Sugar Not Included
Starting to feel a little better. I think. Somewhat less snotty. Slightly less coughing. Although they hurt more because I’m so sore. But let’s hope the worst is over It’s no fun being sick. Surprisingly enough.
I have to thank Desirée for the painkillers. They were supposed to help my back when traversing the Greenland wastelands, but they came in handy last night to take away the fierce headache and general pains. I’m also taking something for the throat. Along with insulin and pills for diabetes. I feel like a walking medicin cabinet. Except I don’t have a door that swings open in my stomach.
I called in sick to the playground. They’ll find someone else to feed the animals tomorrow. Maybe Jannie. I’m sure that’ll be fine. I miss all the crawly critters, though. And I’m sure you guys do too. So to take our minds off all the sickly stuff here is a video I made just before the diabetes debacle: As I said once in another life, all the animals are always eager to be fed. And this bunny is no different. There’s a couple of them who have learnt how to do that thing, clawing at their cage door to get attention. The first couple of times it happened it sure startled me. I thought maybe we’d locked a human in one of the cages by mistake. A tiny little human with enormous teeth. And that would be scary.
So there.
November 15th, 2008 at 15:51
Bunny says: “Quit taking my picture and give me some food!”
How do you keep their water bottles from freezing in really cold weather? We’ve got our heated water bucket plugged in for the boys and girl already.
I don’t think they make heated water bottles for bunnies, do they? I’ve started bringing the goats warm water in the evenings. They sure do like that, Billy especially.
Hope you get to feeling much, much better my dear danish goat boy.
November 15th, 2008 at 16:06
I’m glad the painkillers are doing what they are supposed to do. They do actually work. When I’m really poorly Iøm counting down the 6 hours till I can have nother dose. But then, I can normlaly tell just be the fact that i start feeling really poorly again, and then I know they’re wearing off and I can have more. And it’s the only pills I’m allowed to take seeing as I’m still a nursing mother. Feel better soon. I bet the goats and miscl. critters are wondering what they’ve done that you don’t come visit anymore!
November 15th, 2008 at 16:52
No, no, no – how can you make so many typos in one measly comment. Oh, and before you say anything, I’m well aware they’re not the only two.
November 15th, 2008 at 23:37
Debster – I think that’s exactly what bunny says. “I don’t know why you’re pointing that big metal thing at me. Unless food comes out of it then you’re just wasting time, buddy!”.
How do we keep the water from freezing? Hmm. Good question… I don’t really know. I guess it very rarely gets so cold that it would freeze over. Other than changing the water every day I don’t think we do anything. I haven’t heard of any bunnies dying of thirst in the winter though, so it must be working!
I’m starting to feel better, thank you.
Desiree – They practically saved my life on Thursday. man was I feeling horrible or what. And don’t worry about typos, we all do thme somtims. Yarr.
November 16th, 2008 at 1:40
Desiree: i always injoy readding yourr posts! you maketh me laughhh. Typos are the “in” thing now! hee, hee
Do you have your Christmas lights up yet? We had a tiny, tiny bit of snow falling today.