Floppy Day
Aah man. This is what vacation is all about. Sleeping late and then going up to the playground and sitting with the goats. Good for goodness sake.
Today was especially cute. Full of lovely animals.
I have met a new feline friend. At least I hope we will be friends. I saw it a few days ago and tried to cuddle it a little, but then some other people came and it ran away. Today I saw it again.
It was very sweet. It purred and kneaded its paws while I scratched its head. I don’t know if it’s male or female, maybe some cat connoisseurs can tell? I hope I’ll see more of him/her.
At the playground I met Nina, who was rolling around and trying to be as cute as possible. She could probably smell the other cat on me and wanted to make sure that she was still the cutest cat around.
The ducklings were out and about.
I love their little yellowy fuzziness.
Mrs big piggy, Yvonne. I think there are piglets on their way.
Summery. Yet not too hot. Perfect for me. And a wonderful playground full of joy. Doesn’t get much better. And I got quite a suprise today. I was sitting with the goats. Mads was there. Magnethe and Springbok. Vanilje and 3B. They were all outside with me. And then suddenly I heard a little “maah-maah-ah” from inside. Puzzled me. All the goats were outside. The sheep gone. Who was baahing? At first I thought maybe it was Vanilje or 3B and I was just imagining that it came from inside. But no. Inside I found…
Two goat kids! Holy cow.
They are Tulle’s. You remember Tulle? Mathilde’s sister. She was at the playground when Magnethe and Mathilde were impregnated. And those two are her kids. Savannah and Hawaii. So beautiful and cute. Seriously, royal family of goats. I’m sure. Unfortunately they are going to another playground. It took all my strength to not drop to my knees in front of Kurt and Pernille and cry out “can we keep them, pleeeeease”. It makes me happy that Mathilde’s family is spreading out all over the world though. There should be at least one in every playground. And one day I’ll buy myself a farm and have a thousand goats and they will all be Mathilde’s family.
I miss her. A lot. I have not yet adjusted to her absence. I still expect her to poke her head out of the hatch, as if she had just gone inside to get some water or something. I hope she’s doing okay at her new home.
Bright side. Bright side.
Aren’t they lovely? The brown one reminds me so much of Magnethe and Mandela. It was very, very shy though. When I moved my hand it would jump away, scared. But if I put my hand down and held it completely still then it would come up and sniff at it. The other one was not shy at all, it jumped up to say hello.
They are in Mads’s isolation booth by the way. So I guess he’s not grounded anymore.
I caught him doing a great big yawn today. At least that’s what it looked like. He was pursing his upper lip upwards and then suddenly he opened up his mouth completely and it just looked like a mega cartoon yawn. Lovely.
So a very cute day with very cute animals. I also spent some time getting my brother’s laptop online. And fixing a java problem so he could use his game sites. Again nice to help him out. And my mother came to me and thanked me and said that it was really nice of me and that I’d been a really big help. It’s always a good feeling when people appreciate what you do.
I have put the picture exhibition on hold for a couple of days. As I mentioned, I’m getting a new computer. And I have talked my parents into investing in a new printer/scanner thingie. Apparently it’s a photo printer. So I’m going to find out what the cost of photo paper is, and maybe I can print them out myself instead of getting it done somewhere else. That would be handy. Depends on the price though. We’ll see.
I have also been enjoying my sleep. My dreams. I love dreaming. And I dream the best when I have my alarm clock turned off. When I just allow myself to sleep until I wake up naturally. Then I sometimes have the most amazing, wonderful dreams. I don’t get to do that too often though. When I have to get up for work. When I have to try resisting naps. Even in weekends I’ll usually set my clock so I don’t sleep the day away and screw up my rythm. But now I can let myself sleep a little and dream a lot. The TV show Lost is showing up frequently. I dreamt that the Hanso Foundation released a time virus at my school. When you got the virus you started moving back and forth in time. I’m only saying this because if that plot happens to come up on Lost some time in the future then you know that they are monitoring my brainwaves and stealing my ideas. Don’t say it couldn’t happen. If they can make Joop live forever then they can read my thoughts.
Ehm, yes. I’ll finish off with some more scenes from the playground today.
Apropos Mads watching. Here he is watching something, something that is beyond you and me. I wish I could read his thoughts and find out what he’s watching.
Is there anything better than floppy goat ears?