I Alone
Nothing much going on. Not feeling too happy. But trying not to dwell on things. Time passes by.
I fed the animals yesterday. Jannie asked me to take her shift. Been doing a lot of her Saturdays lately. I don’t mind of course.
Magnethe and Vanilje relaxing. The dynamics of the group are quite different now that Mads is gone of course. Magnethe is oldest and biggest and every once in a while she’ll give Vanilje a shove. Just to say “I’m in charge now, don’t you forget it”. But other than that it’s quite laid back.
And the girls always know how to have fun. They’re getting so big and heavy that I can barely pick them up and sit them in my lap anymore. Especially Chokolade. Hard to believe that just a couple of months ago they were so tiny that I could scoop them both up with one hand. Things change so fast. So it goes.
June 10th, 2008 at 1:12
Beautiful pictures!
Big bear hugs!
June 11th, 2008 at 1:54
On our way to work at Ye Olde Church, we see a good sized flock of Boar goats. I don’t think they are full-grown yet. Bigger than your girls, but still smaller than Magnethe.
June 12th, 2008 at 21:55
Milla – Big goat hugs!
Debster – I hope you didn’t paint them pink now!