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Treading Water

My mood has been swinging lately. I have been feeling a kind of emptiness inside. I guess it’s because I’m sort of stuck in limbo. In a vacuum. Waiting to be able to move in to my new appartment. Treading water.

But thankfully it’s not long now. Wednesday and then a week.

And the goats are still able to fill up whatever emptiness I may feel. They are so wonderful, I can hardly describe how good they make me feel. The sweethearts.

I was sort of meditating today. Sitting on the bench. Eyes closed. Listening. Trying to picture the sounds. I could hear Vanilje walking around in the grass. Tried to picture her moves. She walked behind the bench. I had put it up against the fence, there was only a narrow gap. I could feel the vibrations as she was bumping against the bench. The sound of the wind, the birds. Clearing the mind. Cleanse out all the bad thoughts and fill the space with green grass and goats and sunshine and clouds and everything that’s good and kind. I should write a self-help book. Gosh-darned it, you’re good enough Plume. You will make it ok.


As long as I can use Dotty for a pillow then I will rest easily.


While Mini grass.


There is Vanilje trying to get behind the bench again. She liked it in there I think.



Mads and Magnethe. Just in case you’re forgetting what they look like.


And Vanilje again, trying to see if she can steal some treats from my pocket. Goats are sneaky!

Some moving related news. I have gotten a letter from Cybercity, looks like they will be able to provide me with internet. No date yet though. I hope it will be as soon as possible after the 1st. Also, it looks like I won’t have to worry about crooked movers after all. My dad has a friend called Oluf, and he is willing to help us. He has a car. So that’s a lot easier and cheaper than a moving company. And there’s really not that much stuff to move anyway. Good news.

A week and day to go!

4 Responses to “Treading Water”

  1. LuisLemmings Says:

    Meditation helps me a lot. I do it every night before I go to bed. The kitty kats used to sleep by me while I meditate. I miss that.

    Also, my comuter crashed Saturday due to a virus I picked up while I was looking on French language websites. Man, was I upset since I had lots of my short stories and other drafts on my desktop. I’m sure you’ve gone through computer meltdowns, too.

    So I dug out an old computer from one of the bedrooms upstairs and hooked it up. Man, it runs so slooooooow. But I’ll get it fix eventually. Or maybe I’ll just buy a new one. I haven’t decided yet. I’m terribly lazy and ambivilent when it comes to computers.

    Oh, don’t forget to buy pots and pans.

  2. Clare Says:

    The beard is SO a good look for you.

  3. Debster Says:

    Is that a “Serta Sleep Sheep”? (The sheep all have numbers on them on the Serta bed commercials. Do you count sheep when you can’t sleep?)

  4. Plume Says:

    Luis Lemmings – Meditating before bed, that might be a good idea. Although I’d miss the sounds of goats around me.
    Sorry to hear about your computer. I have recurring bad dreams in which my computer gets taken over by hackers and viruses. The thought of losing all my stuff is a horrible one.

    Clare – I’m no Mo though! Dammit.

    Debster – I shall have to ask the sheep if they are Sertas. I don’t see any numbers on them though. I don’t think counting sheep would help for me because I love those silly woolballs so much that I’d probably just get excited and jump around with them! There’s nothing quite as soft to rest your head on though…

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