark photo. Inside the goat house it was still pitch dark no lights in there.

23/12 2024

Ho ho hoes, merry holidays from the grinch who stole soupmas. Hope you all get what you wished for, or just what you need or deserve. Yule never make a donkey out of me!

24/12 2024

Good christmastimes today. The usual old tradition. Off to my parents’s place to celebrate with them and my brother. As we hobble around with our maladies. Peter was popping pain pills, which I’ve never seen before. Not sure if they’ve nailed down the cause of his problems yet, dad was speculating he may end up needing a new hip. And dad of course, his alzheimer’s progressing. We had something that could have been a Python sketch as he kept forgetting what we had just agreed about the cab ride for our home trips. Every time we’d agreed that we’d go to my place and let me out first, he’d ask where we were going first. It’s not funny of course, it’s hard to see. But he’s still active and coping fairly well, getting out of the house and doing things. Even though he’s getting physically more frail too. And mom has mobility issues still, after more or less breaking her back, but at least she doesn’t seem to have gotten worse over the last year.
Not so sure about my self. My lung and rib issues seems to have cleared up more or less, but my back pain is still up and down. Generally the last couple of weeks have been better after a long rough period, but there are good and bad days. And of course my eyesight got worse this year, but the new glasses have helped.
So that’s the family issues. I spent some time trying to fix the printer, which we bought a few months ago and which hasn’t been working for a month or more. I managed to change the ink cartridges, which they hadn’t been able to do themselves. But unfortunately I couldn’t get it to print, there seems to be something wrong with the paper intake. Every time we tried to print it made loud noises like an old man coughing his lungs out in a dust storm. They may need to get a new one, again. Frustrating I couldn’t make it work.
But I got to watch my Disney show, and we had our roast and our risalamande dessert. No one got the whole almond. Mom said she hadn’t put one in this year, but I suspect this was just a ruse so she could keep the prize for herself. I’m on to her!
Now back home to relax. Going to watch the snl christmas special, maybe Scrooged later on.
Hope you’re all doing well and having a jolly time, wether you celebrate today or tomorrow or not at all. Thank you for all the kindness you show me and my family and the goats. You’re the gift that keeps on giving, I don’t even want a receipt cos I’m not going to exchange you.
24/12 2024

Egg nog hangover is a real thing.
I’m not saying if it’s Luna or me who is afflcttted.

25/12 2024

Merry christmas also to the Keiko level subscribers. As followers of the goat page may have seen, I had Luna wear the santa hat too. And here is our little Luna elf delivering some christmas ‘treats’.
Shoutout to my dad for getting me the santa hats on pretty short notice. Even with his hardships, he is still going above and beyond.
I didn’t think I was going to do any christmassy stuff with the goats this year, but then I thought that since Luna was so good about letting me put the collar on her, maybe she’d let me put a hat on her too.
Oh and the collar? It has been gone for a couple of weeks. She constantly managed to ditch it and we’d find it lying around in the pen. But this time it seems to be gone. She may have buried it somewhere to be rid of it.
Anyway. I knew Bella wouldn’t let me put a hat on her. and rightly so. Just a step or two in her direction, holding the hat, and she started backing away. She knows what’s up and she’s not having it. And Sky? Foggedabout it. I came out of the goat house and put the hat on my own head and Sky immediately started bleating and running down the hill like “I’m not taking any part in this, I’m outta here, call me when he’s done”. She doesn’t not like unfamiliar things and definitely does not want to wear anything.
But Luna, she’s such a sweet and friendly and trusting girl. No problem getting the hat on her. If I ever wanted to do funny goat dressup pics, she would definitely be the model. I don’t know who designed that hat though. It’s way too long. Even for a human like me, I don’t like the ball hanging down so low, don’t say it please. And on a little goat it’s kind of ridonkeylous. The hat is taller than she is!
But she does make for a cute little goat elf.
25/12 2024

As close as I got to Sky with the santa hat. Only after wearing it for a while and giving out apples and treats did she let me get near, but no smooches and not too near. I think ti’s Bell on the rock watching us.

25/12 2024

Considering putting a googly eye over my dead eye, as you can tell I’m great fun at parties.
25/12 2024

Once I put the santa hat on and assured Bella that I wasn’t going to make HER wear it, she was pretty okay with the hat.

26/12 2024

Good goat times today. I wasn’t sure if I was going to go today. My sleep pattern has exploded from christmas and I’m bloated from seasonal unhealthy snacks. Not feeling great. But, I had to go check on the goaties. I always worry about them over the holidays, and with Jeanette on vacation they need some extra attention.
And they were all good. It was still dark when I got there. All three were inside, not up yet. Sky was sitting by the hatch window, her safe escape route in case of trouble.
So we just hung out for a couple of hours, no visitors today. I went over and said hi to Red Sonja too. She was out in their fenced area, walking back and forth like she was begging to be let out. The newfeathers still cooped up inside the.. coop. I don’t think they even go out in their outside area yet, still getting used to their new home.
So the year is winding down, and the soup is cooking up.
26/12 2024

Last Christmas, photos. I gave you my berries, but the very next day you swept them away. This year to save me from bleats, I’ll poop in your bed instead, tra la la.
Okay I’m no Keiko. I’ll stick to my day job.

26/12 2024

Luna at breakfast. It always amuses me when they get down like that with their rear in the air. Like me with a pot of soup.

26/12 2024

Love my Sky girl.

26/12 2024

Woke up with a hurty throat. I’ve used my mouth spray and taken a lozenge, and it seems to have helped a bit. But still a bit hurty. Maybe I should apply soup.
Otherwise I’m feeling fine, hopefully it won’t get much worse. just gonna take it easy breezy berry squeazy .
27/12 2024

Been napping most of the day. Feeling pretty tired, slightly woozy. Throat is hurting, but the spray and lozenges are doing a fine job keeping it bearable.
I will keep you all updated on Baby Lasse’s condition.
While I’m doing the Bitching & Moaning, allow me to complain about my hands. I have cuts on fingers on both hands and it’s really annoying. They’re not bad cuts, they don’t hurt constantly. But they’re in positions that keep getting bothered when handing things, and you know it’s hard to not handle things. Unless you are really flexible with your feet, you kinda have to use your hands.
And don’t get me started on the fireworks. It’s illegal to fire off fireworks before the 31st WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY PEOPLE I CANT EV
okay, shut up me.
I think I may sleep through the weekend.
27/12 2024

Seeing Viggo Mortensen speaking Danish makes me proud to be a hobbit.
27/12 2024

Feeling tired. Very tired. But otherwise not too bad. I’m really glad I discovered the mouth spray about a year or more ago. A couple of times I’ve had the feeling of a sore throat rising, and I feel like using the mouth spray is really saving me from a lot of throat pain during these bouts. I may be psychosomatic maybe there would have been no pain even without using the spray. But it says it’s clincally proven to be effective, and I believe it cos I’m a sucker like that. My throat is feeling almost normal, and without the spray I don’t think that would be the case.
but whatever the case, ima cook up some soup and maybe have more naps.
28/12 2024

Sky and Bella goat posing.

28/12 2024

If I were to appear on The Price Is Right,
what would I be valued at?
Closest guess without going over wins.
28/12 2024


29/12 2024

So tired. So very tired. Even after a 3 hour nap. Absolutely zero energy right now.
Might need another nap. And then betime.
But at least my throat isn’t really hurting, in spray we trust.
29/12 2024

29/12 2024

Is it 2025 yet? *rolls over in bed*
29/12 2024

For the Keiko level subscribers, there’s Bella.
29/12 2024

Rest in peace Jimmy Carter. I must admit I don’t know much about him and his presidency. Alls I know is as you watch all the other presidents of recent history being more or less horrible or problematic, I kept seeing stories about him building houses for poor people. He seemed like the kind of person you’ll never ever see running a country again because we can’t have nice things.
Just looked for 20 seconds on twitter and already seen people both on the left and the right making snarky comments using his death to jokingly put down the other side. No room for decency anymore.
29/12 2024


That’s all for now.

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