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It’s been a bit of a painful week. My action-packed lifestyle caused another injury. Not long after I dramatically broke my rib this time I dramatically broke my neck. Okay, maybe I’m being over dramatic. SLIGHTLY! But I did get a nasty little case of whiplash.

It happened on Tuesday. In the goat pen. I brought out my bag of old fruit leftovers. And of course I got swarmed by the goats. Nothing new there. And Mia excitedly jumped up at me to get into the bag. No surprise there either. She pushed me back a step or two, which happens all the time too. But I just happened to be standing next to one of the logs on the ground. So when I got pushed back I tripped over it. It was one of those falls that feels like slowmotion. I knew I was falling. My feet were against the wood so I couldn’t move them to get balance. And I had tipped over too much to regain my balance just by moving my body or arms. And there was nothing really to grab on to. And I was falling awkwardly backwards with flailing arms so I couldn’t cushion the fall with my arms. So it just felt like I was hanging in mid air for a while thinking “yup, I’m going down”. So I went down. Pretty hard. I think I was lucky I didn’t smash the back of my head into one of the wood pieces or the playhouse. It was kind of close. But it didn’t feel like I was hurt too bad. Just my leg a little. And a bruised ego. Later on, though, I started feeling it in my neck. And the next morning when I woke up… I could not lift my head up off the pillow at all. It just hurt too much and felt like I didn’t have the strength to lift it. It was a very peculiar feeling. It may sound odd but I almost miss it now that it’s getting better. It was just a weird feeling. I had to put my hand under my head and lift it up to get out of bed. I felt like one of those oldtimey ghosts that walk around with their severed head under their arm. Other than that it didn’t hurt too bad, as long as I kept it still. I decided to stay home from the playground for the rest of the week. I probably could have gone, but it’s hard to explain to goats that they have to be considerate. And I didn’t want to risk making my neck worse. Although now I’m missing the goats terribly because I haven’t seen them since Tuesday. I should have gone sometime during the weekend. Oh well. At least my neck is almost back to normal. Every morning lifting my head has been a little bit easier, day by day. It will probably be all better tomorrow.

I have spent the time off exercising. Since I could do that without straining my neck too much. It’s been nice working hard, but I think five days straight of exercise was a little too much. I’ll probably need to carry my legs around like I carried my head before.

But we do have photos from Monday and Tuesday.

In the pen with the goats.

Herman. It seems his eartag has been torn off somehow. Nasty little wound. I didn’t notice it bothering him, hopefully it will heal okay.

Sweet Mia.

You rang?

Looking out.


The scratching fence.

Giving a helping hand to Mia.


Pleased with ourselves.

Mia and Palle in the shade.

Ahh. Mio and Kamel, sunwards.

Looks like they’re enjoying it!


Still looking.

Where the sun is.

I was sitting with Sif and Bodil wanted to take some pictures with her camera. I asked her if she could take some with mine too. I love Sif. She’s such a cute little sweetheart. Bodil is always telling me how it can take them ages just to walk a short distance because they always have to stop and talk to everyone. Especially if they meet kids. Kids love Sif, and Sif loves kids. And I love Sif.

And a goatlog from Monday and Tuesday. Fun in the sun with the goats. I’m not sure Mio and Kamel appreciated it when the Young Ones were let in to get extra food. Being on a diet is no fun! But so it goes.

And that’s all for this week, folks. See you in the neck one.

PS. Lost swag.

2 Responses to “Whiplasse”

  1. Debster Says:

    Oh, my! I can’t leave you alone for a minute without you trying to do yourself in. I hope your neck is much, much better by now.

    I always wondered what would happen if I fell in the goat pen. Would John Boy and Billy come over to see what was wrong? The donkey would probably try to step on me while she was saying: “What are you doing down there?”

  2. Plume Says:

    Much better now. I can lift my head, hoorah!
    I can tell you what happened when I fell. Mia and Palle rushed to see if I was okay. Strictly speaking they rushed to see if I was going to give them any treats. But I’m pretty sure that my wellbeing was second on their list of priorities at least!

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