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Here’s 2017

Happy New Year, everyone! On with the Faceboxing.

Today will be a good day. I slept a loong time. And it’s storming outside. But other than that. Almost back to normal, probably.
26/12 2016

updated his profile

26/12 2016

I’m putting together a ragtag band of rebels to steal the pizza plans and blow up the pizza box.
26/12 2016

I just realised. Something. So, Santa keeps a list of who’s been naughty and nice during the year, right? So. The list is contained to the specific year of that christmas, right? So the next time he looks up who’s been naughty and who’s been nice will be in 2017. And it will cover the year of 2017. This means we now have a tiny window of a few days in which our behaviour will not be judged. This is like The Purge. This is the window of time where you can do whatever you want. Santa can’t come in 2017 and say you can’t get presents because you were bad in 2016. That would not be fair. So if you have any sinning to do, now is the time. Go crazy. No limits. I’m going to go [CENSORED] on [CENSORED] and all over [CENSORED].
26/12 2016

For no particular reason, here is an old picture from my ‘unposted’ folder. Sweet, little Peanut. I hope he and the twins are doing well at their new home. Now that I’m kinda severed from the old playground, it also means little chance of hearing about them in the future. Every goat we’ve sent away carries a bit of my heart with them. That is still better than the ones that have passed away, they broke a piece of my heart. Thank goatness for all the wonderful memories.

26/12 2016

For my next avant garde art project I’ll be making youtube videos wherein I take the music from The Snowman and put in on trailers for really dark, dystopian, violent movies. And then I’ll just sit here and wait for the ad revenue to come pouring in.
26/12 2016

Really, that whole thing about the santa loophole, you could make a fun, family movie out of that. I’ll get my army of monkeys with typewriters to come up with a screenplay.
If I could draw I’d make a crazy kid’s picture book about kids going wild while santa sleeps it off in a hammock on a beach somewhere.
26/12 2016

You saw nothing! Nothing to see here. It’s 3:58 and I’m being productive. I’m probably asleep right now, while my android is performing Facebook cleanup. So don’t worry about that.
27/12 2016

Today will be a good day. *Can someone turn off the wind machine, though?
27/12 2016

Good goat times today. Glad I got going. Even if I had to brave the dying winds of the big storm that’s passing through Denmark. Also had to brave my dying legs that have been too inactive lately. And an uneasy tummy, although I think I’m almost back to normal.
Worth it to see the goats of course. I brought them a watermelon as a belated Christmas feast. It wasn’t really the biggest succes, though. It’s tricky now because I have to keep A38 and the big girls fairly seperated. Everything gets a little chaotic. And it didn’t help that I put the melon on the ground and Mio all but freaked out because.. well, as you might remember she doesn’t like balls. She’s terrified of them. So she was all “Nuts to this, I’m outta here”. I had tied her and A38 down and then they got all tangled and Mia casually decided to start wandering off in another direction and … oh dear, oh dear. I do know how to throw a party. Once I got the melon cut in half they did all enjoy a bit of it. It’s a special, tasty treat.
I put A38 in the pasture and let Mia and Mio stay outside on the grass for a bit. When it was time for me to put them back inside, A38 was bleating after us as soon as we went out of sight. Even if she was in the pen and the big girls were not and they had been a little mean to her, she still doesn’t want them to leave her behind. There’s a bit of the group mentality.
At least we had some fun.
Now I really feel like ordering pizza but I also know if I eat pizza I’ll barf. It’s one of those dilemmas without a solution. A Rubik’s Conundrum, I think they’re called.
27/12 2016

We had a little visitor while I had Mia and Mio out of the pen. An asian man with a little kid. They got a closeup encounter with the goaties. They’d brought carrot sticks that the goats helpfully disposed of. A little later a man and woman went by too, I just overheard the woman saying to the man “Well that one must be pregnant, look at its belly”. And frankly I had half a mind to tell her not to talk about me like that!
27/12 2016

Here’s the barn kitty. “Yeah, you take the goats out. I’ll keep an eye on the horses while you’re gone”.
Her sleeping spot there is right next to Mia and Mio’s stall, so I guess they can see her at night.
From the other side they can see one of the horses. Luna or Sille, I can’t easily tell those two apart. Whoever it was, she was making a ruckuss while I was inside with the goats. I think the horses get a little impatient to be fed too… she actually managed to push a shovel hanging on the wall down to the ground and made other loud noises, which pure spooked Mia. Cats on one side, horses on the other. Oh my.

27/12 2016

Looking for some of my old videos of the goats being scared of the inflatable gymball. Came across one labeled “peanutballkick”. Had to look at it before I remembered, oh yeah. He kicked me in the family heirlooms. Ah the fun we had.
27/12 2016

Two goatlogs for the price of one.


27/12 2016

Ugh no
27/12 2016

I can’t believe it. Carrie Fisher is gone.
For me, this is the one that touches me personally. The great artists that have died this year, they have been people I admired and respected, but I don’t think any of them I had a real close connection to. Carrie Fisher was part of Star Wars, something that’s been a part of me since I was a little kid. Since I sat on my dad’s lap while he looked up “Skywalker” to see what it meant in Danish. Himmelgænger. Since they gave me that Marvel comic when they sent me off on a train ride. My pencil case that I didn’t actually use in school, because it was a cool Star Wars thing, not a mere pencil case.
Looking through movie magazines month after month, year after year, wondering if there would ever be a prequel or sequel or anything. Reading Zahn’s books. Playing computer games. My collection of figurines that I sold for a fraction of what they were actually worth. My bedroom walls plastered with the cardboard cutouts from the backs of the figurine cases. I could go on and on.
Reading her book. In fact I have her latest book lined up as one of my next ones to listen to. I just saw her in, you know what.
I could go on. This one hits close to home.
I’m not saying she was an artist on the level of Bowie or Prince, but she was a big part of a galaxy that took me far, far away many times when I needed it.
This fucking sucks.
27/12 2016

I can’t deny that to me she was mostly Leia. That’s kinda inevitable with how big a presence Star Wars has always had in my life.
But I know she was much more. We are all more than what others see. I loved her first book. Incredibly funny and moving and so honest. The kind of honesty that helps others fight their demons.
I can’t imagine what it must be like to get a role like Leia when you’re that young and be defined by it for the rest of your life.
She was crazy and wonderful and beautiful and Leia. Among other things.
link: Carrie Fisher: “You fat motherfucker”
27/12 2016

Okay, I am retiring for the night. Disappearing into a world of pure imagination. Looking for princesses in all the castles. Looking for hope.
27/12 2016

Today will be a good day. Happy hump day, guys.

28/12 2016

The Christmas card fairy visited me while I was asleep. She stole all my money and went number 2 in my toilet without flushing. So please keep an eye out for her and let me know if you spot her.
Just kidding. She left me 3 wonderful cards. Big thank yous to Deborah from my blog, and to Debbie Wilkins and to Susan Sperling Tingley. Thank you for thinking of me and keeping my heart warm! Susan even included a check for 20 dollahs! I think it’s a check, right? Assuming I can figure out how to cash it I’ll make sure to get the goaties some good goodies! Thank you so much, you really shouldn’t have. But the goaties will be happy with the treats I get!
As the bigger picture of the world darkens, it always makes me happy when people help keep the small picture bathed in light. That made less sense than I had intended.
28/12 2016

This is that thing I told you about. I don’t know if it’s just me, but it still makes me laugh every time I watch it. Also, I sound like a creepy clown when you slow down my laughter.
link: Yogi shake
28/12 2016

I really love fireworks season. So much. The louder the better, especially right outiside my apartment. I also like Hitler and wounds that won’t heal and bears that maul your face even when there’s nothing left of your face. Am I being too subtle? Also is Danny DeVito related to Demi Lovato? Their names both suggest otherwise yet somehow simultaneously make me think so, but mostly it’s about the bears in your face.
28/12 2016

Today will be a good day. Today is now and we’re here. This is really happening.
29/12 2016

Good goat times today. Fairly quiet today. Handing out some goodies, collecting some cuddles. I was amused when I was grabbing a cucumber from the plastic bag in my backpack and Mulle came running on the other side of the fence. She really is rather goatish. Hear a plastic bag and come running. The goaties feel a lot better when she’s on the other side of the fence.
Now the year is almost over. And for the first time maybe ever I’m not in a state of dread about New Year’s eve. I’ll worry some of course, but this new place just feels so much safer. I’m so glad we’re there.
29/12 2016

Oh yeah, we did this today too. I wasn’t sure if Mia could get up and stand there. It’s a narrow beam and it was slippery and wet. But of course, the lure of a peanut brought out an acrobatic performance.
She’s so big now. I guess I still think of her as little baby Mia a lot of the time. I forget she’s like an adult goat now. Even if she is still super spoiled.

29/12 2016

In case you’re wondering, we proud Snuggleflorbs are still upset that JK edited us out of the Potterverse. Revisionism at its worst.
29/12 2016

Consumer advice: Don’t bother with pot noodles. I’ve been eating them all day and I’m not even remotely high.
29/12 2016

I like looking at my list of books I’ve read. It’s kinda like looking at a Facebook photo album. Memories of people and places. Makes me want to go back and visit them. Makes me wonder what they’re up to now. Makes me want to reconnect.
Also, interestingly the first book I read in 2016 was The Force Awakens novelization and the first book I’ll be reading in 2017 will be the Rogue One novelization. Carrie Fisher’s book will be one of the next, but I need a little time before I start that one. Too soon yet.
Just finished Uprooted by Naomi Novik. Highly recommend it if you’re into fantasy. It was quite interesting with a sort of blend of sorcery and Eastern European influences. Also the narrator had an accent, almost like Melania Trump or something haha. When I started listening to it I felt like “What the heck is this, couldn’t they get someone with a more natural sounding reading voice” but the more I listened the more I liked it. It fit the story extremely well and the accent sort of slowed the narration down a little which was rather enjoyable.
29/12 2016

I think I got a couple of requests for the peanutballkick.avi… I have actually posted it before.
link: peanutballkick
29/12 2016

I know I’ve said this before but, goodnight I’m going to bed.
29/12 2016

Today will be a good day. You bring the noise, I’ll bring the funk.
30/12 2016

A38 helpfully checking if there are any dangerous watermelons in my backpack.

30/12 2016

Too soon?

30/12 2016


30/12 2016

Just when I thought 2016 couldn’t get any worse, I looked at the calendar and realised it’s still 2016.
30/12 2016

Heading to bed. I’m going to go for a long dreamwalk to gather energy for the big New Year’s Eve party tomorrow in which I’ll be watching youtube videos while trying to decide whether to order pizza or cook elderberry soup. This lifestyle is exhausting, thank goodness I can keep transfering my essence to new clone bodies every 5 years. And also that I found that portal to another realm inhabited by defenseless little gnomes that I easily enslaved to do my bidding, which is mostly to fetch my pizza and write nonsensical Facebook updates, fa la la.
30/12 2016

Today will be a good day. Last day of the year. Hope everyone will have a safe and happy time.
Btw, mistletoe works all year round, right?
31/12 2016

My New Year’s resolutions this year are:
To eat more pizza.
To eat more soup.
To spend good times with goats.
To set myself attainable goals.
31/12 2016

Look what I got! Goat soap and figures! Oh and alpacas! That’s the stuff!
Thank you very much Carine Jamar!
Also, I definitely need to learn indoor photography some time.

31/12 2016

Outside, the gunfire. Explosions in the sky. The occasional screams of a little girl. I hope they’re joyful. A continually creaking door somewhere. Probably the neighbours, possibly darkmares who found a way beyond the veil. A last foul from 2016, unleash the horros. Take the world down with you. Do you ever think, if aliens decided to come visit us and they happened to arrive on December 31st… they’d think we were attacking them. “Sir, the humans are hostile”. “Release the cyberkraken”.
I have too much chocolate, but I only pause the eating when I feel like I’m about to barf. Then I wait until I’m ok and then I start eating again until I reach breaking point. It’s a sort of cat and mouse game, only the cat and mouse are made of chocolate and I am eating them.
Less than 3 hours to go. I kinda feel like I’m standing at my front door fumbling with the keys while the killer is approaching. I need to get inside to the safety of 2017. Because we all know 2017 will be full of magic and chocolate and those we love will be immortal. As long as you don’t drop the keys…
31/12 2016

As the year winds down, it’s time to write the traditional year-in-review post. Just gotta find some appropriate music to put on while writing… Ah, Mozart’s reqium thing. That’ll do.
I mean, I’m not gonna lie to you. It hasn’t been the best of years. On many levels. The world in general. Without getting into a political discussion, and without being overly dramatic, I just sort of feel that what happened in the US was the end of hope. I don’t really have any hope left for a good, kind world. I just feels like the snowball that was rolling down the hill is now an avalanche and it can no longer be stopped. The future is greed, lies, unkindness, war, terror, trolling, drilling, forcing your beliefs on others. Putting yourself and your own first. Laughing not only at your own successes but even more at your opponent’s failures. If you can’t win, at least you can enjoy the failure of others. And so on. The big picture, for me, is very dark now. The glass is half empty and to refill you have to shoot water cannons at protesters in the freezing cold.
And so and so forth. The big picture is dark, but I’ll continue to do my best to make my own little picture as light as I can. You know. Life will find a way. Life goes on and we’ll be ok. I am thankful for all the good people I’ve gotten to know. You show me kindness and you help keep my personal, little picture bright. I hope I shine some light in yours as well.
Family health hasn’t been the best this year. My mother was in the hospital with her legs, but to be honest I don’t even remember if she got out before last new year’s or not. Time blurs. She’s coping now i think, though it’s still an ongoing issue. My brother was through a lot, of course. I guess we can just be glad the tumor was benign and Danish healthcare is good. Last I heard is he’s going through the preparations to be okayed for a kidney transplant. Only dental stuff to go. And then it’s just to wait for one to become available. 2 to 5 years, or more or less. I’d give him one of mine, but being diabetic I doubt they’d let me. Also I don’t know how any of that works. He seems in good spirits and is managing with the dialysis.
So, it’s been a trying year on that front, but compared to many others we’re lucky I suppose. We’re alive. That’s something to be greatful for. I may be 70% blind, but I can see enough to annoy people on Facebook. It’s the little things…
The goat year? It’s been trying too. So many wonderful moments. But also hard ones. I’ve had to say goodbye to Ping, Pong, Peanut and Fuzzy. That is a lot of sweet baby goats to have to see leave. At least I know they’re off somewhere, hopefully living a good life. We also had Mia’s little black baby that died. And of course Palle. No matter how I try to frame it, Palle is going to be the defining thing for 2016, for me. You all know what he meant to me. And how senseless his death was. It’s still unfair, painful and just… sad. I miss his hugs and goofy leaps. I try not to play favourites, but he may just be my favourite of all. He is certainly greatly missed.
On the positive side there was the big move. Which I was so afraid of. But which turned out great. It was supposed to be temporary, but now we are there to stay. So it is certainly a giant, cataclysmic event. A shift in reality. But for the better. And it brought A38 into the family. A sweeter, more polite goat I can barely imagine. She reminds me a lot of Kamel, who we lost in 2015. Now I got myself a trio of lovely goat ladies, and hopefully they will stay happy and healthy for as long as possible. I am looking forward to springtime. Sunny and warm in the grass. And no tragedies. Please.
It’s been kind of a hard year, mentally speaking. I have been at the edge a few times, over it a couple. But I’ve managed to crawl my way back. And we’ll keep going. We’re none of us alone. I am still lucky that I sort of live in my own little bubble. Most of the bad things going on in the world won’t actively effect me personally. I just gotta try to keep a positive mind and move forward. Onwards and upwards. Thank you everyone for being a part of that. For helping me have some faith in some humanity. Whether you’ve sent me stuff or interacted with me or not reported me to Facebook for violating common decency and sanity. I got family, I got goats, I got Facebookerinos, I got ways and means. I am my own worst enemy, but I’m still in the ring. Looking forward to the good things that 2017 will bring, and we’ll get through the bad things together. We will be the underground freedom fighters in the dystopian future. Build our revolution on hope.
And so on and so forth.
Wishing you all a happy new year and may 2017 be good for you. Thank you for the light you shine. Every little light counts.
31/12 2016

You know that thing Facebook has where you can mark yourself safe in disaster situations? I kinda feel like there should be something where you can mark yourself safe for 2016. For everyone who makes it through. 30 minutes to go here.
I’m always terrified people will point fireworks at our apartment windows. I wouldn’t put it past some of the savages out there.
31/12 2016

Normally every New Year’s eve I watch the big clock ring in the new year at midnight. I guess for this first time since I was… ? A kid? I won’t be able to. Because I have no TV signal. Haha, I’m glad I’m not one of those people who just have to watch the Queen’s speech and the traditional 90th Birthday special sketch, because I wouldn’t have been able to watch those either. Kind of an unfortunate time for a cable provider to drop the signal! I guess this year I’ll toast in the new year watching my computer clock turn to 0:00.
In 9 minutes.
Seriously, I can’t think of a New Year that I haven’t watched the big clock on the telly at midnight. Assuming my parents did it while I was a kid too it might be the first year of my entire life. That’s kinda crazy. Hmm, maybe that year when I went to the hospital with fireworks burns. I don’t recall if I was home before or after midnight.
31/12 2016

Happy New Year everyone!

1/1 2017

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday, guys. And happy 2017. May it be a good one.

1/1 2017

I’m feeling nauseated.
Pretty sure it has nothing to do with the ten pounds of chocolate I ate last night.
The other ten pounds, though…
I’m also feeling a bit.. sort of mentally hung over. Or whatever. From all the Newyearsiness. But at least I don’t think any celebrities have died this year, so that’s something.
Guess I’ll take today to regroup and then I’ll start getting back to normal, which is a thing I am. According to that brain scan I got at my local coffee shop. It came free with a cup of coffee. I don’t drink coffee, though, so I ended up paying €500000 for the scan. Anyway, as I was saying thank you all for the New Year wishes and I wish your New Year was good and that your new year will be good. I miss Palle.
1/1 2017

That thing when you spend an hour working on a problem and you manage to solve it and everything is good. Truly. 2017 IS a magical year.
Hashtag famous last Facebook statuses
1/1 2017

No sleep for the Weequay.
I miss my Star Wars collection.
As I mentioned recently, my bedroom wall was literally plastered with these kinds of cardboard photos from the figure packs.
link: weequay-vc48.jpg
1/1 2017


1/1 2017

Here’s what’s going to get me through 2017.

1/1 2017

Time to crash. Need sleep. Coming down from the chocolate high. That’s the name of the mountain I built of melted chocolate, kind of like the mashed potatoes scene in that great scifi movie, Attack of the Mashed Potatoes. Hope all is well and everyone is swell.
1/1 2017


That’s all for Facebook. Go go goat photos.

And that’s all for this week, see you in the next one.

7 Responses to “Here’s 2017”

  1. Debster Says:

    Well, guess who just discovered “Shaun the s

  2. Debster Says:

    Let’s try that again! Well, guess who just discovered “Shaun the Sheep” on TV and youtube?

    Me! Wow, is Shaun ever funny. I suppose you have known about STS forever, right? I just watched Shaun and Bitzer dig up dinosaur bones in “Fossils”. The way the rest of the flock tried to assemble the bones is hilarious.

    I sometimes wonder what our goats and donkey are up to when we aren’t around. Now I know what mischief sheep get into.

  3. Plume Says:

    I have known about Shaun for a long time, but I don’t think I’ve watched much of it beyond a clip or two. Maybe I should get to watching some of it! Does seem fun, and I like that style. I am sure when I’m not around our goat ladies are having a big disco party!

  4. Debster Says:

    We have been watching Shaun and his flock and just laughing ourselves silly. My husband first noticed a scene where the sheep see the bull charging and one of the sheep leave some droppings on the ground. Leave it to hubby to see poo!

    Timmy, the baby is so cute. The bull ran him, Shaun, and Bitzer into the barn. Timmy made a puppet show that was so funny. He had himself as a puppet riding on top of the bull chasing the other two. He is a very creative little guy.

  5. Plume Says:

    I might have to watch it sometime!

  6. Debster Says:

    It’s pretty funny. You know how goats act when there is a plastic bag flapping in the breeze? Baaaaaaaa, run run run, baaaaa.

    Shaun and the flock see a kite with a scary face and everyone goes crazy with panic baaas and running all over the place. Then they all get curious and want to check out the kite!

  7. Plume Says:

    I could imagine our goaties reacting like that!

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