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World Of Plumecraft

A funny thing happened today. (That’s a good way to start an entry, don’t you think?).

I mentioned that people were coming over to replace my heat and water counter, right? So I was sitting around for hours, waiting. Nervously. Because you know, strangers etc. People. Scary. Eventually a plumber rang my doorbell. And I let him in. And he recognised me! Yes, he knew me from our old school. Gammelgården. Wow. That’s like.. last century. Millennium, even. He asked me if I remembered him, but I didn’t. He was a couple of years younger than me. And was apparently thrown out of 7th grade. Although he later corrected that to “transfered out”. Hehe. But what a trip. That was the last thing I was expecting. We talked for a bit. He saw my computer, just 5 minutes before he came I had loaded up a game to pass the time while I waited. So we talked a bit about computer games. Turns out he is hooked on World Of Warcraft. And he wanted to recruit me. I have never played any MMORPGs (that’s Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game to you sad people that ..aren’t nerds). I have been meaning to give Ultima Online a shot though. Since I’m a huge Ultima fan. But WoW is hugely popular. And this guy, Lars, asked if I wanted a free trial. So I said yes to that. He’s going to come round tomorrow with it. I am invited to his “clan” apparently. So how about that? Maybe I have made a new friend? Or if nothing else then a free trial for World of Warcraft.

Yes, life can still throw a suprise at you every once in a while.

When he was done fixing the water counter I went to town and picked out a desk to replace the one that got broken during transport. The new desk will be delivered tomorrow. I had to pay a little extra, but then the desk is much nicer than the one I had originally picked. So I shan’t complain. I’m just looking forward to getting it. Also tomorrow an electrician will come to change the heat/electricity counters. I thought it would all be done in one go, but I guess you need a plumber for the water thing and an electrician.. for the rest. I wonder if the electrician will want to be my friend as well? We’ll see. But that’s the plan for tomorrow. Electrican and desk delivery.

Yesterday I was back at TMU. Talked to Anne, the physio. Just briefly. About my back mainly. I’m trying to get retirement for psychological reasons , but they just have to cover everything in the “application”. After that I talked to Peter, the boss. He’s almost done with the new text for their website. So I can get started on that soon. Hopefully I can come up with something useable. He is insisting on giving me a “reward”, even though I tried to talk my way out of it. They’re too nice out there. I feel like I owe THEM, not the other way around. But we’ll see what happens with that.

Meanwhile, the goats are the best thing in my life, did you know?


My buddy Mads.


And Vanilje sniffing around. That is surely one of the greatest things about goats, their curiosity. They’re always sniffing around. If you ever walk up to a goat, chances are it will start sniffing around you too. Maybe it will try to chew on your clothes, just to see if you’re edible.


Magnethe baahing. She must have spotted something. Could it be…


Yes, it’s Per. He was rummaging around inside. And Vanilje heard him. And when she hears people inside then she always gets excited and starts baahing and running up to the hatch and trying to get in. So Per took pity on her and came out with some food. All the goats were very happy with that.

That’s all. I’m afraid the kitten brew will have to wait for tomorrow. I’ll reheat it for you, don’t worry. It’ll be greeat.

Oh yes, also a very happy birthday to The Debster. The Debsterminator is one of the nicest people I know, and I hope she realizes what a positive, positive thing she is in my life. And not just because of her goats! Happy birthday, and many more.

5 Responses to “World Of Plumecraft”

  1. Debster Says:

    Oh, Plumey. That was a nice comment you made about me. We are celebrating my sister’s birthday (the 27th) and mine (the 28th) on Wed the 29th by all going out to eat for supper (chicken – yum, yum). I know you like chicken, so I will consume a piece of chicken in your name.

    We worked today in Denmark . . . priming one side of a two-story house. It was HOT and HUMID. Hopefully it will cool off some the rest of the week. By the way, I was in Denmark . . . where were you? hee, hee

    In our town, the siren goes off at noon and 6:00 p.m. to tell us silly Midwesteners when to stop work and go eat. In Denmark today, the church bells rang at noon and music played. Much nicer than a siren. I wonder if they did that especially for me since it was my b’day? There isn’t a siren for breakfast, now that I think about it. Guess we’re on our own for that meal.

    Plume, I think you know lots more people than you let on about. Seems like everybody you meet now you’ve known before. Just how big is your town? You are starting to attract friends now like you attract goats. I knew you could do it. (Must be those raisins and nuts you’re leaving by your front door. hee, hee)

  2. Milla Says:

    Plume, what cute pics :) And no wonder you’re appreciated at TMU and here. You are a gem, you hear?!

    Hooray for Debster! I also want to wish you a very happy b-day & send best wishes for you and your sister. Hope you had a lovely day. Was there cake also? I’m very curious :)

    I sent a helicopter full of hug passes and they’re going to be tossed around Denmark right about… now! All I can say is they’re only visible to people who love goats ;)

  3. Desiree Says:

    The kittens – including Frodo – finally opened their little eyes! Frodo looks like he’s got blue eyes, but that’s probably just a camara quirk. My internet’s been down for three days, but as soon as I get the chance, I shall send you another photo of them all. Not long now till we’ll know if it’s a Frodo or Frida. ;) I can’t wait to meet them this weekend. My mum’s started saying she might keep Ginger. S/he’s very cute, my mum says. So, that just leaves two little kittens to find homes for – the little snow twins. I like those the best, but we can’t have a kitten here – what with an Angel, a Raven and an Arthur on the way… it’d be mayhem;) Hugs to Debs from me as well and a happy b-day to you and sis. Enjoy the meal.

  4. Plume Says:

    Debster – I have only nice things to say about you! I hope you have had (or are having) a nice celebration. A happy birthday wish for your sister as well. Does she have any goats, or are you the only nut in the family? (I mean that in the nicest and nuttiest way, of course)
    I was in Denmark too! But I didn’t see you at all! Funny, I always hear that Denmark is such a small place, how could we possibly have missed each other?
    I think I will start up a community called America here in Denmark. Just to mess with people’s minds!

    Milla – A gem? I don’t know about that! But.. okay, if you insist :)
    For a moment I was worried about that helicopter that kept circling above my building, but now I am at ease again! That’s going to be a lot of hugs!

    Desiree – I hope they like the world they can now see! And I hope you’ll have fun meeting them. And I especially hope for nice pictures and videos :) You must make sure to tell little Frodo that he is already loved and wanted and making people smile. You can’t be too young to hear that sort of things!

  5. Debster Says:

    Thank you Milla and Desiree for the birthday wishes. No, we didn’t have cake this year as everyone is watching their weight. When my sister and I were little, my Mom would make two cakes for us. We ate cake for breakfast, lunch, and supper! Oh, to be a kid again.

    When my husband & I were married, we had a German Chocolate sheet cake made for us. Yummy! That’s my husband’s favorite cake, although I think whatever cake he’s eating at the time is his favorite!

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