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Goodbye 2011

There goes the year. Only a couple of hours left now. I have had a nice little dinner at the parents’ place and now I’m just waiting out the clock back here in my apartment. With the world blowing up outside the windows. That is my traditional new year’s eve. Got myself some kransecake and chilled cans of Cola Zero. Party like it’s 1999. Those were the good old days. Y2K FTW.

How was 2011 then? Eh, I guess it was okay. It had its ups and downs. Or maybe that was just my mood. It had a pretty good beginning with my eyesight improving after the last operation. That little bit extra that made everything more manageable. That was important. Then came summer and I bought a new computer. Which was supposed to be great. But it turned out to be a lot of trouble and I kind of let it ruin a lot of my summer. I regret that now. I had been planning to really work out hard and enjoy the heat. Instead I ended up sitting in from of the computer, battling tech stuff and then sending it back and on and on. But oh well. I think (hopefully, fingers crossed) the computer issues are worked out. And next summer can’t come soon enough.

On the goat front there was happiness and sadness. The loss of Grethe, the sweet girl that I named and that I thought I was going to see grow up. Very sad. There were all the new kids. And having to say goodbye to most of them. But also there was Bob, who I love very much and who I really hope I will have a lot of fun with in the years to come. There was my old pal Magnethe and my new pal Mio, the gentle goat. And a whole new goat friend whose name I don’t even know yet. They bring me a lot of happiness, the goats.

And of course the year ended with my dad going to the hospital. A very scary and worrying situation. And one that isn’t all resolved yet, even though he’s doing better. But if I could have one wish for 2012 it would be for the good health of my friends and family. It’s a crazy world we live in. I will try to be greatful for the little things and the people I know. And goats.

Stay safe, and if you see me in a time machine then know I’m heading back to 1999 to do it all again.

One Response to “Goodbye 2011”

  1. Ann T. Krist Says:


    Happy New Year

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