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Masser Af Succes

My oh my, where did the time fly? 2006 is almost over. Can you believe it?

If you can’t then I encourage you to go look at a calendar. Cause it’s true. 2007 is standing just outside the door, tapping its little feet, waiting to be let inside.

Thank you for the comments about resolutions for the new year. If anyone else have any to add, please feel free. It’s actually quite inspirational. I have never made resolutions myself. But maybe this is the year. I’ll come up with some thoughts at least. Tomorrow, in my End Of The Year speech to the nation. If the queen and the prime minister can do it, then so can I.

Today I will do some playgrounding. And by that I don’t mean make up a game where I go around and tell kids that they are grounded. No, I mean pictures and anecdotes, plumestyle. Aight.

First of all, a moment I had yesterday. A beautiful moment. I was sitting on the ground (because the bench is for human peoples), leaning up against the fence. And then Musse came up to the fence and I scratched her a little on the nose. And looked into her eyes. They have such beautiful eyes, the horses. And I sat there and looked in her eyes and saw my own reflection in them. Sweet. I wish I could get a picture of that.


Can you see me in there? Or at least my camera’s eye.

And just so Sille doesn’t feel left out, here is a picture of her:


If you look at the fence there, where she is standing, you can see that the top bars have fallen down. It’s been like that for a while. And for some reason the goats haven’t taken the opportunity to escape. Until yesterday. It was partly my fault. Not only did I climb out there, thus giving them the idea, I also had the audacity to want to go and sit down with Kridte and Firs.

kridte firs

I sat down on a rock there. And then a minute later suddenly Mads and Magnethe came walking by, as if it nothing was wrong or out of the ordinary. Hehe. It was about time for their feeding anyway, so I helped get them back inside. It was cute though, how they just came strolling along as if they hadn’t just escaped from their pen.

magnethe mads

The conspirators. Nice to see them standing next to each other without anyone being chased off. Yes, I’m looking at you Mads…


One of my favourite parts of Mads to scratch is his chin. Actually it’s so high up on his chin that it’s almost his lips. Then sometimes when I scratch him like that his lips will pull down and his teeth will show and he’s just standing there enjoying it with what looks like a huuuge toothy smile on his face.

And also, you know…


..Magnethe in a bucket. That never, ever gets old. She hadn’t even finished eating, there’s still food in that bucket. But she still just stepped into it and looked at me like “yup, I’m standing in a bucket again. Don’t you love me?”. And I do.

(interlude: I am in a comic mood. I am looking for Don Rosa’s 2nd Hall of Fame book. I need Don Rosa comics. Also, I want some kind of complete Calvin & Hobbes collection. Plus some Mutts. And don’t even get me started on the old Marvel Star Wars mags. I think I should become a comicbook nerd. I need to diversify my nerdiness. If there are any Danish peoples out there willing to sell me a copy of Don Rosa vol 2 then please get in touch.)

Okay, back to the playground. I was on duty today. To feed the animals. With special instructions about Nina. They want her to stay inside this weekend. Because of this strange human tradition where we celebrate that our planet is a year older by blowing up pieces of it (yes I stole that joke from the Simpsons). With all the fireworks and gangs of marauding teenagers they figure it’s better not to let her run around outside. So instead of having her run up to the door when I arrived I had to lock her out of the master bath room. They couldn’t let her run free inside the house because she would set the alarm off.

The first thing she did when I let her out was run straight to the door.


Aw. You could tell she wanted to go out. Even if it was raining and very windy.

It was even worse when I had to put her back inside the bath room.


How can you get yourself to disturb a cat that is so comfy? I did give her lots and lots of cuddles though. And the master bath room is big and she had her basket and toys and stuff. So that is still better than being blown up by gangs of evil nazi homophobic animal-hating teenagers. Yeah, those darn teenagers, you can’t trust ’em.

You know what I really don’t get? The fireworks. The ones that go “BANG” and nothing else. What is the point of those? For days all I hear is BANG BANG BANG BANG. Now, I can understand celebrating the new year with fireworks. Beautiful fireworks that explode in the sky in millions of colours and everybody goes OOOOOH and AAAAAH. That’s not so bad. But those damn firecrackers that just explode in a little flash and a loud bang? Outlaw the damn things. That’s not fireworks. That’s just explosives for people who can’t get their hands on real dynamite. And they sell in packages with 100 of them for 5 bucks. And 97,33% of them are sold to teenagers who go around and terrorize animals and the elderly. It’s got nothing to do with fireworks.

Still much debate in Denmark. Illegal fireworks and people with huge stashes of explosives in residential areas and so on and so forth. Fireworks are the devil’s work, and nobody realizes it until they have blown one of their own fingers off. Or spent new year’s eve in the hospital. Not that I am bitter about that. Anyway, nuff ranting. On a much brighter note, guess what I saw hanging on the wall inside the playground house?

playground pictures

Pictures. On the wall. MY PICTURES. On the wall. Yay! They’re finally up. Several big and small frames hanging round on the walls.

playground pictures

Not all of them put up yet. But they’re there. How very sweet. I hope people will like them. I met Bodil on my way home (I run into her a lot, eh?) and she said that she had seen them. And that it was about time they had been put up. Hehe. It’s several months ago that she told me to “push it” a little and make them get it done. But it has been worth the wait. And Bodil complimented them and told me they were good. Sweet. She was happy that it was raining, almost storming. Because that meant she could take Lulu for a walk without all the fireworks and crackers. She will be spending new years in her bath room with running water and music to soothe her dog. Sweet of her. I almost feel like spending the eve up with the goats, to make sure they’re okay. They don’t seem to be scared of the fireworks so far, but of course it will get really loud and busy when midnight approaches. I hope they will get through it all okay. And that the playground will escape unharmed from the fireworks. All that wood and straw and stuff, I don’t even want to think about what a stray rocket could do. Would it be awfully selfish of me if I asked the world to skip the celebrations and let the animals have peace? It’s a little late to start a petition to cancel new years I guess.

But there you go. Uh oh, it’s 23:57. I have to post this before it turns into 31/12. Hope you will all have a happy and safe tomorrow. Remember, my birthday is March 15th, so if you want to buy me the Complete Calvin & Hobbes then you should start saving now. I’m just saying is all.

Happy new year, tomorrow!

3 Responses to “Masser Af Succes”

  1. Luis Says:

    We can’t have any fireworks at all. Only at public ventures sponsered by the state or the government. We tend to get lots of fires out here in southern California. But I do remember as a little boy that you could buy fireworks at the local market for about five cents a piece. We’d light them then run away. Bang!! Then we’d light another one. Boom!!

    I’m glad your photos finally were placed up for all to see. Man, they look so neat! I just love them.

    As for Deb’s inquiries, no I am no longer working for the French government. Ever since the socialist were routed out and became less of the majority, I’m back in the states again working as a “data entry II specialist” for the Department of Education.

    Plume knows the whole story. But if you look at the new year’s resolution as a kind of anagram you’ll see the true scope. You know, kind of like the Da Vinci Code.

    And no Plume and I had nothing to do with that. Isn’t that right, Plume?

    Have a wonderful New Year’s, Plume and Deb! I know it will be a better year for all of us.

    Thank you for all those wonderfully heartfelt blog entries. We are truly lucky to allow us into your life.

  2. Plume Says:

    Luis – Have you ever thought about writing an autobiography? For some reason that strikes me as something I would like to read. Maybe it’s just the squirrels that have gone to my head.
    I certainly had nothing to do with the Da Vinci Code. They did ask me to direct it, but frankly I was busy directing my upcoming masterpiece “Goat Jumps On Bench” and the sequel “Goat Sneezes And Scares Horse”. It’s a busy like for Senior Plumeberg.
    Thank you Luis!

  3. Deb Says:

    My, Luis you lead an interesting life. Did you live in France, too? You know what they do to geese there? Feed them alot then eat their livers on toast points (pate). You will have to threaten your mean, scary geese with that info!

    Plume, such wonderful pictures of the horses. They are so nice looking. And silly Magnethe in a bucket. What a goat!

    And your photos! They look so nice. I’m impressed with how they are displayed. You must be very pleased.

    We don’t do fireworks here in Iowa for the New Year’s either. It’s pretty windy and cold here tonight.

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