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Lost (in) time

I missed a week of updating. That hasn’t happened in.. I don’t know how long. I wasn’t feeling like writing last weekend. We had to say goodbye to Bruce and Clark. It made me very sad.

In fact I didn’t even get to say goodbye. I was warned on Thursday, the week before, by Alice that they were talking with someone who wanted to buy them. And you know, I knew it would have to happen sooner or later. But I thought I had more time. When Alice told me about it I was in fact sitting on the ground playing with Bruce. Hugging him tight. That and the two of them sitting in the shade behind the bench on a sunny Thursday are my lasts memories of them. When I came in the following Saturday they were gone. I guess it must have suddenly happened so fast that they didn’t have time to warn me. It was rough. Not getting to say goodbye. I really love those two silly thugs. It feels pretty empty without them now. But good thing we have Peanut and Popcorn. Did I mention Mio’s baby was named Popcorn? Well, I did now. Peanut and Popcorn. I like it. I’m still not in the mood to write much, so I think I’ll talk more about them another time. Suffice to say they are wonderful and keep me smiling. It’s just hard having to say goodbye all the time.

I made a little video with memories of Bruce and Clark.

Sweet, wonderful boys.

And now on with lots of photos.

A little fun one.

And a little comparison, Mia and PAlle. Then and now.

Biggest and littlest goat.

And a bunch of goatlogs covering two weeks.

And that’s all for this week folks. See you in the next one, probably.

2 Responses to “Lost (in) time”

  1. Debster Says:

    I am sorry to hear that Bruce and Clark are gone. It is so hard when they leave, isn’t it? I was beginning to worry about you since you hadn’t written. But I understand why.

    We went to visit the donkey herd last week where we got our donkey. The four mama donkeys are ready to give birth any moment. The one we really liked came over to see us and to get scratches and we had a nice visit with her.

    My husband stopped back in this weekend and she was gone. We don’t know what happened to her and haven’t been able to talk to the owners yet. She was such a lovely girl and we have known her for about seven years. She was so shy when she first got there, but we scratched her and talked to her every time we visited. And we slowly got her to trust us and to come over to see us and let us pet her babies.

    One of the other mama’s had a little baby donkey – a girl we think. So we were excited to see the new baby donkey, but sad about what happened to Sara the other donkey we liked a lot. Sigh . . . It sure doesn’t seem to get any easier when they are gone, does it?

  2. Plume Says:

    It never gets easy no. And when it just happens so suddenly. Sigh indeed. I just want my big sanctuary with all my goats and no problems. Is that so much to ask?
    I bet donkey babies are wonderful. I know goat babies are. Gotta appreciate the good things.

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