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Au Revoir

A very winter week. We are out of January now. And no goat babies. Unless they’ve come during the weekend. Which is not impossible at all. My calculations said end of January, but that turned out not to be correct. I would expect them any day now. Next week, really. Surely. Although, as I amused on Facebook, I almost wouldn’t be surprised if Mio kept it going till April 1st and revealed it was just a big prank. What a brilliant scheme it would be. “No really, I’m pregnant. I’m eating for two. Or three. Or four. So clearly I need more food!”. Only a goat would be so devious.

But we’ll see. As long as it goes without problems then I guess it doesn’t matter as much when they come. I had hoped for this week so Sigrid could see them before she left. I think that would have been nice for her and good for the babies. But no such luck. Friday was her last day. I normally don’t go to the playground on Fridays. But I decided to make an exception. Hoping for goat babies and a chance to say goodbye. There were no babies of course. And I couldn’t see Sigrid anywhere either. I thought maybe she’d come later or not at all. When I was getting ready to leave I figured I had missed her. But then at the last moment she came out. I don’t know if she’d just been inside all the time or met later or whatever. And I don’t know if she saw me leaving and came out to talk to me or if it was just by chance. But in any case I was glad I got to say goodbye to her. She has meant really a lot to me over the last few years. Much more than she realises I am sure. Since talking isn’t my strong point I thought it would be nice to have a card made just to thank her and wish her all the best for the future and so on. From uncle Lasse and the goats. I used this photo:

I’m glad I got to give the card to her. I’m just horrible at social interaction. But we talked a little. And hugged. It’s not many people I hug that aren’t family. I can count them on two. Fingers, not hands. But she has always been so nice and welcoming to me, and that means a lot. She’s the kind of person who makes a place a better place. And for someone with my kinds of phobias her kindness can really brighten your day. I’m sad to see her go. On the plus side, I added her on Facebook. And got to see the page of the vegan place they’re making. Even supported it with a donation, because they’ve run into some unforeseen expenses. Looks like it will be a really nice palce. I hope it will be a big succes and that I can overcome my phobias enough for a visit some time. Hopefully we’ll meet again.

In other news, today was soup day. Mama made soup. Soup, there it is! There are less leftovers than usual, but I should still have enough for a couple of days. Snow outside, soup inside. That’s the way to live. Looks like temperatures will go above freezing now, though. That will be nice. I really love spending time with the goats in the snow. But I’m looking forward to not walking around like a blimp in 53 layers of clothes. I met Sigrid’s sister Ida the other day. I think Sigrid was showing her around at the playground. She lives in Portugal. So I’m sure she was delighted with the weather we’re having. I wouldn’t mind living in Portugal. I bet it’s warm there. Come, come summergeddon!

And, due to the snowfall especially, we have a plentitude of pictures. A portemonnaie of photos. A mass of medias. So let’s get to it.

Fernando covered in snow.

Kamel looking up.

Mia getting footrubs.

Mio with the belly.

And the belly.

Palle in the snow.

I do love the white snow on the black fur. A lot. There’s less snow on half of him because I was just hugging him!

And now a smattering of snow photos.

Okay, back to goats.



Mio spent a lot of time in the playhouse on Tuesday. It almost seemed like she was nesting in there. I had to check to see if she had “layed” her babies in there while I wasn’t checking!



Kamel with snow on her back.

And Kamel with snow on her face. I love that look.

Mia and Palle in the snow.

Aw Mia with snow on her face too.


Mio and Mia.

Nina taking photos of Palle and Mia. The playground updated their Facebook page with some new winter photos. You can even see me in the background of a couple of them, wrapped in 96 layers of clothes.



Mia holding down the bucket.

Aw love the goat yawn!

Sweet face.

Aw Mia.


Mio, Mia and Palle. The three generations.

And the winter playground.

And that’s it. Phew. But there’s also a goatlog of course. Lots of fun in the snow

And that is all, I promise, for this week folks. See you in the next one.

2 Responses to “Au Revoir”

  1. Debster Says:

    Goat yawn! I saw John Boy yawning when he was outside sunning this afternoon. This is about the first time they’ve been out since we had more snow and wind on Tues & Wed.

    We didn’t work on Wed due to the snow and because we both have colds. We went outside in the afternoon yesterday to dig ourselves out and to feed and water the animals.

    The back door had snowed drifted against it, so I pushed it open as far as I could and squeezed out so I could clear the snow away from the door. My husband was able to start the 4 wheeler with the snow blade on it and cleared a path out to the animals.

    I wanted to get inside their lean-to to check on the heated water bucket, but couldn’t get the one gate open. I headed out thru the backyard where I was walking in drifts above my knees. The goats and donkey were glad to see me and Billy kept chewing on my shirt tails to show me how happy he was.

    It’s been very, very cold here at night and not that warm during the day either. At least the sun is shining, so the animals are able to sun themselves. There has been a big number of birds at the feeder and bird sauna.

    We have more snow in the forecast for Saturday! Drat. When will this winter end? I’m tired of having Artic air come down this way. The Artic needs to keep its air up where it belongs.

    My husband went to work today, but I stayed home. He wasn’t feeling too great yesterday and I’m about one day behind him in cold symptoms. Just the usual stuffy head, sinus pain, and a little scratchy throat symptoms.

    Any baby goatzies yet? Hope all your goatzies are safe and warm and by the looks of it, not having as much snow as we are having.

    Our snow usually comes in a few inches, then it warms up and melts, repeat cycle. But this year it comes in 5 to 7 inches at a time and stays really cold, then snows again.

    Mr. Groundhog was right about the additional 6 more weeks of winter. I can’t believe that the weather people actually did a study to show that groundhogs can’t predict the weather! Really? Do they think we depend on the groundhog to tell us about the weather?

    Although I don’t think the actual weather people get the facts down very good either about the weather. So who are they to say bad things about Mr. Groundhog?

  2. Plume Says:

    Nothing better than goat yawns! Hope you guyses colds are retreating. I feel a little scratch in my throat and when I wake up in the mornings I have a buildup of phlegm. But it hasn’t been getting worse, so maybe that’s as bad as it’ll get for me. We’re in for slightly warme weather here. Sounds like you’ve had your fair share of snow! Our goats have been just fine. No babies yet, though. And as discussed in the new blog update, I’m not sure when they’ll get here!
    I think if Mia sees the raisin’s shadow then we’re in for more winter. Or somethingl ike that. Science!

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