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Power Goats

Time for the weekly roundup of goat pictures and videos. I guess that’s pretty much what’s left of the blog now. I still feel a little bad about that. Sometimes I miss the hold days. Of mucho bloggings. But oh well. At least there are still goats.

Speaking of which…

Bob checking out the tree. I like his eye in this picture. They’re not always easy to catch.

Mia, looks like she just popped up into the picture. Like a piece of toast that’s done.

I like lifting Mia up in the air, won’t be too long before she’s too heavy for that now.

I really like this picture. Little Mia and big mama Mio side by side.

And the two of them together again.

Scratching Bob’s nose and the side of his face. He quite enjoyed it. Not always they like to be scratched on the face. But it’s sweet when they do.

Aw the Bobster and I. Seeing eye to eye.

I love when the goats roll their heads around. He got that from his mama. Kamel does it too. I’m not sure if Mio does it as well. I’ll have to keep a lookout and find out.

Those ears! Those ears. It’s like they have starch in them or something.

Progress report on the horns, seen somewhat from the side.

Sweetness followed.

I love spending time like this, with Mia dancing around on my back.

Raisins for Mia. She loves them. If I want to lure her up on my back (when she doesn’t do it on her own) I’ll lean over and then I’ll stick up my arm and hold a raisin out. She’ll usually get the idea and jump up and stand on my back and get the raisin.

They rebuilt the goat fold, did I mention that? This is a view from afar. It’s the same place, it’s just considerably bigger now. Although a lot of it is mud, due to the season. It’ll be nice when the grass comes in though and the goats have all that space.

I stacked some boards and tree stumps to give the goats something to jump around on.

And I put branches there so they had something to gnaw at and duel with.

Now onto the videos.

First off is a music video I made of Mia. I was originally intending to have it cover all of her life, but it’s only a 4 minute song. So it ended up only covering the first week or so. Cute stuff set to music, that’s always good.


Sitting on the bench in the new goat fold. Mia dancing around on my back and everyone having fun.


I made a little agility course for the goats. And by that I mean I arranged some logs and wooden planks so the goats could jump and climb on them. I’m repeating myself now, I know. Anyway, cute stuff. At one point you can hear Bodil talking to some Chinese students that were visiting. In English. You can hear her talking about my special relationship with the goats. Sweet.

Fourth and final:

More from the new fold. Mia dancing on my back. The Chinese students laughing. Goats climbing the boards and planks. Mia investigating some birds. I think they were crows? It sounded like they were crowing anyway.

It was quite a lovely day. At the end of it the sun even broke out and I sat on the bench while Mia dozed off in my lap and it was quite nice and almost summery. Sweet times.

In non-goat related news (because those things happen too, occasionaly) guess who finally passed 100 minutes on the exercise bike? I’ll give ypu a hint: it was me. The other day. For the first time I managed to go more than 100 minutes. The counter on the bike couldn’t fit 100:00 so it had to reset to 0:00. That was a cool feeling. Summer is over so the biking is less efficient and I’m less motivated. But I’m still going. I usually make it past the 60 minute mark now so that’s good. I would like to get up to 2 hours. Maybe in time for next summer. I have tricks that can make me last longer and sweat more and I’m really looking forward to employing them all for a whole, long summer. I think that will be good. Only… 5ish months. Erk. I miss you summer. Probably won’t be long before I have to start wearing thermal underwear again when I go see the goats. Stupid, poor circulation. I miss my body warmth.

Also, guess who spent about 500 dollars on a charity auction? Yeah, that was me too. I do regret it a little. I spent too much. But oh well, it’s for charity! That’s my mantra. And it was for memorabilia from my favourite TV show of all time. Lost. And hopefully I get some good karma from it.

Oh I also bought a power bar. To work out arm muscles. So… that’s exciting. Yeah. And that’s about all for now. Keep up the good work, folks.

3 Responses to “Power Goats”

  1. Debster Says:

    You were right, it was a House Crow. I looked it up. Our crows are all solid black. Your House Crow is a very pretty bird. Although I like any bird. I could hear the budgies (parakeets) in the background of your videos, too.

    Mia has grown so much. I can really see it in your video compared to how she looks now. She is so sweet.

    Bob is getting his “wooly” bits on his neck, I see. Our boys are getting fluffy and Billy is getting darker on his legs and under his neck. Snickers the donkey is getting her winter coat as well.

    We did have several nights with frost so I covered up my flowers. My marigolds look so pretty and I’ve spent so much time watering them this summer, I want them to last as long as possible!

  2. Plume Says:

    Debster – I don’t need an encyclopedia when I have you! I’m sure you could hear the budgies, the bench is right next to their cage so they right up close. There’s usually a lot of birdsong at the playground. Sometimes I feel like I’m in a Disney movie. With talking goats. I’m sure that’s not just my imagination…
    Instead of having Mia stand on my back I should probably wear Bob around my neck like a woolly coat. He probably wouldn’t mind.

  3. Debster Says:

    Well that’s the only way I ever get to bird watch in another country! I would just go nuts seeing all your common birds in Denmark.

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