Life Is Like A Box Of New Computers
Guess what?
I am updating on my new computer. The sexy new beast. When I woke up yesterday morning (and I use the term ‘morning’ losely, very losely) I thought to myself “Wouldn’t it be neat if I walked into the living room and there was my new computer?”. Then I thought to myself “Nah, it won’t be here already, don’t get your hopes up”. Then I opened the door and walked into the hallway and there was a bloody great box with my name on it. Weet!
I am still setting things up and transferring files and everything. No hurry though. It’s vacation. My parents have left for their trip to Russia. I have the house to myself and all the time in the world.
Tomorrow I’m off to see Tina Dickow at Grøn Koncert. Green Concert. There are a few other acts but they don’t appeal to me much. I might hang around to see Nephew too, but I’m not sure about that. Tina Dickow is the main event for me.
Det er sommer, det er sol og det er Fredag. I hope you’re all having a good time and finding happiness.
July 14th, 2006 at 17:57
Few things are better that receiving now hardware by mail :)
July 14th, 2006 at 23:51
Aww, I am happy for you! New computers rock.
July 15th, 2006 at 0:55
“My parents are in Russia” – not something I’d say every day. What are they doing on their vacation? Do you get postcards from Russia? That would be cool.
Has been very hot and humid here. The goats just lay around “spooling” in the shade. They do enjoy their evening bites of apple. They weren’t sure they liked apples, but they are sure now.
July 15th, 2006 at 4:43
Vacation + New Computer = True Love!!!!!
July 15th, 2006 at 8:26
That’s so cool that your parents are in Russia. It sounds so exotic. I left you a ‘sheep farm’ message in your gbook. I know you’ll love this guy. You sound all summery on the inside and that’s grand. Happy parent-free holidays!
July 15th, 2006 at 18:49
Yahooooooooo! :)))
July 16th, 2006 at 21:53
It’s 95 F here (35 C), but it feels like 110 F (43 C) with the humidity. Want to trade places for awhile? You know you’d like it!!!!
July 16th, 2006 at 23:31
Holme – You said it!
Belinda – I love the smell of the fresh computer. I mean, the feel. The feel of the fresh computer.
Deb – You should try saying it. It rolls nicely off the tongue. I hope I will get postcards. Otherwise I’ll have to go to Russia and give them a good telling off. The goats here love apples. It was one of the first things I brought when I started bringing them treats. For a long time it was their favourite. I’d bring them carrots and apples and they’d go bananas over the apples. Hmm, I wonder if they’d like bananas…
The only way you could get me to trade places is if you have a bloody huge fridge I can sit in!
Debbie – comment + debbie = love!
Katherine – Yes, I’m not sure exactly what possessed them to go to Russia. But it’s cool I’d probably rather go to Russia than some of the hot countries where people usually go on vacation.
Thank you for the apes. I have brought them to the farm and shall be giving them a good checkup soon.
Milla – Jubiiii! :)