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Oh My Stars And Little Comets

The light of day, a couple of days really, has not given me any new insights on the dream. That dream. I still don’t know why it affected me so much. But it’s okay, not all questions have to be answered.

Now the holidays are officially over. Things return to normal. Like the post service for example. Which meant that no less than three christmas cards arrived in my mail box today. A smidgen too late for christmas, but they still made me quite happy. So big thank yous for the lovely cards to Jessica, Cameron and Jennie. It’s the season that just keeps on giving. This has really been a good christmas, not least because of all the lovely cards from all the lovely people in all the lovely countries in the lovely world. I am almost embarrassed, I feel like I don’t deserve it. I am just a little nobody in a sea of bodies, deserving no special attention. But it makes me so happy to have connected to people like this. Thank you all.

I think every day should be thanksgiving. And christmas. And my birthday. Although I’d age rather rapidly if that was the case.

Now that the holidays are over it is also time for the traditional exchanging of the gifts. I went strolling downtown, and boy were the queues long. It seemed a little depressing to me. Not that I am against the gift swapping. It just seems like a lot to me. Maybe we should get to know each other better. For future reference, if ya’ll ever want to buy me pants you should get me XXXXL ones, cause I got a big butt. Yeeeah.


I took my gift certificate to FONA and bought myself Mean Girls on DVD. Partly because it has lots of cute girls in it. And partly because it was cheap so I could get the rest of the certificate refunded in cash. Yes, that’s the spirit. I took the cash to an electronics store and bought myself a new ventilator fan thingie. My old one broke. And I need a ventilator. A lot. I can’t exist in stale or warm air. I don’t know what it is about me. But I just choke. I sleep with my window open even when it’s freezing and there is snow. I need cold, crisp air. And if I can’t have that then I at least need it to be circulating.

So that was my post-christmas shopping. Then I went and hung out with the goats for a while. Mads was very interested in the big, white box I was carrying. He probably thought it was full of food, despite the big, bright picture of a ventilator on the cover.

I managed to pull it away before he chewed his way through it. There is no cardboard box so strong that it can hold out a goat.

Apart from that I am vastly enjoying my vacation. I am probably sleeping a bit too much, but hey tis the season. Wonderful dreams and nothing to do all day. That’s the stuff.

Here is a picture of my dad:


I am still planning on writing an entry about him and stuff. Maybe I’ll get it done this season.

Over and out. Hehe Pelle Halleløs.

8 Responses to “Oh My Stars And Little Comets”

  1. Deb Says:

    Hi, Plume’s Dad. Ask your son to show you “goats in Santa hats”. Those goats love Plume sooooo much, they are even willing to sacrifice what little goaty dignity they have to wear silly hats for him.

    Well, since you begged and pleaded and begged some more for my New Year’s Resolutions . . . here they are:

    Donate blood as often as I can. I’m up to 2 gallons right now. This is an on-going resolution from previous years.

    Spend time walking the goats, reviewing their tricks, grooming their hair and hooves and just loving them to bits.

    Give compliments instead of complaints. This is an on-going resolution from several years. It used to be easy for me to complain all the time. Now I’ve turned it around to “compliment” people in stores or restaurants whenever I’ve been pleasantly surprised by good service, etc. I also send positive e-mails and letters to people. It has taken awhile to make the compliment more automatic than always thinking of something negative.

    Get more exercise (walking goats), eat more fruits and vegetables, and cut back on snacks and pop. This is for both my husband and me. We both want to lose weight and lower cholesteral.

    Keep a record of the books I’ve read in 2007. I kept track of the books I read in 2006 and I wanted to read 100. So far I’ve read 107 books. I want to read 100 (or more) next year.

    Most of these are ones I’ve kept for several years now, so they’ve become good habits. I guess it takes me awhile (years & years) to develop new habits. Walking the goats will be a fun resolution to keep. The goats enjoy it, too.

    What are anyone elses New Year’s Resolution? Do you make new ones each year or have some carry-over ones for several years? Are they easy or hard to keep? Let me know, if you please.

  2. Florida Girl Says:

    Merry Christmas!
    Sorry my wishes are a bit belated. It has been a busy month.

    As for my New Year’s Resolution: I want to keep a journal and write down 5 things I’m grateful for every day. I actually started this journal a month ago and it has been pretty amazing how it changes the way I look at each day. Instead of finding things to complain about, I’m always looking for things to be grateful for. It kind of compliments Deb’s New Year’s Resolution about giving compliments instead of complaints. I like that a lot!

    I’m going to “steal” Deb’s resolution of keeping a list of books ready in 2007. That is a great idea!

    Plume, looking forward to reading an entry about your dad. You’ve kept him a mystery!

  3. Luis Says:

    Luis’s resolutions:
    –Run at least four miles a day.
    –Don’t make fun of the guy who lives up the street who wanders around the neighborhood in his boxers. He’s 91 and he thinks he’s Charles II.
    –Be nice to people with eye crunchies.
    –Drive near or slightly above the speed limit.
    –Eat more “red” and “blue” foods.
    –Watch more movies in French.
    –Take Mummy to the park and feed the ducks. The last time we went, a really big goose attacked her and I was screaming like a girl. Then the goose came after me while Mummy ran to the car to take pictures. We are still traumatized.
    –Collect more Troll dolls.
    –Give more to the Red Cross.
    –Try not to cry when other people cry. I cry when the mail comes late.
    –Buy the third season of “The Golden Girls” on dvd.
    –Save money for retirement. I don’t want to be like my Aunt Sylvia who had to continue teaching at St. Rachel’s of the Bleeding eyes well into her 70s. And she doesn’t even like kids!
    –Find some way to get a glue gun that doesn’t burn my finger tips.
    –Don’t touch a sea slug.
    –Listen to more John Mayer.
    –Pay off my credit card. I’m in debt to the tune of $800. Can I pay it off a dollar a year for eight hundred years?
    –Forgive Japan and France for WWII.
    –For the fortieth year, try to grow a goatee like Plume. I’m never successful. I end up looking like goat. And the worst part is that the goats will always look better than me!
    –Use a stick to touch a dead squirrel. Using your tongue leaves an odd aftertaste.
    –Pray that my friend’s daughter doesn’t grow up to be a cereal killer. She keeps stabbing Capin’ Crunch with her Barbi doll.
    –But most of all, my most important resolution is to survive 2007 healthy, happy, content, and still dream that the world will feel better, too.

  4. Deb Says:

    Alright Plume, bite the bullet. Florida Girl, Luis, and I were brave and wrote down our resolutions. What are yours? Pray tell us, pretty please!

    Florida Girl: Writing down what you’re grateful for seems simple, but it does work! Seems like it changes your whole attitude and things don’t seem so bad.

    Luis: Ha, ha, hee, hee! I was laughing so hard about the geese trauma you suffered. I know, that wasn’t nice of me . . . but darn it … it was funny! Are you a stand-up comic in your “real life”? My Mom likes to sneak up on live squirrels (while they are eating) and pull their tails! I have no idea why. It’s a wonder she didn’t get bit by Mr. Squirrel.

    Plume’s got quite a goatee going on there, doesn’t he?

  5. Clare Says:

    awl. In yo’ most recent pictures, your beardedness makes you look like Johnny Depp. Hee!

  6. Plume Says:

    Deb – Maybe on next year’s card I’ll have my dad in a christmas hat, hehe.
    I am impressed with your resolutions. Maybe I shall adopt some of them. Stay tuned tomorrow.
    I hope my goatee isn’t too goaty. Goatheehee.

    Florida Girl – Merry christmas to you too. Haven’t you heard, it’s christmas all year round at plume’s place! My resolution shall be to write about my dad. I resolutely resolute it!

    Luis – Luis, you crack me up. That is the best list I have read in quite a while. You’d have to be careful if you came to visit the playground, the geese here can be quite temperemental.
    I also vow not touch a sea slug. Definitely.

    Clare – I love you! I love youoooouuu! I AM totally Johnny Depp, I am. I know I am. Exactly the look I was going for. Hmm yes.

  7. b45tg4rtgwr45ytr Says:

    ur dad is a hottie lassie!!! for realz!

  8. Plume Says:

    b45tg4rtgwr45ytr – if u think he is so hot y dunt u marry him?!

    .. is that u mum?

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