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Cheggit Out Now, Funk Soul Brotha

Wow. If you thought it was hot yesterday, you should see today. Hot hot hot. My new, sexy computer has a thermometer display on the front. This morning it said 33 C. And that was after being turned off the whole night. Geez. When it gets over 25 C then I start getting uncomfortable. When it gets over 30 then I start feeling downright bad.

It was so hot today that I decided to stay indoors. I decided that it was too hot to even go see the goats. And an hour later I went to see the goats. Because that’s the kinda guy I am. Indecisive. No wait, I’m not. Well, I am when you think about it. Although not really. Maybe sometimes. It depends on how you define it, really.

When I got to the playground, the goats were already inside. They didn’t want to be outside anymore, said Per. I couldn’t blame them. It was a little cooler inside, away from the sunshine.


It still makes me a little sad when I see 3B and Vanilje alone, without Mathilde.

And Mads is still grounded.


Peeking through the hole. I gotta talk to them and see if I can’t get them to let him out. Poor guy, must have served his sentence by now. I can’t go in and sit with him when he’s in isolation. So he keeps looking through those holes and poking his nose in to see if I have treats for him. If any of the other goats get too close to the hole then he BANGS his horns against the walls. Maybe he hasn’t learnt his lesson after all. You can’t keep nature down.

One of my favourite things is when the goats come to me and sit down right next to me. It’s sweet, that they feel comfortable and secure enough with me to do that. Probably like sitting alone at a lunch table in High School and then some other kid comes and sits down at your table. Yay, I’m not alone! At least that’s what I imagine, in Danish schools we have lucnh in the class rooms. At least we did when I was a kid. Anyway, today Magnethe sat down on my legs! How fun. She just came over to me and sat down on top of my legs. Can’t have been a very comfortable position. Unfortunately she got up again a little later when I started rummaging around in my pocket to get my camera. I would have liked to have gotten a picture of it. It was almost as sweet and funny as Mads’s lapdog impersonation.

I did take this a little later:


So if you imagine that position. Her head sort of on my leg there. Then my other leg was straight under her belly. In the picture she’s just lying on the hay, but imagine my leg in there. Cute.

When they make a movie of my life, and you know it’s bound to happen, I hope they will call it The Goat Whisperer. Or maybe A Boy And His Goat. Or even better: How Plume Won A Million Dollars In The Lottery The Day After Making This Entry. That wouldn’t be bad.

Yup, Yup.

So, three day after my entry about the problem I had with my new computer I get the first google hit. “explorer hang up data execution prevention”. From a Finnish googler. I hope I was helpful.

It’s so hot… Did I mention that already? I need something to drink. How about lemonade? You want lemonade? How about this:


How’d you like them lemonades? I stumbled upon them while shopping in Favorit. Imported from Germany. Five (count them) litres per bottle. For real cheap too. And as old Plume readers might remember I have a drinking problem. I drink too much. And I especially have a soft spot for brightly coloured drinks. That orange lemonade there, that is good stuff. And on a day like this I just feel like chugging a whole bottle in one go.

Phew. It’s so hot that I have dropped all my clothes. Another benefit from being home alone. I can be nekkid.

I’ll leave you with that thought.

Current Music: Gorillaz – White Light (051103)

2 Responses to “Cheggit Out Now, Funk Soul Brotha”

  1. Katherine Says:

    You have a great sense of humour. I alway chuckle at the things you write.

    Love the pics of Mads and Magnethe. Poor Mads! There’s something crazy about a world in which a rogueish but otherwise loveable being like Mads is regularly sent to his room while George Bush gets to run around starting wars and inappropriately massaging other world leaders. Loser!

    I wonder if Magnethe is missing Mathilde and vice versa. I’m sure she must be. Animals don’t forget. If reincarnation is real I don’t want to come back until all the world’s problems are solved and the animals are free and happy.

  2. Kat Says:

    It will be 109F today.

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