The Honeymooners
Alritey then. As promised, some pictures from the big wedding day.
We start off with City Hall.
There it is, Århus City Hall.
And there”s my dad hurrying out of the taxi.
And that’s City Hall again, in case you have forgotten how it looks already.
Then after the ceremony was done and I had changed batteries in the camera, we got back into the waiting room.
And I was so nervous that I forgot about framing the picture properly or even making sure my parents were looking in my general direction.
Second try little better. But oh well, they’ll have to do.
And there is my brother on the left and my parents. In the City Hall café. I mentioned that we ran into my brother’s childhood friend, Thomas. I think I forgot to say what he was actually doing there. It might have sounded like he was there to get something to eat as well. But no, he was a waiter. Head waiter as far as I could tell. So he showed us to our table and took our order and so on. Nice chap.
And a last one of the happily married couple. Hope you all enjoyed that!
Guess what I saw today? A cat running around on the grass outside my windows. A nice, black one. Maybe it can be my new Moomincat? Except I think it’s harder to get in through the windows here… on the other hand, I’m probably the only one on the block who’s crazy enough to keep the windows open at night during winter, so maybe there’s a chance. Or maybe I should get off my lazy bum and start looking for a shelter-kitty. That might be a good idea. Yes.
Here, kitty kitty.
January 14th, 2008 at 1:21
Nice photos. Your Dad looks much more relaxed after the ceremony, I think! Your Mom looks happy all the time.
Nice restaurant! What was you ordered?
Time to get a shelter kitty, time to get a shelter kitty!
January 14th, 2008 at 9:16
Congratulations to the happy couple!
And well done you, too – I know it’s been a difficult/confusing time! :)
January 14th, 2008 at 10:12
Congratulations to the happy couple from me as well :)
I actually just stopped by to ask if you’ve discovered the series called “Shaun the Sheep”? I happened to catch a glimpse of it yesterday, and it was hilarious! It’s the sheep from one of the Wallace and Gromit movies (Ardman), there’s quite a few vids on youtube. Of course, it is not a goat, but he is in the same family ;) Here’s a starter:
January 15th, 2008 at 23:41
Debster – Hehe, yes I think his pulse came back down to acceptable levels! I ordered “flæskesteg med persillesovs” which is.. slices of pork, I guess. With parsley sauce. And potatoes, lots of potatoes. I could only get through half the pork and potatoes, that’s how much they gave me. My parents both got “stjerneskud” = “shooting stars”. Some kind of fish dish. Different kinds of fish, prepared in different ways. And then arranged more or less in a starshape. And my brother got some kind of beef. With french toast, I think. And then my parents got banana splits for desert. Funny, the parents getting the desert and the “kids” not!
Stu – Thanks mate!
Katrine – Thank you!
I hadn’t discovered that series. I had heard the title, but I didn’t know it was an Ardman item. I shall have to check it out. Intro looks nice. Though it needs more goat ;)