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The Art of Distracting Yourself From the Truth

I am not feeling too well. Today and yesterday. The mood has been swinging. Scared and depressed. About Wednesday. My first day at TMU. It’s not alltogether too surprising. I always feel like this before big events. And it always turns out that I had nothing to worry about. I am sure this will be the case with TMU as well. So I just have to get through these days and then everything will be fine.

Instead I shall try to think of some positive things. Like mother’s delicious soup. I wish I could invite ya’ll round for a taste. But then there would be less for me! And in true goat fashion I want it all for myself. It is part of the fun of momma’s soup that she cooks up a giant pot and it lasts for days. It’ll do me good on Wednesday, knowing that I’ll be coming home to a serving of splendid soup. As silly as that may seem.

I am feeling a bit light-headed. Might it have something to do with the fact that I had a large haystack removed today? Yes, I got my hair cut. And my goatee is gone too. I was slightly worried that the goats wouldn’t be able to recognise me. But…


Mads seemed to accep the change.

Not that I bribed him or anything.


Certainly not with lemonade. Nope. Remember the video of me shaking the bottle and Mads licking his lips? It’s funny how different Magnethe reacts. She reacts like I would have thought Mads would. She steps away and flinches and almost seems scared that I’ll spray her with water. She does not want a taste of lemonade at all.

Another one of Mads:


Look at that expression on his face. Funny goat.

On my way home I met Bodil. It’s funny how often I run into her. And then I stop on my bike. And we talk and laugh. She’s great. I almost feel normal when I talk to her.

Speaking of positive thoughts, here are some from youtube:

http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZktX2RiZT2o. Bunnies and chickens. One big mess. Little cute baby bunnies, couldn’t you just pick them up and play petanque with them? Well, not really of course. But little furballs of joy they are.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=AXnsRwt3UDA. Magnethe giving the camera a little lick.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=oJGD414GlGk. And Mads jumping in through the hatch to join me inside.

I don’t know what I’d do without the goats.

If you liked Gabby then you should check out the two new videos of her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SafTqPxQh40. And http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTs1GqVTBO8. She is beautiful and seems like a sweet goat. What I really love is how Nasubionna loves her. Once you let a goat in your heart there is no stopping it.

Those two videos are of Gabby chewing on her velcro. And in much the same vein here is Magnethe chewing on my jeans: http://youtube.com/watch?v=9riZPsinsbY. (It might not be available on youtube yet, if it doesn’t work then try it later).

Luis Lemmings asked if Magnethe expected a treat when she got up and stood in a bucket. The answer is no. It’s not a trick I taught her. It seems like such a random thing, doesn’t it? Just standing around in buckets. That’s probably why it’s so funny. So random. And the look she gets on her face. So pleased with herself. Like standing in a bucket is the most natural thing in the world. Which of course it is, when you’re a goat. But lookie here:


And here:


goat feet

I sense a trend. Mads does that too. He doesn’t stand in buckets but he does step up on planks or that stone there. And there’s the bench of course. Even if I’m not on the bench he’ll still get up there. I think the goats just like to stand on a clean and plane surface. I remember reading once that the reason why the goats were so prolific was that they hated mud and dirt and they tried to avoid it and thereby avoided a lot of diseases and such. And we all know that they love to jump up on stuff. Benches, fences, tables, other animals. So I would think that’s where it comes from. A clean plane surface. Or maybe, as the Debster speculated, it’s just her way of saying “this bucket is empty, please fill it with food”.

Funny that Mads doesn’t generally stand in buckets. He does always stand on top of them if they are turned over. That’s the trick I taught him. And he keeps doing it. So eventually I have to topple the bucket over and roll it away, otherwise he keeps stepping up on it and looking at me. “Okay, I’m on the bucket. I did my part of the deal. Now where is my treat?” it looks like he thinks.

Aren’t they great?

Yup. See? Everything is good. Everybody is happy. No worries. Fa-la-la.

5 Responses to “The Art of Distracting Yourself From the Truth”

  1. Debster Says:

    Hey, who’s that handsome dude with Mads? I don’t recognize him. Is he someone new at the playground. Mads sure seems to like him . . . almost as much as he likes Plume!

    Danish goat boy, hate to tell you this but even NORMAL people get a little anxious when trying something new. It is very, very normal and not to worry. You’ll do fine. If you weren’t a bit anxious/excited, you wouldn’t be going to TMU now would you. They are there to help you.

    Think of all the hard things you’ve already been through and survived. This can’t possibly be as hard as all that. Just take it step by step, hour by hour, or even minute by minute. I know you can do it. You’ve made such progress, I don’t recognize you sometimes! (Ha, ha . . . I knew it was you in the first picture with Mads.)

    We’ll all be thinking of you Wed and want to know how you did. The first day will be the hardest and then each day will get easier for you. And you’ll look back at the first day and say: I DID IT! AND I CAN KEEP ON DOING IT! Because you’re “Da Plume”.

    You “owe” me for one Pep Talk, okay danish goat boy? I may need one someday and I’m counting on you to come through for me.

  2. Luis Lemmings Says:

    I know that feeling, Plume. I had to go to a function this past Saturday night. It was being held at a rather pricy and expensive restaurant where the prices of the food are NOT on the menu. Now, I haven’t run in those circles for many years, but I still have friends who do. This time I couldn’t back out of it since it was a birthday celebration for one of my best friends.

    I can afford to go to those places, but I’m not part of that world anymore where money, status, money, looks, etc are supposed to count. I don’t hold to that kind of pretenciousness. And I did feel nervous since I have heard about this restaurant/club but never was interested in going.

    So what I did was that another friend of mine, who was also invited and has more money than me, and I drove by the place, parked and just explored. Since it was in a high-rise builidng, we went up the elevator and took a quick peek. The place was small and it had a fantastic view of the Pacific Ocean.

    Doing that made me feel comfortable, and when the time for us to attend I was more at ease because I was there beforehand.

    Maybe that’s something you can do, just go by and take a look at the street where the building is at, look at the building itself so that you can familiarize yourself with it.

    Debster is absolutely right. It’s normal to feel nervous. I did, and it turned out very well. I’m glad I was there for my best friend. And the weird part was that I don’t miss that life anymore.

    I still get invited to functions and openings and parties, etc. But most of the time I don’t attend them anymore. It’s too much having to dress up, etc. And for the most part it’s turned out well.

    I’ve been able to maintain my friends because they know I’m not interested in those things anymore. I still go to the opening of the ballet season here in town or when there is a major art exhibition like the opening of the new modern art museum in downtown San Diego.

    Honestly, I’m just like the goats. Give me a few sips of lemonade and I’m happy. I’d rather curl up with the bunnies than get dressed up again and mingle with people and make small talk. Boring!!!!

    It was nice to visit that world, but I don’t live there anymore. I’d rather sleep on my stack of hay, yawn, and go to sleep.

    It will turn out well on Wednesday, Plume. You’ll see. It’s normal to be nervous and you will be the night before. But look at it this way: man, you’ve come a long way. The improvements you’ve made have been really good.

    You’re no different than me when I had to go to that fancy restaurant. I survived and I know you will, too.

  3. Laura Says:

    The photos of Mads w/lemonade and Magnethe on the tiny rock crack me up. Kinda remind me of this picture I took of B.J….

    I think goats must just love climbing on things and being on smooth, hard surfaces because their ancestors lived in mountains… makes them feel safe, and keeps their toenails lovely and nicely trimmed!

    Good luck on Wednesday! Being nervous is an awful feeling, but you’re right: it always turns out OK in the end. We’re rooting for you!

  4. Debster Says:

    I’ve done the same thing as Luis Lemmings. Go look a place over ahead of time, find out how long it takes me to get there, where it’s at, etc. Makes me feel more confident and in control when I do finally have to be there for real.

    Laura, love your pictures of Gabby and BJ. We’re just goat-crazy here and love them all. Sometimes Mads will blog (when Plume gives him a chance at the computer) and my two pygmy goats have been known to have a few things to say. Funny though, they all speak with a foreign accent!

  5. Plume Says:

    Debster – Oh you flatter me so! Thank you for the pep talk. You always cheer me up. You are like a cheerleader, only without the fascism!

    Luis Lemmings – I haven’t been to a restaurant in many a year. I’m going to on Friday though. With TMU. Luckily they’ll be paying. I better order something expensive. I would much rather sit around and munch on nuts and raisins with the goats. Actually, I don’t like raisins. But don’t tell the goats that! They already think I’m crazy because I drink from a bottle instead of a bucket I think.
    Well, Wednesday have come and (almost) gone. And I made it through it. Thanks for the pep talk to you as well.

    Laura – Mountains! That makes sense. I never thought of that. Maybe I should build a mountain for them or something. That little stone Magnethe is standing on is not much of a mountain!

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