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Septemberry Smoothies

It’s been a pretty quiet week. Not much going on. The summer slowly winding down. Why, I do believe it’s September today. I feel quite septemberry. It’s cold. Brrr. As soon as it gets below 20C I start feeling cold. Stupid circulation. It didn’t used to be like this, man. I used to sleep with open windows on frosty December nights. Now I am old and cold!

The only bit of news from the playground is that Mia has started being tied down like the other big girls. I haven’t actually seen it myself, though. Because she’s allowed to go free when I’m there. She usually sticks close to me (well, mostly anyway…) and I can keep an eye on her and bring her back when she starts wandering off and getting in trouble. But when I leave they put her on a leash now. From what I’ve heard it’s gone okay, after she got used to it. It’s never easy having your freedom taken away! I wish they could all go free all the time. But we saw what happened when Mia and Palle got into the foods, didn’t we? They don’t always know what’s good for them. But at least when I’m there she can still claim some freedom. Should make her all the more happy to see me!

Meanwhile, on the home front. I have had my two first, real sessions on the new crosstrainer. Yesterday and today. I started out yesterday with the ambition of doing an hour on it. But I felt quickly that it was hard on my thighs. So I adjusted the ambition to 30 minutes. And did 33. At lowest resistance. Today I did 40 minutes with a more consistent effort at higher speed. I can feel it takes its toll on my legs. They get wrecked. A lot more than from the biking. But we’ll see how it goes. I’m happy with it so far. It’s a good workout. I can feel my pulse increases more than when I bike. Even at the lowest resistance setting it feels like a harder workout. And I combined it with 1½ hours of biking both times. So all in all, it’s coming along. Very pleased with my space heater as well. I have been able to leave my central heating off since I got it. Normally I have all my radiators going full power all day when I want to exercise. Now I can just flip on the space heater and I have instant heat. Really nice.

Now, photography for great goatstice.

Mio on the hill.

Always an imposing figure.

View from behind Palle. Growing horns. And big ears.

Mia and Palle. He’ll be as big as her soon!

Sweet, old auntie Kamel.

Mia with a mouthful of apple.

Me and Mio.

And Mio and me.

Three generations. Mio, Mia and Palle. With Kamel in the background.

And Palle amusingly.

And a goatlog. Quiet times. Without Medium and Large there’s a lot less craziness. I miss it. But I enjoy the quiet times as well.

And that’s all for this week. See you in the next, pals.

3 Responses to “Septemberry Smoothies”

  1. Debster Says:

    I like to watch goats eating apples. We gave our boys and donkey some apples the other day. Mmmmm, do they like apples. Snickers gets drooley – must be some tart apples.

    The hummingbirds are starting to migrate. There were 10 birds at the feeder last night. I will sure miss seeing them everyday when they all leave for the south.

  2. Plume Says:

    I like watching goats eat anything! Zen. They do enjoy their apples. Safe journey to the hummingses!

  3. Debster Says:

    I watched two whip-poor-wills flying this evening. And I saw one small bat, too. Billy’s nose is turning darker. A sure sign of fall!

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