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It has been snowing again. Winter is still with us.

I went and did a little shopping this morning. Cold and beautiful outside. I enjoyed my shopping trip so much that when I got back to my apartment I put my goods away and grabbed my camera and went back outside for a little walk. I can’t remember the last time I went outside and walked in the snow just for the heck of it. Just for pure enjoyment. Nowhere to go and nothing to do. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Just outside in the snow. Like the good old days. It was very nice.

I made a video. youtube.com/watch?v=c0j-Xuf24F4. Nothing outstanding. Just a little walk around the block, with a little music. But it was good for me.

13 Responses to “Winterlong”

  1. Debster Says:

    How pretty your video was – the music was a perfect match. I liked how everything was almost in shades of black, white, and gray except for the bright yellow of the snow sweeper, the blue van, and red trash bins.

    PS: I want one of those yellow snow sweepers. That’s cool. We have snow plows or snow blowers, but don’t know that I’ve seen a snow sweeper before!

    What is “CityVest”?

  2. Plume Says:

    Debster – I’m not sure where you’d get a snow sweeper. Maybe check amazon? I hope santa can get you one.
    City Vest is the big shopping center. It has lots of different stores and restaurants and dentists and so on. Used to be a post office in there too, but they closed that.

  3. Katrine Says:

    Lasse, I just wanted to wish you GOD JUL! Hope you’ll have a lovely holiday with lots of delicious food and nice company :)

  4. Desirée Says:

    Thanks for the walk. It’s nice to see your neighbourhood – even if I already “know” it from the media ;)

    Just wanted to let you know Raven and I have been watching the news and in particularly, we’ve seen how bad the weather is and she totally understand why the parcel from Plume hasn’t arrived and she’s sure it’ll be here for next Christmas, so it’s not a problem. She’s such a sensible little lady ;)

    On a different but not entirely unrelated note, Santa filled her stocking at our local Brugsen with Spiderman paraphenelia. She’s now asking me how to write a letter (on her new Spiderman notepad) explaining that she’s a girl. :/ I guess it’s my own fault for giving her an androgenous name.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.


  5. Desirée Says:

    Oh, and also – did you know that the Scandinavian Santa (which is actually a version of Odin, but let’s leave that for now) has two goats pulling his sleigh?

  6. Plume Says:

    Katrine – god jul to you too! We’re having a white one this year, that’s for sure. Hopefully it will be nice for everyone!

    Desiree – I am quite impressed with Raven’s attitude. I’m not sure I would have handled it so well when I was a little rugrat! Hehe. Actually I am a little worried about the package. I checked amazon’s tracking history and it says “in transit”. It was dispatched on December 9th. With estimated arrival on the 15th. So as far as I can tell PostDK has had it in Copenhagen since the 9th. Even with the bad weather that seems like a really long time…. but we’ll see what happens. If it has completely disappeared in the mail then I’ll get her something else. And I’ll make sure it won’t be Spiderman related!
    And I did not know about Santa’s goats! That makes me very happy. I wonder if one of them has a red nose?!
    Merry christmas to you all!

  7. Debster Says:

    Merry Christmas, my dear danish goat boy! We’ll be celebrating on Christmas Eve at my parents house tonight. We are supposed to have some “big snow”, but so far only a trace fell overnight. We’ll see what the rest of the day is like!

    All this time I thought it was reindeers pulling the sleigh. Now I find out it’s a couple of goats. I will have to start leaving out some peanuts and other treats for Santa’s goats.

  8. Plume Says:

    Debster – Merry christmas to you too, and to the rest of the household! And by household, I include the outside as well of course.
    I wonder if you could get your goats to drag you around in a sleigh? I have a feeling it would be hard. I should have a chat with Magnethe, she’ not really carrying her own weight these days..
    Just kidding Magnethe! Oh boy, I’m gonna get it for that one next time I see her!

  9. Ann T. Krist Says:

    Hey, isnt that music Smashing pumpkins?

    I havent heard them for such a long time .. This was my favourite track:


  10. Ann T. Krist Says:

    * * * S O M A * * *

    Wrapped my hurt in you
    And took my shelter in that pain
    The opiate of blame
    Is MY broken heart, your heart

  11. Plume Says:

    Ann T. Krist – Yup, the Smashing Pumpkins. Just happens to be my favourite band of all time.

  12. Ann T. Krist Says:

    Here is another band from the same time, that I listened alot to, and in fact still do! (unlike Smashing pumpkins that I only very rarely listen to nowadays) .. I have a feeling that you (Plume) either dont know them, or/and dont like them :) .. But that is just a guess that is not very qualified.

    Well, here comes the music!


  13. Plume Says:

    Ann T. Krist – Well that’s where you’re wrong. I know The Smiths, and I think they’re great. Not as great as the Pumpkins of course. But certainly classic and very good.

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