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Loyal To The Bank Of America

Oh my, it’s very cold. I almost feel like turning on the heat, for the first time since I moved in.

I have instead opted to put on some cotton socks, though. Good thing I like the cold.

Also sitting under a blanket in my comfy chair and watching telly, that keeps me warmish.

My mother came by the appartment today. She hasn’t been here since the first couple of days, so she just wanted to see how the drapes were and probably to make sure that I hadn’t completely trashed the place already.

In other news, I got stood up! By my new friend. At least I think I did. He said he’d come around with the game yesterday, at noon. But he didn’t, I think. I could only stand to wait for half an hour, though. Then I had to crash in bed and take a nap. I had been up very early and I had had much interaction and was bushwacked. He might have come by when I was sleeping. He seemed very eager to get me signed up with World of Warcraft, though, so I’m sure he’ll come around some other time. Don’t toy with my heart!

I was up at 7 am already. To get ready for the electrician. Two came in fact. They didn’t try to befriend me, they worked very efficiently and were quickly done. Then I waited around for the new desk to be delivered. Between 10-12. It came around 10:30. And then I waited for my dad to come around, he had promised to be there around 11. Which he was. He dropped off the saddlebags for the bike. He’s giving me the old bike, you’ll remember. The back wheel is busted though, so it had to go to the bicycle repairman first. But dad dropped off the saddlebags and some papers. So there was much waiting and many people and so on. One of the guys who dropped off the desk was all singing and dancing “I HOPE YOU HAVE ROOM FOR A DESK LALALA”. That was rather peculiar, but funny too. It was the third time I had stuff delivered from them, but the first time that singing guy had come along. It was like a furniture-o-gram.

Today has been more quiet. As I said, mum came around. Daddy did as well, this time with the bike. He’s going to come again tomorrow and help me out with the laundry. I can’t believe I’ve never done laundry on my own in my entire life. Well, you’re never too old to learn. Once again I must say that I feel blessed for all the help my parents give me, they have been so nice and supportive. And I’m not just saying that because I know that they look at my site. Hi mum, hi dad!

Did a little re-decorating yesterday and today. Now that the desk is delivered I pretty much have what I need, furniture-wise. And I can pretty much settle on the final design of things. I still have a lot of stuff to put on shelves and messes to clean up. But the general layout is probably done. It involved moving my bed so it’s now standing parallel to the wall, instead of against the window side. I have been moving it back and forth, trying to find the best place for it. I think this is it. That also meant moving the telly, to make room for the bed. And moving the comfy chair to stand in front of the telly. A nice little TV corner there. My mum seemed to approve of the way I had set things up. So it can’t be all bad.

You might remember that I talked about pictures, when I first did the move. I never did post those pictures. I posted videos instead. But I have now made an album of appartment pics. Fancy clickable link. Most of the pictures are from the first days. If you have watched the videos I made then there’s not much new. And if you haven’t watched the videos then you’re probably not too interested. But there are some things to look out for, you can see my family in some of them for example. My mother taking measurements for drapes. My brother stepping out on the (tiny) balcony to have a smoke. And my dad and Oluf. Also me in the reflection in the windows. And then I took some new pictures today, with the new and updated appartment layout. So you can check all that out if you want. It’s mostly for my own benifit, so I can see how the place has evolved an so on. In five years, if I still live here by then, it will probably be funny to go back and see how the place looked before I spread my mess around.

Can I just take a moment to say that the first reviews of Tina Dickow/Dico’s new album are ranging from good to great? It looks like another success for my old classmate. So check her out if she comes to a town near you.

Also I must say a big thank you to Sarah. Not only is her livejournal an awesome source of goaty and sheepy fun in general but she also sent me a letter. And she included 10 bucks! That’s right. 10 American dollars. As far as I can tell it’s a genuine 10 dollar bill. Not some toy reproduction. So I’m rich, rich I tellsya! Thank you Sarah! She also included some goat goodies including a First place ribbon from the Humboldt County Fair. Man I feel spoiled! I was thinking of putting it on Mads, but then I think that would make the others jealous. So I’ll probably keep it for myself. I have never won a prize, as far as I can remember. Why don’t we hold human fairs where we parade around in front of each other and.. hmm, on second thought I’m not sure I’d enjoy that. I’d rather watch goats anyway!

That’s all. One day closer to a kitten, that’s me.

4 Responses to “Loyal To The Bank Of America”

  1. LuisLemmings Says:

    I saw the drapes in the photos and I think they look really nice. If the drapes were darker in colour, they would have made the place look heavy, foreboding, something like Dracula would live in.

    Does Denmark celebrate Halloween like here in the States?

  2. Clare Says:

    Cotton socks? Bless them! Bless your cotton socks! (You heard that phrase? :p Otherwise that won’t make sense..)
    CLICKABLE links now is it? Pfft. You think you’re so big with your JOURNAL *mumble*

  3. Plume Says:

    LuisLemmings – I’m quite happy with the drapes yes. They’re fairly neutral, they do their job and look decent and don’t kill the mood. What more can you ask for. We don’t celebrate Halloween, in theory. Although there has been some importing of the tradition. So some people might do it.

    Clare – I don’t know that phrase, but I know you and that’s good enough for me. I’m A BIGSHOT WITH MY FANCE INTARWEB LINX

  4. Debster Says:

    Clare: I’ve heard “Well, bless my soul” or “Bless you” when you sneeze, but never heard the cotton sock one.

    Plume: My goodness, you’re cuddling up in a blanket and soxs and it’s been around 95 degrees (35 C) here! Granted today was about 18 degrees cooler, I didn’t sweat at all painting outside. Nor was I in the sun like I always am! I swear my husband makes me work on the sunny side of every house we paint.

    We were entertained by three hummingbirds at the owner’s house. They were zipping all around us and drinking at the feeder. They start migrating soon, so they are fueling up for the long trip to warmer climates.

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