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I had planned to go see the goats today. But I am still so very tired. Feeling okay other than that, thank the spray. But just deadly tired. Might sleep the rest of the year away. Maybe sleep 2025 away too, why not.
Hopefully the goats are doing okay. I always worry most about them around new year’s. But in the 20 years (can you even believe it) that I have been goating, we’ve never had anything bad happen around new year’s. So hopefully that will ontinue to be the case. And Jeanette and I will be back and we can get back to the good goat routine and hopefully all be happy.
Now I’m going to get me some soup. Soup is better when you’ve been out in the cold, but soup is always good. Soup understands. Soup is the way.
30/12 2024

Hey hey. Thank you so much Deborah Ladd for the lovely card! You always make such lovely ones. With goats and Jeanette, the good things in life. Happy seasonal time!

30/12 2024

I have watched the second season of The Lord Of The Rings The Rings Of Power the last few days.
A lot of people talk trash about it but I quite like it. I think it helps that I haven’t actually read Tolkien since I was a kid, or t least young. If you’re Tolkien purist then you’re probably going to be upset at things they get wrong. But I mainly remember LOTR for the Peter Jackson movies now really. And even that is 20 years ago now. And people were upset at the things they got wrong too.
Anyway, The Rings Of Power. The writing isn’t always the best some things are kind of dumb. But it’s fun and cool and I enjoy a big budget Tolkien world.
All that being said, what I wanted to get to was Tom Bombadil. When I read, before the season, that they were going to do Tom Bombadil I thought to myself I thought “Wow, that’s a mistake. That’s going to be a disaster”. But, I think he worked fairly well. Not perfect Tolkien purists probably hate the portrayal. But he’s such a weird character and hard to include, which is why Peter Jackson didn’t have him in his movies.
Noow, I’m getting to the point. What I really appreciated about The Rings Of Power’s depiction of Tom Bombadil was… that he had sheep and goats! In fact his first line in the show is “I see you found the goat”. So, you know. I gotta love that.
It’s funny how my ears perk up whenever there’s goat bleating in a movie or tv show I’m watching. I hear the song of my people. Now why didn’t they make rings for the goats? Three rings for the elves, 7 for the dwarves, 9 for mortal men. YEAH WHAT ABOUT THE GOATS. The lord of the berries.
Okay that is all.
30/12 2024

I’m thinking of a destination wedding.
The destination is eternal solitude and crushing loneliness.
30/12 2024

Nothing like a good 13 hour sleep to get ready for a big party.
Pizza and youtube, then? Sounds right.
31/12 2024

Well, it’s been a year. It certainly has.
Hope you all have a happy New Year’s Eve. Hope all the animals get through okay. I don’t like NYE, the constant explosions, the smell of gunpowder, the noise and ruckuss. It might be my least favourite day of the year. When I was a kid there was a thrill of doing fireowrks, of watching the traditional 90 Års Fødselsdag short on tv, watching the clock count down.
Now, I only register the midnight because the constant explosions increase to a thundering crescendo, just sitting here hoping nothing hits my apartment, worrying about the goats. I just want it over.
But I hoe you all have a good night.
It’s been a strange year for me in some ways. There are probably 3 major headlines for my year, three things that stand out.
First off, my weight loss. Losing 50 pounds. That was a journey. A fun journey. A satisfying jounrey. Getting down to weight that I have never been close to in my adult life before. From a life of being overweight to being.. close to normal weight. That’s a good feeling. Now I have definitely put on weight over the holidays. And probably more than i should. But so it goes, so it alwys goes. I don’t do new year resolutions, but it is definitely my ambition to first off get my eating back under control. Get back to the exercise scheudle. First the chest/lung thing had me slow down and now I’ve been sickish and lacking in motivation for a week’s time or so. So I need to get back to the proper living. My hope is to drop the weight I’ve put on and then to drop more and get even skinnier. Starting from a position that’s already lighter than i’ve been most of my adult life should make it possible to get even lower. I don’t want to obsess about it, but I’d like to add 10-15 pounds to the 50 lost last year. That’s the hope.
Second major thing of the year has been my father’s health decline. It has been hard to witness. Physiaclly he’s getting weaker and the alzheimer is getting worse. He’s still functioning, still coming over, getting out most days, keeping in good spirits. Accepting of the reality of the situation. But is difficult and draining, and the future is scary. Along with all the health problems of our family in general.
The third is the recent hierarchy change in the goat group. We had a lovely summer with lots of warm and sunny days and just hanging out together. But now things are a lot more complicated. I can’t just sit down with all three goats and relax, now it’s a constant struggle to make sure everyone is included and that Sky still gets her fair share of everything. She’s my special girl and all that I have left of the old days. So she’s my priority. And it just makes things harder. And I hate seeing her having to retreat. Being with the goats is al ot less carefree now, although it is still my source of happiness and wellbeing. Love the goats and so glad to have Jeanette there with us too.
And the world in general? Just continuing down the same path, a world I don’t really want to be a part of. War and fascism and unkindness and depravited. No real hope of any good change any time soon. The worst kinds of people are being empowered. But I won’t ramble on about all that now. You know how I feel.
I am still suffering from a lot of depression and pain. Don’t really want to be here, but here I am. Here we are.
Thank you all for the love and kindness and support, for being there and caring about me and the goats. You help make it bearable. I hope 2025 will bring you good things. Happy New Year. Skål.
31/12 2024

Well, it’s 2025. So far not a lot to report.
My brother is going to have hip surgery on Monday, if all goes to plan. Hopefully that will go well, he’s been suffering from a lot of pain I know. Let’s hope 2025 will be the end of that.
So far I have spent most of the year napping and watching The Lord Of The Rings. The Fellowship Of The Ring. Watching The Rings Of Power got me in a tolkien mood. I never watched The Hobbit trilogy. So, i’m going to rewatch the Lord trilogy and then watch the Hobbit trilogy. Not in one go of course. I forgot the extended versions were 4 hours long. I don’t have the attention span for that these days! But that’s the nice thing about watching it on the computer. I can pause it and go and check bluesky an watch a dumb youtube video and then go back to the movie.
I’m sure Tolkien purists can find a lot of flaws in the Jackson movies, but I sure do love them. I remember buying the special editions on DVD and drowning in the extra material, loving it all. The music is so wonderful, it looks so wonderful. The cast is wonderful. Ian McKellen’s Gandalf makes me happy. And there are goats in the Shire! Of ourse there would be. It’s funny, The Fellowship Of The Ring came out in 2001. That means the first time I watched it, hearing goats would have meant nothing to me really. In 2001 I didn’t know goats would be the defining thing about the coming decades for me. Back then goats were just another thing. Like fiyr hydrants and apples and people wearing hats and the tingling in your nose before a sneeze. Just another thing that means nothing special unless you’re interacting with it in the particular moment. Now goats are my everything in my thoughts every day. Everything else is unreal and unimportant. I can’t even remember the last time I saw a fire hydrant. Do they still exist at all? Is it all digital now? I don’t know. Pretty sure apples are real. Cos I feed them to goats.
Anyway, I think most people are in 2025 by now? Or just abouts. Hope you’ve all had a safe night. And that the year will bring you good things. May the road take you to good places.
1/1 2025

Fucks sake.
It didn’t take long for 2025 to do its thing. New year, same shit. So sad for the people in New Orleans. For everyone.
An attack with vehicle and guns. I would not be surprised if they banned cars before guns. In some states it’s probably harder to get a driving license than a gun license.
But on the bright side, it’s not like this will be the last one. Odds are it won’t be the deadliest one.
Not enough informtion out to really say much yet, but that’s not going to stop people politicizing it of course.
Fucking humanity.
Don’t worry, you’ll be safe and have cheap grtoceries soon. As Jesus said, let the worl burn as long as I’m safe.
And so on and so forth.
Ugh. I can’t stand this world. I’ll be in the Shire if you need me.
1/1 2025

Haven’t been feeling good today.
My sleep rhythm is all whacked out.
And then starting the day with the horribleness in New Orleans.
And I have been in pain since yesterday. My back. It’s different than my usual back pain. Normally that goes away when I sit down or do certain things. But this thing has been persistant. Lower in the back than usual too.
I finally just took some painkillers about an hour ago, and thanfully they helped. After 30 minutes or so I could feel the pain melt away. Such a relief. But hopefully this isn’t a new permanent development. I did a new variant of core exercise before I got up yesterday, it’s the only thing I can think of that might have caused this. Hopefully it will go back to ‘just the regular pain’ soon.
I have also had stomach problems, probably because I’ve been snacking pretty badly yesterday. Oh let’s just celebrate New Year’s with bad food, what could go wrong.
Anyway. I am still lucky compared to many people. Hopefully I will feel okay to go goating soon, i need to see the goats.
Hope you’re all doing okay out there, that you got into the new year safely. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy new year. As always I’m thankful to have the fb community to keep me, relatively, sane.
1/1 2025

Good goat times today. I managed to get out. So good to see the goats again. They got over New Year’s just fine, thankfully. And good to see Jeanette back from vacation. She had lots to do today. We’ve had a ton of rain and the bunny house was flooded. There was a big pond in front of the gate to the goat pen too, and in other places. And ice too. It was freezing. Little spots of snow here and there. Brr.
I had to watch out for the ice on my walk there and back. Had a couple of “slipnslide and flail arms to regain balance” moments. And one moment when I slid on some ice and I didn’t realie that the ice kept going, so I skated forward and didn’t know when I’d stop. Thankfully I stayed on my feet.
And other than that not too much going on, just hanging out with the goats and trying to get back into the rhythm of things. Back on track hopefully.
And the track includes soup, so I’m going to slide into a pot of that.
2/1 2025

It’s getting cold out here.

2/1 2025

Nice to see the sun coming up. Sorry bout the misty lens. That’s what happens when it’s freezing.

2/1 2025

Sky watching Jeanette at work.

2/1 2025


3/1 2025

Did you know that in Danish the book “Dune” is called “Klit”?
They more you now.
3/1 2025

Bella and two butts.

3/1 2025

Got an hour on the bike today. Good to get back on that. After a few stops and starts. Had the lung thing, then it was holidays, then I was sick. Always lots of excuses! I’ll do my best to keep a steady routine now. Back to regularly scheduled goat and exercise routine. Back on track, hopefully.
And also soup. Let there be soup.
4/1 2025

I haven’t mentioned it, but the platform inside fell further down. Something must have given way. Well, I tried raising it back up. You can see on the right I got some pavement tiles stacked. It kinda works. Nice to have the platform a little higher again. I think Jeanette may want to use the blocks for something else though, so I’m not sure if this will be permanent. Bella was checking it out in the top pic. And the bottom one shows how it didn’t take Luna long to use the newly raised platform to get back to standing in the trough along the wall. She loved stepping onto there, but she couldn’t do it when the platform was so low to the ground.

4/1 2025

Well, I have some really sad news that I have to share. I actually found out before christmas, but I didn’t feel like really dealing with the thoughts over the holidays, and to be honest there was a part of me that wondered if maybe I just shouldn’t tell you. But I know those who care about the goats would want hear the good as well as the bad.
Unfortunately the sweet girl Lily has passed away. Those of you who have been following us since the old place will remember her. She was the mother of Nuller. When we had to leave the old playground, those two and Sassy moved to a new home, to stay with the neighbours of Jeanette. And Jeanette told me the sad news.
They don’t know what the cause was. Sassy and Nuller also got sick or were doing poorly. And the vet couldn’t figure out what was wrong with them. So the new owners eventually packed up the goats and drove to Copenhagen to a specialist place. I appreciate that they did that. We are on the mainland, Jutland, and Copenhagen is on the island of Zealand. The transport there would not be cheap and easy really, it’s not something you’d do if you didn’t really care about their wellbeing. So I’m glad they did that for Sassy and Nuller. Both of them are doing much better now. Nuller apparently had some kind of infection. I am not completely sure of the timeline and details, if Lily passed away and Sassy maybe got depressed over that? I think Sassy was Lily’s mother, but I am not completely sure about that. Anyway, I am not sure if their problems were all connected or if it were individual problems or what. But what I know is that Sassy and Nuller are back at their new home and doing well. And that Lily is unfortunately passed.
It’s so sad. She was a really sweet girl. A great mother to Nuller and always loving. I am not sure how old she was when they came to stay with us in 2019, but I would guess a couple of years. So she would have been around 6 or 7 years old probably when she passed. Much too soon.
I hope she had a good life. I tried my best to give her one while we were together. I still feel awful and selfish for letting the three of them go, but I know that it was not my choice. It was not up to me. It’s just painful to have to say goodbye. And I feel so bad for getting them used to having a crazy human friend showering them with attention and treats, and then taking it away. I believe their new home is a good one where they’re loved and cared for, but I am sure it’s not the same. As with Milo. I hope he is doing well and happy. But I’m sure it’s not the same. And it physically pains me to let that thought in my head. I can’t help but feel I let them down.
I hope the good I do for them makes somewhat up for the things that are out of my control. Many goats, and animals in general, have much worse lives. I just wish I could have them all close for all time, my own sanctuary or whatever. I wish I could keep them safe and happy.
That’s not how the world works, though. Sometimes you’re forced to let go, even if you don’t want to.
Rest in peace, Lily. Thank you for the sweet times you gave me. And for the life you gave to Nuller. See you again some day, I hope.
4/1 2025

Thank you everyone.
5/1 2025

I am not sure why people are getting my 2024 photo album served to them apparently? Or the photo from last year’s big snow storm. Don’t feel like you have to look at all that old stuff. I am not sure why fb is pushing it to people. Algorithm may be brunk.
Thank you all for looking at my stuff over the years. I appreciate being able to share some cute stuff. A whole album of 445 pics is a little much though.
5/1 2025

Sunshine on Sky. Hope we’ll get more sun soon, though the forecast does not look promising. But when you consider that one year ago I was trekking through a huge snowstorm, I guess I shouldn’t complain.

5/1 2025


That’s all for now.

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