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Where The Fields Were Green

We have had lovely, summery days here in Denmark. I wish they would last forever, but unfortunately the weather forecast says it will cool down next week. Too bad.

We even had a little thunderstorm. Perfect for Danish summer. I don’t think it lasted more than 10 minutes or so. I was sitting in my comfy chair, watching TV. I had my balcony door in the other end of the apartment open, to let the breeze in. Because it was so hot. Then suddenly the loud bangs of thunder came roaring in and the raindrops started dancing outside. Sweet sounds. And very soon after that the sun and warmth was back. Maybe not four seasons in a day, but two or three at least.

Right now I am in waiting position. Tonight is the big Lost finale. Which means I’ll get to watch it tomorrow morning. It is a big deal to me. My favourite TV show of all time. I remember some time last year I wasn’t sure if I would even be able to watch it. My eyesight was getting so bad that I didn’t know if I would be able to follow the last season. And I was feeling so bad that I didn’t even know if I’d still be around. So I’m happy that it looks like I have made it. Just one more day.

I don’t want it to end, though.

But all good things…

Also, I am waiting for foot therapy on Tuesday. And then doctor’s appointment the next Tuesday for diabetes blood test. And then a week and a half later it will finally be time for the eye surgery. If all goes well.

So that’s my schedule for the next feew weeks. Also, I might be able to fit in some goat time. If I am lucky. Speaking of goat time, here is some goat time: youtube.com/watch?v=o0y3kbNcAgg. Some fun jumping around in the sun.

And also, I wrote a little letter for my friend Katt’s unborn baby. You can read it here in her blog. That’s the third time someone I’ve known for a long time on the internets gets a baby. It’s quite a strange, and wonderful thing. I am sure River Phoenix will be another wonderful kid. It’s good to know that there are good genes being passed on out there.

Now, back to waiting.

5 Responses to “Where The Fields Were Green”

  1. Katt Says:

    I Love You :)

  2. Debster Says:

    I think someone took your tiny, sweet, adorable baby goatzies and replaced them with huge, tree-climbing and Plume-climbing goatzies! They are so funny to watch on that tree trunk.

    What a sweet letter to Katt’s baby and what a good idea for a baby book. I’m sure Katt’s baby will enjoy hearing the stories with Mom when he gets older and seeing pictures when he was just a little one.

    When children are a couple of years old, they enjoy going over and over pictures and hearing stories of when they were little. Especially when they see young babies, it’s like they are amazed that they used to be like that, too.

    We had our boys and donkey girl out for walkies this evening. Everyone wanted scratches and John Boy was all teeth when he saw me and even more teeth when the scratches started.

    Everyone enjoyed a good combing and much bird nesting materials of donkey and goat hair is now available for use. Nothing like having a cozy furry nest for baby birds!

  3. Plume Says:

    Katt – I love you too Kattaroni!

    Debster – No matter what I do they just keep growing and growing. I think somebody must be feeding or something!
    I am still amazed that I was once little. Seems highly illogical to me.
    Do the donkey walk along with the goats? Do you have her on a leash for walkies or do they just all run around like crazies?

  4. jane Says:

    the letters are such a good idea!… i write a letter to each of my boys on their birthday, then seal the envelope and put it in their baby box. i write them about what happened that year and how i love being their mom, etc etc. it’s cool that they’re all sealed up, so opening them up when the boys are older will be like hopping into a time machine, going back to when they were little. you’ll have to send me your snail mail address, i’ve unearthed some postcards i’d intended to send you a couple of years ago, ha!

  5. Plume Says:

    Jane – What a lovely idea with the letters. I’m sure they’re going to get much enjoyment out of that when they get older. I wish I had something like that from my childhood.
    Hey those post cards will be sort of like a time machine too :-P

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