Springing It Over
I have life updates to tell, but it’s tired and I’m late. So I will just post some pictures from the playground, then the stories can wait for tomorrow.
Mads keeps a steady watch over the girls.
Big, pregnant Magnethe.
I can’t believe it’s not butter. The weather has been so cold that I almost forgot that it’s spring now. No more snow for a long while. Summer around the corner. I was looking at old videos from the playground and I was enjoying how beautifully green everything was. It will be nice when the green returns. I will miss the snow, though. So the seasons turn, as they always do.
And now some lambs.
Cute little things.
Tomorrow: stories about Moomin, therapy, Fristedet, big pregnant bellies.
And Nina, the cat.
April 5th, 2006 at 16:19
Those pictures are sooo cute!
April 8th, 2006 at 13:52
the exact same thing that I wanted to say! meow ;)