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The Dangerous Brothers

I had a busy day yesterday. At least busier than I was expecting.

I forgot to write about it, but while I was sitting with the goats on Friday Alice came and handed me their cell phone. Told me there was a call for me. That’s never happened before. It was Jannie. She asked me if I could cover her shift on Saturday. Of course I said yes. So on Saturday I went up to feed the animals. Happy to do it, too. Getting to do it with Mathilde one last time. She’ll be leaving on Tuesday, and I have to figure that she’ll be gone by the time I get there. So I’ll have to say my goodbyes on Monday.

It all went fine. This time I wasn’t all alone. First there was a couple who were walking around the place. They asked me if I was there to take care of the animals. And I said yes. Because I was. And then the boy who asked if Mads was grounded showed up. I was getting fresh water for the bunnies and he went in there and we talked a bit and he cuddled with a bunny baby that was running around. He also tried to convince me that I should let him take a bunny home, hehe. I told him he’d have to talk to the other adults if he wanted to buy or take care of a bunny. He said that he could just give me some money and then I could pass it on and he could have his bunny. I had to tell him that it wasn’t my decision, he’d really have to wait. He’s a fun kid. It’s nice when he’s around.

There was a grandmother with two young children too. I’d seen her before. She too asked if I was working. And asked if it was okay that they went in and looked at the different animals. And of course it was.

So that was all nice, working and being around people. It’s still a little hard on my back, dragging buckets of food and water. And balms of hay. But just a matter of getting in better shape I’m sure.

Both the horses were there today. When I was bringing them back in I had a little problem with Sille. The big, whitish one. I hadn’t gotten their reins on properly (I really must ask them to show me how to do that) and she decided to go for a stroll. Luckily the gate was closed so she couldn’t run too far. And she just stood and munched on some grass. While I tried getting the reins on her. And the kid had left the bunnies and tried to help me. I did manage to sort of get the reins over her head and then she came calmly back and everything was okay.

Later on in the day I helped my brother with his new laptop. He spent his inheritance on that. Not because he really preferred a laptop, but more because his appartment is so tiny that there’s no real space for a stationary one. So I helped him buy one and set it all up. And ordered an internet connection. It was nice to be able to be the “big brother”. We have never had that really close relationship, so it’s a good feeling to be able to do something for him. I know a bit about computers and the net, I was happy to help him out.

I have also found the time to play more Amiga games. I will spare you the screenshots this time. But mainly my time has been spent on SWOS, Sensible World of Soccer. I’m managing Manchester UTD, but it’s not going too well I’m afraid. I expect to be sacked soon. I had to sell off Beckham and Cantona just to keep the accountant happy. I have also completed the Shadow of the Beast series. 1+2+3. Talk about quintessential Amiga games. Some of my favourite games despite the fact that two of them are so hard it’s almost ridiculous and one of them is so easy that it’s almost silly. They never did get the difficulty levels right. I remember the first Beast game was one of the games that made me get an Amiga. Playing it at Pelle’s house. I clearly remember him talking about the main character, how great the graphics were, the shading on his figure. How the Commodore 64 could never do that. And the 2nd game, a game so hard that even with the invulnerability cheat on a lot of people still couldn’t complete it. And the 3rd one, one of the few games that I could easily complete without any cheating. One of the few action games anyway. I didn’t have the patience to play an action game for weeks until I got it down. I really think someone should make a Shadow of the Beast 4. Preferably a 3D rpg. Karamoon is a fascinating world. Also, the music in Beast 2 is possibly my favourite computer music ever. I never was that into the music in the games. But in Beast 2 it was fantastic. In fact I have it on my MP3 player as we speak. It’s just so beautiful and atmospheric. Amiga in a bottle.

I have been playing so much that my left hand is hurting. My pinky finger especially. What I wouldn’t give for my old Amiga joysticks to work…

I’ll finish off with a quote from a comment that someone made in my goat community on livejournal.

earlier today I showed the four videos of the kids climbing your back to my partner and she now says she understands why I want some! Thanks, you’re my shining beacon of goatluuurve, say hi to Mads.

That made me happy. Obviously.

Now only two weeks left then I have vacation. For three weeks. That’s going to be magnificent, that is.

But for now, tomorrow will be my last day with Mathilde most likely. And it won’t even be that long. I gotta see my therapist at 3 pm. So that’ll be done by 4. I’ll be lucky if I’m at the playground by 4:30. They will have closed down by then. But at least I have the key now, so I can still get in. Time is slipping.

3 Responses to “The Dangerous Brothers”

  1. Kat Says:

    This is going to be so good for you Plumage, you’ll get in shape in no time. The animals have already been working their healing mojo on your mentality for sometime now, it makes sense that your doing this. Good for you :)

  2. Kat Says:

    Oh and put the reigns over the horses neck before attempting to bridle them. Unless you are talking about a halter.

  3. Plume Says:

    Kat – Good for me indeed! Although I have no idea what the difference between reigns and halters are. Heck, I didna even know how to spell reigns apparently. And what is bridling.. hmm, I have much to learn.

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