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You’ll Believe A Frog Can Fly

You know you have played too much Superfrog when you have a little, green frog jumping around in your head when you go to bed. And when you dream about him. Yes, I dreamt that Superfrog was jumping around and collecting bonuses. Meanwhile there was a Degrassi Junior High party going on. What a very odd combination.

Speaking of Superfrog… here is one of my favourite moments in computer gaming history:

superfrog secret

I remember the first time I found that place. It just floored me. I love that gag. Like the graphic artist got bored and stopped drawing the stage and just left his pencil. Haha. I don’t think I ever did find a way to get to the bonuses below. They were probably just left there to tease the player anyway.

Okay, enough with the computer game nostalgia. To make up for it, I’ll give you some anecdotes from the playground.

Mads is currently in isolation. He has been too rough with the wee ones. So he’s put in a booth of his own when they go in at night. That also means I can sit alone with the kids. Normally Mads will always be close to me, and he’ll keep them away. Sometimes by butting them. Sometimes just by turning his head quickly in their direction. Then they will jump away. He’s got them whipped. But with him in isolation there is no one to chase them away, so I’ll have all six kids jumping all over me. That is quite a treat. They’re getting so big that sometimes it hurts to have them walking on me. But that’s a price I’m willing to pay.

Vanilje has the cutest baahs. She will go mah-mah-mah and then it sounds like it has come to an end and she’ll stop. But instead she keeps going and her voice sort of goes up in pitch. Like a teenager’s voice breaking. It reminds me of Black & White, the lambs. Funny, funny creaking voices. It also makes her sound almost desperate, very insisting. But it’s just her normal baah. So cute.

Magnethe’s voice seems more adult to me now. Almost hoarse, I guess that’s what happens when you get kids, you have to shout a lot more. She seems so adult in general, when I look at her I see a fully grown goat, a beautiful mother. Before she had her kids I still saw her as the little baby, I could barely imagine her being a mother. But now it’s just natural. And it makes me happy.

Continuing with the theme of voices, Springbok has started making the kind of grunting/snorting noises that the buck made when he was here to impregnate Mathilde and Magnethe. It’s so cute, he’s still a little baby but he’s making those sounds. Mandela isn’t making that kind of sounds, but he is practicing his humping a lot. You have to feel a little sorry for Natal. She is the smallest of all the kids and she has two brothers who grunt and hump her whenever they can. She’s precious though. On Saturday she kept jumping up on me and nibbling at my glasses.

I brought some peanuts. At the suggestion of Deb. And the goats loved them. They went nuts. Peanuts haha. Sorry. I don’t bring them food as often these days. Sometimes some raisins, they like those. But I no longer bring a plastic bag full of apple slices or carrots. I don’t feel the same need to feed them to be sure they still like me. I know they like me. I don’t have to bribe them. I still do like to give them treats, just a little. Because I want to make them happy of course. Without ruining Mads’s diet.

That’s all from the playground. In other news… I have almost dropped my jacket completely. I go to work every day without bringing it. It is so liberating. It’s a great feeling to be able to do that. It makes it easier to stand the heat. And just the feeling of progress. Of doing things that I couldn’t have done a year ago. That is such a good feeling. I gotta keep a hold of that, use it to motivate me. Because lately I have felt like it is taking all my energy just to keep the status quo. No energy for taking new steps. But I gotta keep focus on that good feeling, and then take more steps.

I will be getting some money soon, too. I think I mentioned already that I will inherit some money from my grandad. Or rather, my mother will and then she’ll hand some of it down to my brother and I. But we’ll also be getting some money from one of my grandparents’ old friends. One of my nephews wants a new scooter and this old family friend would like to buy it for him. And then in the sake of fairness he’ll give money to all the “kids” of the family. And in this case I count as a kid. See, something good does come out of still playing Amiga games! Nah, well it’s not about the age. He just wants to give the money to all the offspring of my mother and my uncle. So that’s rather nice. I will be getting 5000 kroners from my mother and 5000 from that family friend. 10,000 kroners. That is approximately 1,700 dollars. Not enough for me to quit my day job and spend the rest of my life sitting with Mads, but not too bad. I’ll put most of it in the bank. I still hope to be moving out in the near future, that money will come in handy then. I will probably buy an extra hard drive and that’s it. Although I have been comtemplating buying a new computer. That would be stupid, though. The one I have is fine. I just like the idea of buying a real monster computer that can play all the latest games like a dream. And then use my old computer for TV capturing, Amiga emulation and Championship Manager. I wouldn’t have to buy a monitor with it, I have one in spare. So I could… no, no. I mustn’t. I think I have talked myself out of it. Unless I stumble over a really good offer… no, no. I mustn’t.

I won’t. Probably. Unless I do. In which case I will. But that’s unlikely. Where’s my cartoon hammer? I need to bang myself on the head.

So anyway. Three weeks till vacation. Oh sweet bliss how I need thee. I have been out of a coma too long. I need to get back in.

3 Responses to “You’ll Believe A Frog Can Fly”

  1. Deb Says:

    Hey, glad to hear Danish goats like peanuts just like Iowa goats do. We have to get more raisins from the store and see if our boys like them. They sure like crackers – saltines, Ritz, or Club crackers – it doesn’t matter.

    I love Degrassi – the old episodes with “Spike” – and the new episodes with “Spike” as an adult with her daughter in school. I used to watch all the old episodes all the time on TV. It was awhile before I knew there was a Degrassi – The Next Generation, or whatever it’s called. I sure never had experiences like that when I was in school (or even now!)

    Glad to hear you’re still thinking about moving out to your own place. That will be a big step, but you’ll do okay. Would be great if you found a place where you could have a cat. Having to be responsible for a pet makes it harder to slip into depression/sadness because you know it’s up to you to shop for food, toys, etc., and to play with the cat. You have to get out of bed or the cat will pounce on you till you get up! Feed me, Feed me is hard to ignore when kitty is sitting on your head!

    Three weeks vacation! Wow, that would be great. What are your plans? We work too much for vacations. It’s been 4 or 5 years since I’ve had one. We usually work 7 days a week, all the time. We did have Father’s Day off and had a nice lunch at my sister and her husband’s house for my Dad and my husband.

    Lasse, you need to work a little on your “rain dance”. We had about 4 drops of rain today where we were working, but don’t think we had any at home. The corn and beans in the fields need a drink.

    How are the “emus” doing? Ha, ha! We do have some ostriches that live down the road from us. Someone raises them for fun and profit. Not sure how much profit, but, oh well. We have pet goats, so who am I to wonder about raising ostriches. Don’t think they are near as friendly or as affectionate as goats.

  2. Kat Says:

    So where does one get to play this Froggy game?

  3. Plume Says:

    Deb – Mads went quite mad for the peanuts. I wonder if he’ll like crackers. Somehow I imagine he will. There was a guy who gave him noodles too. These dry, hard instant-noodles thingies. The ones you put in a cup of boiling water and you have yourself a cuppa soup. They’re very salty, the goats like that.

    I’m definitely going to get a cat. When I look for places I make sure to see if they allow pets. I want a cat, quite badly.

    My plans for the vacation are… to do very little. Unwind and relax. Might throw in a couple of concerts, but other than that I’m going to pretend like I have no worries in the world.

    If you ever need a goat-sitter let me know!

    Kat – One gets an Amiga emulator. Or a real Amiga. I am lucky enough to have both. And then one gets the game. It’s probably more trouble than it’s worth if you’re not an Amiga nostalgic like I am… but if you want to give it a go then shoot me a mail and I’ll do my best to help.

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