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A History Of Diabetes Volume 2

My eyes have been crap all day. Blurry vision. It’s very frustrating. I have my appointment at the eye ward tomorrow, maybe they’ll have something to say about it. We’ll see. Geddit?

Not much in the mood for storytelling now. But there isn’t much more to tell anyway. I went to the hospital and they started asking me questions and drawing blood. Repeatedly. I called home to let my parents know what was going on. My dad came over and picked up my stuff. And later on they all visited me. Repeatedly. Brought me toothpaste and books and whatever else I needed. My mother gave me advice on the hospital food. She works in the kitchen at the hospital. So she had inside information. What I should avoid due to the onion hazards. I quite liked most of the food I had while I was there really.

My dad came by with travel insurance papers for the doctors to sign. So we could get some of the money from the Greenland trip back. He also returned my boots for me. They were good boots, but a little overkill for just use in Denmark. At that price at least.

Most of the time I was there I just sat in my bed and stared at the wall or out the window. Thinking. I had books and papers and TV. But I found it hard to focus on them. So I spent a whole lot of time thinking, about what was going on and what the future would be like. And learning stuff about diabetes and injecting myself and all that. One of the first brochures I read said that you were allowed to drink sugarfree soda freely. That was a good thing, otherwise I would have probably gotten terribly depressed.

There was a doctor who asked if he could use me as a case for his students. One of the students came to ask me questions and examine me, just like the “real” docs and nurses had done. The original plan was for me to be wheeled down in the class room and have them all look at me. I said yes to that, even though I didn’t want to at all. I’m just very bad at telling people no. So then I felt horrible about it for a while, but managed to tell the doc that I didn’t want to after all. It was ok for the student to talk to me and for them to come up to my room just quickly, but that was it. And then it turned out that there were only 3 students and it wasn’t so bad after all. I was picturing myself sitting in front of a class room of tv-doctor interns staring at me and such. Hah. Oh well. I’m glad I was able to help them out somewhat at least. The doctor was very grateful.

And that’s about all I think. It wasn’t nice, but once I got into my own room it was somewhat bearable.

Now tomorrow is eye examination. Tuesday is back to the hospital. I have a followup meeting with the dietician in December. Foot examination in January. And cataracts examination in March. Christmas party on Friday. I think that about covers it.

I think my eyesight has improved a little while writing this. My blood sugar must be stable. For now. It’s been around 5-6 mostly. So that’s quite good. I think I have adapted well to the new regime, so far. I’m eating my greens and regular meals. It’s pretty good so far. I thought I’d be devastated and not want to live, but it’s not like that at all. Life goes on.

3 Responses to “A History Of Diabetes Volume 2”

  1. Desirée Says:

    Good luck at the eye doctor tomorrow, Plume. I’ll be thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed it all goes well.

    Oh, and if you’re in need of some light to read by or have some cash to burn – or both – I’ve found just the thing. I’ve left detailed pictures in my Co||ection;)

  2. Luislemmings Says:

    Wow! It’s like that Seinfeld episode, remember?

    Man, if I were you, I’d be a pain in the pahtootee, yelling and crying and waving various body parts at them and asking them if it’s infected, and why it’s turning black and blue, and eventually snapping off when the hot weather comes back again.

    Not all patients will be nice and calm as you. They were lucky to have you!

  3. Plume Says:

    Desiree – Wow that’s a lamp and a halF! I’d buy that for a dollar. But I think it’s a little out of my price range :-P

    LuisLemmings – The junior mint?
    Too bad they had all the luck, I’d have been luckier to not be there at all!

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