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All I Need

I am Plume’s total lack of surprise when things go wrong.

My new computer is sitting pretty. Pretty dead. The hard drive no longer wants to co-operate. I asked it to run Scandisk at boot, now it resets everytime Scandisk even starts. I can’t boot. Can’t do nothing. It is simply, I think, a faulty hard drive. And it makes me want to kill myself. Quite literally and seriously. But I guess it would be stupid to kill yourself over a computer. I guess. I even looked for rat poison in Favorit, figuring it would be the closest thing to poison I could get.

Fortunately they were all out of rat poison.

I spent some time with the goats. And that was really good. Some time away from the depressing thoughts. Some time spent in love and acceptance. I didn’t really feel like going, I felt like staying in bed all day. But as always I found I couldn’t resist. Maybe because I dreamt about Mads. It was a long and complicated dream, but the best part was when Mads suddenly came to me. I took that as a sign that I should go up to the goats.

There was more that I wanted to write about, but it will have to wait. I should go open my new computer up and see if there are any loose cables or anything else obviously wrong that I can fix with my hands and a screwdriver and some luck. Most likely there is not. I will email the place I bought it. And ask if I can’t just send them the hard drive and then they can send me a new one. Most likely they will say no. And I’ll have to pack up the whole computer in the giant box and send it to them. Much work and hassle and postage and waiting, waiting, waiting. So much for spending my vacation playing Oblivion. My old computer can’t handle that game. But oh well. At least I do have the old computer, at least I can still be online. It’s not all bad.

Gotta try to think of the good things. It could be worse. I could be a rat.

Current music: Gorm I. Soerensen – Relics of the Past

PS. Don’t worry about me.

2 Responses to “All I Need”

  1. Debbie Says:

    No worries just positive vibes sent your way. Worries are not going to help you. When things are bad sometimes I try to make them out to the worst scenarios possible that way when I do solve the problem it wasn’t all that bad after all. Could you clean off the hard drive completely and start anew? Did the computer come with a cd to remove everything off of your hard drive, and reinstall it all? Just grasping for straws here Plume. Debbie

  2. Plume Says:

    Debbie – You are quite right about the worst case scenario. I try to remember that it won’t be the end of the world, no matter what happens. I’m reformatting and reinstalling windows now. I still think there must be a physical fault on the drive, but maybe I’ll get lucky.
    Thanks for the positive vibes. Your comment help a lot actually.

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