Cosmic Bakery
Another day. Let me tell you it.
Did not sleep well. Woke up tired and not too excited at the prospect of the coming day. I ended up back in bed and slept a couple of hours longer.
Eventually I did manage to get up. Took a shower and went shopping. For practical goods mostly. But I also picked up the Lost season 2 DVD box. My “unofficial” copy was without bonus features. And I love Lost so much that I don’t mind spending a little money on it. Counting the days till season 5…
And that’s about all I did today. I made baked potatoes for dinner. They turned out quite good. Not that baking a potato is a complicated science. But I was still expecting to mess them up. They were yummy, luckily. What did I have with them, you ask? Nothing. Just a coupla baked potatoes. Maybe tomorrow I’ll cook some meat. And then some glorious day I will make meat AND potatoes at the same time. I just don’t like complicated cooking. And to me complicated cooking is… more than 1 ingredient. It just gets messy and it’s usually not worth it in the end. I likes my simple stuff. Gimme a fried egg or a baked potato and I’m happy.
Now the day is all but over. If I can get up tomorrow then I’ll go see the goats. And good it shall be.
June 20th, 2008 at 2:44
I think you should spend more time with the animals at the playground especially the goats.
There’s no doubt they make you very, very happy.
Do you live near a beach, an ocean? Sometimes taking long walks at the beach helps clear the mind. I know it helps me.
But I think the animals are the best bet.
I HATE to cook. So like you I do very UNcomplicated meals–i.e. fried spam sandwiches.
I hope you feel better soon. :)
June 20th, 2008 at 2:48
Mmmm . . . baked potatoes! Add a little sour cream or butter or maybe some salsa for a Mexican potato. Melted cheese and bacon is good, too.
June 20th, 2008 at 23:47
LuisLemmings – Animal time is always good for me. No doubt about that. There are no beaches in the neighbourhood, though. My parents used to bring me to one when I was a kid, I’m not sure how far away it is exactly. There might be busses going there. I should try to find out. spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam. Ah monty python.
Debster – Yes, the recipees I looked at said stuff about cheese and bacon too. I decided to just go for butter, since I wasn’t sure the potatoes would turn out okay. But next time maybe I’ll try some more complicated things. As long as there are no onions!