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Good goat times today.
Brutally cold.
When I got there Jeanette told me it had been -10C/14F when she left home, and she actually had considered calling me and telling me to come in later today to avoid the worst cold. I had already had the same thought, and I could have been there an hour earlier than I was, but I thought I’d postpone going out a little. It was still around -7C/19F when I got out.
Too forking cold.
But it was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine. Which helped. Around noon it was up about 0/32.. Felt positively tropical after that morning.
With the bitter cold and the bitter depression in my head, there was a part of me that just wanted to stay home in bed. But I couldn’t do that, because I’d promised I’d be there today to help with hoof trimming.
Yes, the goats got their feet did today. I helped Jeanette and Anna get it done. Last time we had chased the goats around to get them. This time we were smarter about it. Put their feeding buckets inside for breakfast and closed the doors. Bella and Luna was in the big bedroom and Sky was in the smaller antechamber. We did Sky firs and then let her out. Then got Luna into the antechamber and did her and let her out. And then finally Bella.
It went fine. Surprisingly Bella took it best. She can be quite skittish and very smart and fierrce. But she laid with her head in my lap and it almost seemed like she went to sleep, she was snoring up a storm. Also, apparently she farted. Haha. Jeanette and Anna couldn’t help laughing because it smelled so bad. “You have the luckier end on this one” Anna said, as I was holding Bella’s head and not the other end.
Sky and Luna were shivering a lot while it went on, seemed more scared. But I did my best to soothe them, and they did just fine. When we let Bella out after she was done, Sky and Luna were down in the bushes together in the sun, snacking.
Now it’s done and they don’t have to worry about that for a while.
Later on were all just lounging in the sunshine. Felt good after that morning.
And now some hot soup will feel even better.
17/2 2025

Sky relaxing in the sunshine after the ordeal of the brutally cold morning and the heinous hoof trimming persecution.

17/2 2025

My brother didn’t come home today, but it sounds like the plan is for him to go home tomorrow. His infection numbers are coming down, so that’s good. But they still don’t know what the cause was. They have ruled out some things like covid and meningitis, they have scanned his kidneys and head. But they can’t figure out what it is. I’m just worried he’ll go home and then infection will rise again. But I guess we have to trust the doctors. And hopefully he’ll be over it now.
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts.
17/2 2025


17/2 2025

For the premium subscribers, the blooper reel has been updated.
18/2 2025

Got an hour fifty on the bike today. Trying to work up some heat. It’s not as cold as yesterday, but it’s still too cold. If AI is so powerful, why can’t it make it Spring now?! You’re useless to me, USELESS.
I have to travel back in time and murder some dinosaurs and step on some butterflies in the hopes that it will transform future Denmark into a tropical climate.
Don’t think i won’t.
18/2 2025

Well there’s news about my brother. Sounds like he’s doing okay. And tomorrow he’s going to be enrolled into a rehabilitation high scchool. Now, google translate says that the English translation of “højskole” is high school. I don’t think that’s quite right? I mean, høj is high. But I think in America high school is a thing that everyone just goes to as part of their normal education, assuming you go to school and all. Right? Højskole is something is not like that, maybe more like boarding school? Anyway, he’s going to be living there for I think 4-5 weeks. So, that will be good hopefully. He’s going to get help with the physical rehab after the hip surgery, and hopefully he’ll be monitored and take care of. I don’t think they have found out why he got struck down so hard with infection, but I suppose it was connected to the surgery. Anyway, at least there’s a plan and supervision. So hooves crossed he can move forward now. I just hope he doesn’t end up back in intensive care.
I must admit it has been heavily on my mind, but seems like it has turned out okay.
18/2 2025

I watched the big Saturday Night Live 50th anniversary special tonight. Somewhat to my surprise, I really liked it a lot. SNL is always a mixed bag, so I wasn’t expecting too much. But it had a lot of the right posts for me. Maybe it’s just because I love nostalgia so much. Seeing lots of old cast members and hosts and recurring characters, it was pretty lovely. And pretty funny. Thumbs up from me.
I know a lot of people think it sucks these days, and sometimes it does. My biggest problem is when they do a big cast change, because I can’t connect faces and names and people very well, it gets hard to know who’s who. And for me that’s a big part of what I like about snl, getting to know cast members and seeing what they do. It took me SO long to tell Beck Bennett and Mikey Day apart.
I am sure if you watched snl from the beginning then the current stuff is probably awful. Kids these days, etc. I have tried to go back and look at the first seasons, but I find it hard when I don’t have the nostalgia for it. I started rewatching old episodes last year and I think I started at season 13. Maybe some time I’ll go back to the earlier stuff, but right now I just want to get to the stuff I remember.
And i’m just about there. My earliest memories of snl is when my family got cable. I don’t think they ever showed snl on regular Danish tv, but on cable channels I saw some. And the earliest memory I have is ‘the gap girls’ at the beach. Specifically Farley, appearing as a girl and then breaking out in a loud growling DONT MESS WITH ME IM STARVING bit. So that was around when I watched it first. Spade and Sandler and Farley and those guys.
But the first time I really became a fan was around the time of Will Ferrell. I always loved him. And Kristen Wiig. That’s when I started watching it every time and following the show. I’m not sure how highly regarded those years are, but I loved them. And from there I was watching. I miss Fred Armisen and Will Forte and Sudekis and McKinnon and Cecily and Hader. The Lonely Island digital shorts. Got a lot of that good nostlagia from the 50th anniversary.
These days the episodes are kind of mixed, some good some bad skits. The last episode with Chalamet was probably my favourite of the season, I pretty much liked all the sketches in that one. And Weeken Update still amuses me every time. The cast is just too big now, and I can’t tell people apart. I love Sarah Sherman, she’s fun and weird. I appreciate that. And Bowen. The rest of the cast it will probably take me 5 years to get to know, and then they’ll be replaced. By AI cyborgs, because The Future Soon.
Yeah yeah, just like snl this post is a mixed bag and most people probably tuned out after the monologue.
18/2 2025

The first time it was a tragedy
The second time is a farce
Outside it’s 1933 so I’m hitting the bar
But I don’t know what’s going on anymore
The world outside is burning with a brand new light
But it isn’t one that makes me feel warm
Don’t go mistaking your house burning down for the dawn
Don’t go mistaking your house burning down for the dawn
If I was of the greatest generation I’d be pissed
Surveying the world that I built slipping back into this
I’d be screaming at my grandkids: “We already did this”
Be suspicious of simple answers
That shit’s for fascists and maybe teenagers
You can’t fix the world if all you have is a hammer

19/2 2025

Sky, the mountain goat.

19/2 2025


19/2 2025

An executive order to grant yourself complete executive power.
Is that like using your one wish to wish for more wishes?
Anyway, I’m ignoring politics so I’m not going to make a rant about it. Shoutout to everyone fighting the good fight. I don’t know where you find the strength.
19/2 2025

Good goat times today. Temperatures up a bit. But still only barely 1C(33F. And with a bitterly cold wind that made it feel worse. But at least there was sunshine too.
Jeanette had emptied a water bucket on the paved walway at the goat house to clear berries. Mistake! Frozen slippery walkway. It wasn’t too bad.
We had the regular visitors from the neighbouring school. Beren came in to see the goats, as always. She’s sweet with them. She was petting Luna for ages. Luna’s been doing great with kids. She had a period last year when she was a little troublesome, but she seems to have gotten over that. She’s being really sweet and patient with them now. Hooves crossed she’ll stay like that.
Bella on the other hand has become a little skittsih. Not just with kids, but with me too. If I approach her from the side or back, she will often run away a little. If I approach head on and give her cuddles she is not afraid at all, she still likes being scratched and cuddled and all those things. She just seems a little more wary. So she’s not such a good petting goat for the kids right now, she’ll mostly run away from them. But Luna is picking up the slack, and Sky is always good and calm with kids.
I hope no one has been mean to Bella, that’s the only reason I can think of why she’d back away from people like that. I don’t think she used to be like that.
She’s still dominant and strong and happy and troublemaking. For example she has learned to open the new gate betwen the pens. Even when the hatch on it is closed! You’re not supposed to be able to open it when the hatch is locked. But Bella started pushing her head against the gate and she found that she can actually push the gate open with enough force, even when the hatch is locked. Oh dear. It only works one direction though. When she’s in the big pen she can push it open. If she’s on the side of the gate where the goat house is then she can’t get it open. And just to be clear, that new gate is between the two pens, the big pen and the smaller pen with the goat house. She cannot get out of the pens altogether, she can’t escape. It just makes it a little harder when I want to have solo time with Sky! I’ll have to see if I can find a way to secure it.
Came home and did an hour fifteen on the bike. Gotta get my exercises did. And now it’s soup time, there it is.
20/2 2025

Here’s Bella, still enjoying her hoof massages.

20/2 2025

I can’t believe the president signed an executive order to construct a real life fully functional Death Star. This is blatantly unconstitutional and fascist.
20/2 2025

Goats on patrol.

20/2 2025

Did I mentioned that my brother has moved in to the rehabilitation place and is doing fine? I have lost track of what I have updated about and what not. But he is, so that’s good. So far so good. The doctors never found out what happened to him, but let’s just hope it’s over. I must admit I was very worried when he was unresponsive in intenstive care, but it looks like it will be okay. And now he’ll get help to rehab the hip. And let’s hope that’s that.
And the weather is warming up. Not to warm, but at least to not blisteringly brutally cold. I’ll take it.
Sometimes it’s weird what sticks in your head. Like the expression “How do you do, har du slugt en flue?” from childhood. The Danish part means “have you swallowed a fly”. I have no idea why that was a thing that we said and why it is still stuck in my head. Go figure skate.
21/2 2025

I finished watching A Man On The Inside finally. Got sidetracked with.. current events. But now it’s done. And I really enjoyed it. Starring Ted Danson, from the mind behind The Good Place, one of my alltime favourite shows. So I knew i’d like it. Not as hilarious and inventive as TGP, but super sweet and goodhearted and also very funny. It’s just a really nice, funny and sweet show. I like that it’s a bit of a mor mature cast and a bit of a slower pace. So much tv these days are just young people running around and frantic cgi and it leaves me shouting at clouds. If you like Ted Danson, definitely watch it. And if you don’t like Ted Danson, well you can you just see yourself out right now.
Started watching the Fallout show now. Been wanting to get on that for a while. I have a long almost-history with the Fallout games. I had the two first ones back in the old days. And I remember just starting the first one, making preparations and then… I think that’s when I fell into a black hole of desapir and problems and for whatever reason I never got to playing them. And then in the modern age I got Fallout 3 and was probably going to play it after playing Oblivion, and that must have been when diabeetus wrecked my eyes and I could no longer really play games. So it’s a case of nearly misses. I am pretty sure I would have loved the Fallout games, post apocalyptic dark humour pop culture references, they tick a lot of boxes for me. And because those games are so big in pop cutlure internet circles, I feel like I know the games pretty well. But not so well that changes in the tv show will annoy. So, that’s handy. After watching the first 3 episodes I am really enjoying the show. Darkly funny, grotesque and gruesome, well made, great performances, great look. It’s pretty great so far.
On the book front I was going to start Philip K Dick’s A Scanner Darkly. But then as i walke towards the goat place and sturned on my MP3 player I found that.. the book wasn’t on there. I must have made a mistake when transfering the files from my computer. Whoops. So I had to go to the next one. Which was Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer. I have been wanting to read that for so long, and it did not disappoint. Great story. Fascinating scifi and “things aren’t as they seem” feeling. I liked it so much that when I finished it i went straight to the second book in the series, Authority. Skipping over Stephen King’s Christine. which had been next in line. But I’m enoying the Southern Reach series so much that I may just end up reading all four of them in a row. Normally when I read series of books I like to spread them out a little, read other books in between the series. But i’m enjoyng Authority so much too, so I might just read all four in a row.
I also found out that they made a movie of Annihilation, starring Natalie Portman no less. So I’m probably going to watch that soon. Trying to watch some more movies these days, not just David Lynch ones. Iwatched Kinds of Kindness a couple of days ago. My first Yorgos Lanthimos movie. It was pretty disturbing in places. But really good. There’s a Danish film podcast I listen to where they often mention Lanthimos, I think i’ll try to watch some more of his movies.
Oh and there are new episodes of Matlock (2024) coming out. Still enjoying that show a lot. I could do without the Matlock brnading, but the Kathy Bates and Bernard From Lost show is great.
That’s what I’ve been watching and reading.
21/2 2025

flashbacks to Hill Street Blues and lørdagskakao,
21/2 2025

I know when Steve Bannon says Trump should be president ofr life and does a nazi salute, he’s just trolling. But at this point I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Trump got a third tern. The only thing that would get in the way of that is if the people running the show behind the scenes don’t need him anymore, which seems likely. Four years from now they won’t even need him to sit and nod his head while Elon talks, won’t need him to make a show of signing whatever executive orders they’ve put on his desk. Whoever they put up to replace him should win easily.
Also seems unavoidable that America will take Greenland. One way or the other.
Not that I’m pessimistic or anything. What me worry.
I have lost any hope that any of this will turn out okay. How long before the crowds start doing nazi salutes back and saying “we were just waving”. It’s a matter of time.
I will continue to bury myself in unreality, head in the sand. That’s the nice thing about being finite, you know there’s an ending sooner or later. For my friends who have kids i hope the future will turn things around at some point.
21/2 2025

.Think goat thoughts. And sunny shines.

21/2 2025

Oh btw, I have reversed positions on Chelsea Handler and The Church Lady.
I now dislike Chelsea and like The Lady.
Don’t say I’m not able to grow and learn from my mistakes.
21/2 2025

Got an hour forty five on the bike today. Going well. Going at it.
I’m still doing 45 second intervals. 45 seconds high intensity, 45 seconds cool down. A new thing i’m trying i flapping my arms during the cooldown interval. Haha. Sounds dumb. But activating your arms while doing the biking really adds some effect. Cooling down the legs, but keeping the pulse and breath going. Seems to be working well.
Dropped a couple of pounds. I am still lighter than I have been most of my adult life, but I still have a little to go before I’m back at the peak I got to last year. But it feels like i’m hiting a good groove, so if I can keep that up I should be able to get there.
After the exercise I did a little more cleaning. Getting back to my intention I had a couple of years ago of getting rid of a lot of the junk I have lying around. There’s stuff i haven’t touched in a decade and that I really have no use for anymore. I just want to lighten the load there too.
Funnily enough, I found a hard drive stashed away, hidden under various things. An old backup drive. I plugged it in and it turned out to be from 2017. Kind of funny to get a snapshot of life from 8 years ago. A lot of mylife is online, and thus on my hard drive. Movies, tv, music, goat stuff, all that. Eight years is an eternity. There’s nothing on the drive i really need, but it was just funny to look back at what was going on at that time. Like finding an old diary or something.
But now I think it’s time for soup. The reward for working hard. Yum yum.
22/2 2025

I dreamt that I walk walking down the road, writing on the road with chalk “when the sun becomes the moon” over and over. Now tell me what does that mean, spaceboy.
23/2 2025


23/2 2025

I saw one of the typical stupid political memes saying “yall better not let Elon send you that $5000 to your bank account since you were crying about him having access to your personal information”.
Do they realise a bank account number isn’t sensitive info? You can give me your account number and I can send you money, that doesn’t mean I have your personal sensitive information.
I have also seen one saying something about it not mattering because Elon already had paypal and he would have everyone’s SSN through that. Uhm, Paypal doesn’t have my SSN. They know my bank account number because I have transfered money from my bank account to my paypal account. That’s all. There are different levels of how much you tie your pp to your bank, but pp doesn’t have everyone’s personal info.
It’s weird that people can’t see the difference between the government having your sensitive personal information and individuals having unrestricted access to it without oversight. Of course the government needs to have your info. But individuals in the government shouldn’t be able to just sit down at a computer and access it without purpose and oversight and ramifications if there’s abuse.
It reminds me of some very sad cases in Denmark. Cases in which kids were victims of horrible crimes, i won’t go into the details. But there was a lot of speculation about what exactly had happened to them during the crimes, the exact deeply personal tragic information. And there were people in the health care system who logged into the systems and looked these cases up without having a good reason to do so. Basically, snooping. Thankfully the systems log the accesses and people who access that data without proper cause get punished.
It’s the same kind of thing. Of course the government and the health care systems need your private information. And of course people shouldn’t be able to just sit down and go through it because they want to. You need permission, clearance, cause, oversight.
Maybe you like Elon and you’re fine with him looking at your sensitive data. Fine. But reverse the situation. What if Joe Biden had told Hunter Biden to just sit down and go through your sensitive data for whatever reason. Would you be fine with that?
I don’t know if that whole 5000 dollar check is an actual thing that will happen, it sounds very weird to me. But hey, good thing we’re no longer against government handouts eh? maybe we should get to forgiving student loans and stuff too.
I suppose instead of fixing inflation and tariffs and stuff, you can just hand out extra checks from time to time. Sounds sustainable. The model of a healthy economy.
And all the christians will rejoice as aid is slashed to all the poor and starving and sick people in need around the globe. As Jesus famously said “America first, am I right fellow white people!”
And so on and so forth.
23/2 2025

what the goat say

23/2 2025

Infinite parallel reaities, and we’re stuck in this one. Figures.
23/2 2025


That’s all for now.

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