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It was bound to happen. Sooner or later. Inescapable. Today I lost a sock in the laundry, for the very first time.

Or maybe I gained a sock? In any case I am left with an uneven number of socks. I shall have to grow a third foot, I’m afraid. It’s the only logical conclusion.

5 Responses to “Sockpuppetmaster”

  1. Milla Says:

    Orrr, you could wear different colored socks, because it’s way more fun and make a puppet out of the third! That’s what I always do when that happens :)


  2. Debster Says:

    Now you’ve gone and done it: you’ve angered the “Great Sock God”!

    Also if you keep the odd sock for three months, then decide its’ mate won’t show up, so you throw it away, the other sock will magically appear.

    You could always pin it to the bulletin board in the laundry room.

    Are you sure it’s not yours? (Of course, if it’s a pink anklet with black poodles and has lace at the top, forget I even asked such a silly question!)

  3. LuisLemmings Says:

    I shall search high and low for the village’s dumbest virgin to appease the Sock God and sacrifice him/her/it.

    Whhhaaaoooo! To the Sock God we pray!!

    Whhaaaoooo! To the Sock God we pray!!

  4. Debster Says:

    I didn’t know you could appease the “Great Sock God”, LuisLemmings?

    I’ve just been giving the “GSG” a pair or two of socks every year. I feel so dumb *hangs head in shame*.

  5. Plume Says:

    Milla – Hehe. I’m afraid all my socks are boring white. Tennis socks. And I don’t even play tennis!

    Debster – It’s not my fault! They never thaught us about the great sock god when we had Religion classes in school! Oh well. I hope my socks aren’t going to sock hell. Maybe I’ll start putting in an extra sock in the laundry, for him to eat. Kinda like putting milk and cookies out for santa. Maybe that’ll help.

    LuisLemmings – We must rehearse the ritual sock dance! Quick, to the drawers!

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