Snow Trek
I went to see the goats today. Which was not the best of ideas.
Well, the goat part was great of course. But I probably should have looked out the window before I left my appartment. I did not realize that there was snow outside. Not a huge amount, but a good deal still. Wet and soppy. And still coming down. Part snow, part sleet, part rain. Not very pleasant at all. But I knew the weather forecast said that it would get even colder later on in the week, so I figured if I wanted to go see the goats I had better do it now. So I pressed on. I didn’t know when the next bus would come, so I thought to myself I thought that if I went to the bus stop I’d probably end up standing there and freezing for 15 minutes. So instead I decided to just walk. And of course the minute I turned away from the bus route and headed off in the other direction… the bus came driving past me. If I’d just gone to the bus stop I would have gotten straight on and been safely at the playground in no time. Instead I ended up walking in the snow for a good half hour probably. Cold and miserable. But at least I had my cane to help me. It wasn’t really slippery, since the snow was so wet and skeety. But when everything is white then it’s very hard to see what is pavement and what is grass and where exactly the curb is and so on. And visibility naturally decreses even more than usualy.
I must have looked quite the sight with my sunglasses in the snow.
But I got there okay. Not surprisingly the goats were inside. I don’t think they like this weather anymore than I do. I stayed for some 45 minutes to an hour probably. Then I couldn’t stand the cold anymore. I feel bad for not spending more time with the goats. I’d prefer to go see them 2-3 times a week, but right now usually go once a week because of the weather and some other circmstances I don’t feel like discussing at the moment. And the winter is only going to get worse so that’s probably not going to change anytime soon. I miss the good old days when I’d have some semblance of a job or whatever, and I’d come home with the bus and stop at the playground and pretty much every day spend time with the goats and how they made me feel so much better. Things are a lot different now. So it goes.
Grethe was enjoying having her head scratched between the horns. Maybe because I was leaning in over the fence so my hand was coming straight from above. Not dangerously from the sides or below, as she sometimes dislikes apparently. But like this she really got into it. And when I’d stop and move my hand away she’d shake her head and ´then move it back under my hand and get me to keep doing it. Nothing like a good headscratch. Even from Plume’s stubby popsicle fingers.
Afterwards I took the bus to Føtex to do a little shopping. Where I ran into my brother, Peter. I had just come inside and stood off to the side to get my wet gloves and snowy sunglasses off when he came up to me and said hi. So that was quite nice. I’m not sure what he was doing round my parts of the world. He actually works in a Føtex, but not this one. He works in one downtown. He works in the frosty goods department, I believe. So my fingers would it right in there.
Now I am back inside with the heat turned on and leftover soup for din-dins. That’s more a temperature for my temperament.