Can’t believe they rebooted Elaine’s dance from Seinfeld.
23/2 2025
Good goat times today . The weather a little warmer, up around 7C/44F. Makes a difference. Raining on and off though, so not exactly spring in the air. But nice to not be freezing your berries off.
Jeanette was bringing fresh supplies of hay to the storage room, so I took the goats down in the big pen to get them out of the way. Managed to stop Bella from opening the locked gate. Jeanette is going to try to find something to put on it so she can’t push it open even when it’s locked.
We had some sweet visitors in the pen too, they enjoyed feeding the goats. And I spent some time running interference so Sky didn’t have to stay outside when it was raining.
Another week on its way, and another pot of soup boiling on the stove.
24/2 2025
We’ve been expecting you.
24/2 2025
“hey no fair!
Sorry, Bella. No crashing the gate right now.
24/2 2025
Aw. Sky settled down under the shelter roof. I closed the hatch so she would have some peace. Luna was poking her head out of the hatch and bugging her.
24/2 2025
Got an hour forty on the bike today. Flapping away with arms and legs. And manipulating my bendy rod. And then down on the floor for various crunches and stretches. And guess what. I an do situps. Like, actual ones. Not with knees or legs on the ground. Real honest to gosh situps.
Okay, only like 6 and I probably looked like a turtle who’d been pulled out of his shell. But it’s a start. There was a time in my life when the idea of me doing a pushup would be a bigger joke than [insert joke about the political side you think sucks]. So hey that’s good.
Did some more cleaning of the apartment too. Went through a stack of old papers I had lying around. Most of it was from before 2019. That was probably around the time all the mail stuff started going digital. I have concerns about the digital-only future, but I sure don’t miss having all that paper lying around. Most of the stack went right to the trash, with just a few semi-important documents going into the drawer of “things that could be but probably won’t be but theoretically migh although it’s unlikely but you might one day need one of these 100 documents” so better have a drawer full of them.
But it’s nice to be gettinr rid of some of the old junk, both in the trunk and the apartment.
25/2 2025
So I watched the Annihilation movie. Loosely based on the book. I think it’s the first time I’ve watched the movie based on a book so soon after reading the book. I was wondering when I read the book “how are they going to do that in a movie?!”. And the answer was, well they didn’t. There were some pretty big changes made.
But that’s not a complaint. I actually really enjoyed the movie. It was very cool, very interesting. Afterwards I looked it up on wikipedia and saw that the biggest financer had demanded they make plot changes, make it more acceisble and gave it a happy ending. I’m glad they didn’t comply. It was some pretty interesting scifi, pretty novel and pretty dark. There was a stretch near the end where there was no dialogue for a long time. Now visual storytelling isn’t the best for me. But it was really fascinating and not what you’d expect from a big budget mainstream scifi movie.
And I must admit I’ve always had a thing for Natalie Portman. Star Wars princesses, what can I say.
I actually dreamt about Portman after watching the movie. I don’t think the dream had anything to do with the movie, but I don’t remember what happened really. Just thought it was funny how sometimes things stick in your head. It’s not like every time you watch a movie you start dreaming about the actors.
But while there were some big differences between book and movie, the atmosphere and inventiveness was there. If you like horrorish scifi I would recommend it.
And then today I finished the second book in the series, Authority. I really enjoyed that one too, not quite to the level of Annihilation, but close. And i have decided to just go ahead and read the whole series in one go. In the past when I read less I would usually read other books in between reading series, but given that I’m reading more I get through books faster and I’m just really enjoying this series. It was originally a trilogy, with a fourth book coming out last year. So i’m halfway through. Good stuff.
25/2 2025
Let it be stated for the record that I mean pushups, not situps. I did pushup. Actual real pushups. Look, I don’t get a lot of wins, I need to make it count.
25/2 2025
If I were a ninja, I definitely wouldn’t tell you I was a ninja.
If you know what I mean.
25/2 2025
26/2 2025
My new theory is that we live in the movie Alien.
Elon is the unfeeling android who can almost pass for a real human. And he’s forcing us to swallow the monster.
And it’s all orchestrated by the evil corporations who are happy to sacrifice all the workers on the lower levels of the spaceship.
I just hope we came it to Aliens and the big guns.
26/2 2025
Goat ghost.
26/2 2025
Aw man. Michelle Trachtenberg died?! She was only 39. That’s so sad. I loved her on Buffy. I loved Buffy and Angel growing up, was interested in the sequel series they are apparently working on. But this is just heartbreaking. Way too young. Rest in peace. Shocking.
26/2 2025
Good goat times today. A really foggy day. Cold, but not brutally.
I was a little late because I waited for a package to arrive in the morning. I can see by the tracking that they tried to deliver it 20 minutes after I left home. Grrumbleth.
But at least the goats weren’t made that I was late in my delivery of the treat package.
We had our regular visitors from the neighbour school. Beren was there, as she usually is. Loving on the goats. Laughing as Luna licked her fingers. “She’s tickling me!”. She’s so excited to meet the goats every time.
And then I got home and did an hour and change on the bike. Flapping along. And now it’s about time for soup. All in a day’s, whatever this is.
27/2 2025
Breakfast in the fog.
27/2 2025
What’s this? On the wall. Luna investigates.
Jeanette put up holders for the feeding buckets. It’s been a bit of a problem that the gaots would accidentally pee or poo in their food buckets. Hopefully putting them a little off the ground like this will fix it. One in the antechamber here and two in the bedroom.
I am probably still going to just take the buckets outside when I feed them because I don’t see so well inside where it’s dark and when i want to film breakfast time it’s better outside too. But at other times it will heopefully be good.
27/2 2025
Bella getting down.
28/2 2025
The first rule of Pie Club is can I have some pie please?
28/2 2025
If doge is going to save America a trillion dollars then surely they can afford to give everyone free eggs, since we know that’s what matters.
It’s not too hard to cut costs, if you don’t care about the consequences. I can cut 100% of my food budget. The consequences, well that’s a problem for Future Lasse. Present Lasse has a full fridge and doesn’t know what the big deal is.
Obviously government efficiency should be a priority for every administration. But this insane chainsaw slaughterhouse terror attack is nuts.
I remember one of the selling points of Trump was always that you know he was a business man, he’d make profits (nevermind the bankrupcies and inheritance). But you do realise, corporations don’t care about the people, the care only about the profits. It’s one thing for businesses to not care about people, but do you want your government to not care about people?
I guess it’s ok if they don’t care about the brown people, the lefties, the wokes. But what if they don’t care about YOU dun dun duunn
Oh whatever.
28/2 2025
Sky in the fog yesterday.
28/2 2025
The soup addict becomes self aware
28/2 2025
I have tears in my eyes watching Trump and Vance talk to Zelensky. I don’t know if it’s more scary or embarrassing or just heartbreaking that half of America supports this filth. The things I want to say would get me banned from Facebook. My heart is burning. Fuming. I wish eggs were cheaper so I could afford to pelt them at these fuckers.
Fucking enraged.
Is there going to come a day when the Danish prime minister sits in a situation like this, at war with Russia and having to suffer the presence of these oafs?
I wish I could reach through the screen and slap them.
The painful glorification of the very worst of humanity.
Where is this nightmare going to end? i have no hope in my heart. I don’t want it to be filled with hate. I will try to fill it wth love. The sadness just courses through my veins, the anger just curses through my thoughts.
Okay, turn it off and take a break,.
28/2 2025
Bedtime for me. My head is in a dark dark space right now. I can barely bear it. Bearely bare it. Bearenstein bearshit.
Thank you everyone for the comments on the previous post. Good or bad. I would politely request that if you see comments you disagree with, one side or the other, just ignore them. Fighting in facebook comments accomplish literally nothing. The world is shattered in two and you’re not going to reach across the divide in angry fb comments. Just live and let live.
And if you find my posts objectionable or annoying to hte point youcan’t stand them, feel free to unfriend me. I promise I am totally okay with that. No hard feelings. Life’s too short. If it doesn’t give you joy, just move on.
Tomorrow there will probably be more goat and soup posts.
Tonight I’m going to test melatonin. For the firt time ever. You can’t buy it in Denmark without a prescription, but you can import it legally. And I got some. I want to see if it helps me sleep through the night. Normally I wake up several times through the night. There’s more to talk about that, but not now. Now I’m going to flap my wings and try to fly into a better space. Up above the clouds, down below the waves. Through they keyhole and into the the zone. Twilight? Phantom? Who knows.
Love you loves.
28/2 2025
Oh hi hello there, nice to see you again. How are you doing? Excellent.
Well, my test of the melatonin did not yeild any useable results. Didn’t seem to make a difference to my sleep. It ws a pretty low dosage though, I’ll try again with a bit higher dose and we’ll see.
Got on the bike for an hour forty and sweated out some of the frustrations and sadness. Flapping away.
Meanwhile, I got a notice from the water and heating suppleir that they’re going to do maintennance on Tuesday and my hot water and heating will be turned off. Wouldn’t bother me so much, except they say I have to turn it off at the mains. Or whatver. I don’t know how to do that, where to do that. Ugh. So now I’m stressing out about that. I’m my bathroom there’s a couple of pipes and I can see there are kind .. switches.. valves.. whatever, that you can turn. Kind of looks like that might be the ones. But I guess I’ll have to call the housing organisation maintennance people on Monday and ask if that’s right. Seriously triggering my anxiety and worry and defeatism.
But hey, at least I’m not checking the news. No news is good news!
I’m going to drown my sorrows in soup now.
1/3 2025
As Jesus famously said when the leper came to him for aid: “What, you couldn’t wear a suit? Do youknow who my father is? I tell you, I don’t get no respect”
1/3 2025
Heading to bed soon. Tripled my dose of melatonin tonight. We’ll see if that does anything. If I wake up in Acapulco, send money and don’t believe the headlines. I swear that pinata told me it was 21. And you can’t even get those quantities of manure as a consumer, it’s all slander and hearsay.
Anyway. Not feeling great. Anxious about the heater thing. Anxious about the world. I just .. want to melt into the undergrowth. Don’t step in any puddles of Lasses. imagine if gravity was reversed and rain fell upwards, would we have to wear rain hats on our butts and where does a train of thought go when it goess of the rails and gets lost?
All this and more on a very special episode of Lasse With The Lid Off.
1/3 2025
2/3 2025
Hey, watch it with the flash photogaphy!
2/3 2025
That’s all for now.