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Full On Empty

I am still alive. If you can call it that.

Which I guess you can, since that’s what it’s called.


Other than that I am still not feeling so great. Mentally speaking. And you know what that means. Animal pictures to cheer me up.

hen cuddle

I didn’t know it was possible to pet a hen. Cute.


“Are you talking to me?”


“Alrite then”. Kridte pulls some funny faces.

kulle hump kridte

And you can see who the big stud is.


Adorably Kulle.


And adorable Kridte.


And adorably Sofia.

kulle sofia kridte

Generally a quite adorable family.


Proof that I am much taller than Mads.


He looks much bigger up close.


Sweet Vanilje.

I do have to apologise for that weird guy who keeps turning up in the pictures. I don’t know what his deal is. All we want is to look at cute animals, I don’t know why he always has to butt in! I oughta photoshop him out.

christmas october

And hey, Merry christmas in October. They have been selling santas for weeks.

That is all. There is a giant storm coming tonight. Hurricane strength winds, they say. Assuming I survive that then I got an appointment with my doc tomorrow morning. We shall talk about how the new meds are going. And I shall tell her that they are not going too well. And then we’ll see.

4 Responses to “Full On Empty”

  1. Deb Says:

    Good thing you set us straight. I thought Denmark was full of giant goats and very, very short people.

    All the animals look at that “weird guy” with such love and adoration. He can’t be that weird now, can he?

    I’m sorry the meds aren’t working out for you. I guess I’m lucky to have found meds that work for me. They eventually stop working and then I change to something else, but not with the same consequences you’ve had. I wish you good luck at the doctor’s appointment. You just tell that doctor the animals want you to feel better and your blog “fan club” want you to feel better. Right now, Doctor! Because I say so! (Did that sound authoritative enough to make the doctor take notice? I can sound meaner. Grrrrrrrrr. Grrrrrrrrowl.

  2. Plume Says:

    Deb – There are very few giant goats in Denmark, as far as I know. Maybe Mads has a secret identity, maybe he is normally a mild-mannered (yeah right!) little goat, and then by night he turns into a giany, crimefighting goat. Hmm yes.
    I should bring you to the doctor! In fact I should bring you around with me all the time, you could be my personal speaker type person. Hmm yes.

  3. Deb Says:

    Hee, hee, that’s funny! Me being your spokesperson. If you only knew me when I was growing up. I was an extremely shy child. I didn’t like to go to school, didn’t make friends easily, and didn’t talk much.

    It was worse in junior high and high school. I wasn’t coordinated enough for sports, could make decent grades only by studying hours and hours, still no friends. I never went to any dances, sports games, or joined any clubs in high school and I talked even less. Certainly never dated in high school.

    My husband can’t believe it! He asked what happened since I talk sooo much now. I say I am making up for all those years I didn’t talk. I’m still not as out-going as your average person and not really comfortable in large social situations, but I can get through them better now. I’ll never be a public speaker, host large parties, or ever want to be the center of attention.

    I have a question for you. Does your doctor/therapist know how chatty, friendly, clever, and humorous you are on-line? There certainly must be a way to join the on-line Plume personality with the real life Lasse person. A “Vulcan mind meld” ala Mr. Spock on Star Trek? What do you think would help you to do the things you want to do?

  4. Plume Says:

    Deb – Who knows, maybe some day I’ll be talking all the time too. They won’t be able to shut me up!
    My therapist knows that I write online, but I don’t think she knows how brilliant I am. (that was a joke!). I would like to meld my two personalities. I don’t know how though. It’s not easy.

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