Poul Thomsen?
So today was laundry day. But I also managed a quick trip to the playground.
See, yesterday the phone rang right as I came home from my playground visit. It was Alice, asking me if I was planning to stop by the playground. D’oh. She hadn’t seen me when I was there. That’s what you get for hanging out with goats all the time and forgetting to say hello to the humans… Anyway, she needed me to sign some papers. And those papers had to be mailed off today, Wednesday, at the latest. So I had no choice, had to go to the playground. How horrible! Haha. So this morning I started the washing machines and then went off to the playground while they did their work. I got the papers signed. And I was there quite early, so I helped open up for the goats. They didn’t feel much like going outside though, since it was raining. No weather for a goat.
Oh and guess what I found out? The buck has a name. It’s Poul. How about that. I was under the impression that he had renamed nameless. But not so. It came up in conversation with Alice. We were talking about Magnethe. She’s going to be having kids in the next couple of weeks. So my calculations were not far off. And while that goes on, Poul is going to be loaned out to another playground. Where he’ll get to have fun with another lady boer goat. He’s living the good life, Poul. Lots of lady friends.
I can’t wait though. Soon, soon, soon. Goat babies. Oh boy. That’s going to be sweet.
Less sweet was the fact that someone had thrown a big stone through the glass in the front door at the playground. At least they hadn’t broken in and stolen anything. But it’s still so senseless. Vandalism. The playground has very little money to begin with, now they have to pay insurance and new glass. Just cause some kids think it’s fun to throw stones through windows. Stupid.
But let’s think positive thoughts instead.
Positive Mads.
And the soon-to-be mama again, Magnethe. Stretching.
So tomorrow was supposed to be Lost day. I forgot about the time difference. In Denmark, Lost day is Friday. But almost there anyway. I’m hankering for new episodes.
And that’s all for now, folks.
January 31st, 2008 at 1:15
Mr. Poul, the LongEared Buck! Does Poul rhyme with cool?
Tip #235: Offer your goats warm water on a single digit cold day. They prefer it to be plain water, no tea, coffee, or hot cocoa mix is needed.
Well, the much talked about blizzard missed our area (thank goodness) although we may get snow late tonight or early in the am (a few inches). It was 8 F (-13 C) this morning, but very little wind. Hooray for no wind.
Bad people to do vandalism to the playground. That really bothers me. I hope they have enough sense to leave the animals alone.
Today there was a mobile meth lab busted in a town nearby where we shop frequently. The local police force weren’t equipped to handle what they had as ingredients, so they had to call in a hazmat team from several hours away to handle it.
They closed the store down and sent employees home. Stupid people and their drugs interupting a legit business, etc. Our local police are really up on this sort of thing as we do have this problem. Don’t know what is the matter with people. They are endangering themselves as well as innocent people. Makes me upset. *Rant, rant, rant*
January 31st, 2008 at 2:55
I think I’m going to miss Poul when he lives. We’ve gotten so used to him though I’m sure Mads will be glad he’s gone. Then he’ll be back to being King of the playground.
What an awful thing to have happened!! Maybe someone should throw a stone at the person (people) who did it and see how they feel about it. One big drop on a foot and everyone could hear them hit the high notes!
Meth labs used to be on the west coast then started to migrate to other parts of the US. I feel so bad for the children who get caught up in it because of their parents involvement.
I think there should be more government funded rehabilitation centers. It costs so much money to get into a private one and most people don’t even have health insurance.
February 1st, 2008 at 3:26
Well folks, it’s snowing again here. What a surprise. Another couple of inches is what we’re to get this time.
The goatzies sure do like their warm water when we feed them at night. They drink and drink, and then drink some more. Finally got John Boy’s beard unthawed so I could comb it properly.
A properly groomed goat is a happy goat. And a properly scratched goat is a very happy, happy goat.
February 1st, 2008 at 13:13
My ex – aka Nemesis from my diary – is called Poul. He’s the the one who I recently learned has moved to the capital and turned gay. No more lady friends for him.
February 1st, 2008 at 22:23
Debster – Although Poul is a cool kitten, it does not rhyme no. It’s pronounced more like Paul, not pool.
Warm water eh? I don’t think our goats have ever had that luxury. Maybe I shall try it. I can bring the water heater my dad gave me for christmas.
Wow, a meth lab. That sounds like something out of a Robocop movie. Do the drug dealers walk around in white lab coats? I wish I had a lab coat. Although I’d need a lab too. Not a meth lab of course. A goat lab. Maybe. I could perform crazy experiments on goats. Like.. “do goats prefer nuts or raisins?”. Or “how many butts would a goat butt if a goat could butt butts?”. And so on. I wish more people were “goat lab stupid” instead of “meth lab stupid”.
LuisLemmings – I have a feeling we might see Poul again some time. Mostly because Alice said he’d come back after his “fun” at the other playground. So it’s a pretty big feeling. Sooner or later he’ll be going back to Kurt though.
Drugs are bad mkay. Humans are silly. Ruining their own lives like that. And others. Goats wouldn’t do that. They might fight a little over their nuts and raisins, but that’s as far as they’d go.
Desiree – Oh haha. Well I’m sure he’s getting his fair share of bucks then.