Coming To You Live From Frostcrag Spire
Let’s take a break from whining about the computer stuff.
And let’s whine about the weather instead. It’s too damn hot.
But enough whining. Let’s look at some positive things.
First and foremost, a giant big thank you to Debbie. She sent me a whole stack of postcards. And a little calendar. Thank you! That made me happy. Even just the teddybear envelope. Sweet. You are the best.
Secondly, a book. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. I have not finished it yet but I am fairly confident that it shall be my most favourite book once I’m done. Very funny, very original, very moving. I encourage you all to get it if you haven’t got it already.
Thirdlay, Oblivion, the computer rpg. I have mentioned it briefly. It was one of the reasons I wanted to get a new computer. So I would be able to play the newest games. And Oblivion is gorgeous. The last computer game I really played was Ultima 9. That’s about 7 years old now. So going from U9 to Oblivion was a huge step in technology. The graphics are just amazing. Standing atop an old fort ruin, the rain falling around me, looking at the lightning in the distance. Gorgeous. And traveling in the mountains with the snow falling on me. Or just walking around the hills and forests, seeing the Imperial Tower in the distance. It’s so very pretty. And I love how open-ended it is. I’m not even bothering with the main quest. I’m just walking around, exploring dungeons and helping people. I love it.
But now I better get back to the computer business. I have managed to repair my repair-reinstall. Working without errors and such. I haven’t tried out the USB yet, though. Gotta get that working. I hope you are not tired of crossing your fingers for me yet.
EDIT: It works. The USB works. Holy sh**. Maybe the combined forces of crossed fingers willed it to work. Oh my, oh my. So now, in theory, my computer works. Of course the question of the hard drive remains. It has worked okay for the last couple of days when I have just been playing Oblivion. If it keeps working then… everything might be ok. Wow.
July 28th, 2006 at 4:37
Woo Hoo! Fingers crossed, eyes crossed and all. You are very welcome. I’m glad they made you happy. You have all weekend and 1 day to play Oblivion, it sounds and looks amazing! I wish I was into RPG – I’m afraid I would get too addicited. As it is I spend way too much time on the computer. Good luck on your journey through Oblivion!
July 28th, 2006 at 10:04
Yay. its working. Oh I’m reading this as well as your livejournal.
July 28th, 2006 at 19:44
July 28th, 2006 at 19:44
havent gotten my card yet? sent it a week ago.
July 28th, 2006 at 21:47
Debbie – They made me very happy. Good tidings. I am already way too addicted to Oblivion, but I can live with that!
Noodella – Welcome in!
Hanne – Why is the dutch mail service always so slow? :-P