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Shelter From The Rain

Saw the trailer to Ready Player One. I may be the only one but… I’m not that enthusiastic about it. There’s just no way it can live up to the pictures in my head from the book. I pictured the Oasis as… I don’t know. Bright. Retro. I’m not too fond of modern CGI. It looked like it could be a Transformers movie or something. I remember when CGI was new and you watched Terminator 2 and Jurassic Park and it was something special and you had to walk 10 miles in the snow to get to Blockbusters and all the copies were rented out and you had to pay the clerk to insutl you etc kids today get off my lawn.
I do hope the movie will be good, though.
24/7 2017

Today will be a good day, knock on forehead.
24/7 2017

Good goat times today. It started out overcast and chilly. Later on we did get some sun, but in a warm and humid way. It had rained overnight so the ground was wet. So no sitting with the goats! Only dry dirt for them. But other than that we had our usual fun. I was happy to see A38 eating all the goat pills I gave her. She had less appetite in the morning last week, and was slower to get up. Seemed hungrier and faster to get up today. I even caught her walking up to Mio and bleating at her and nudging her horns against Mio’s. Normally she’s not the one to start an argument! Of course she backed off pretty quickly. But she’s so cute with that gruff voice. Such a charming old lady.
24/7 2017

Look, it’s one of them three-headed ogres.

24/7 2017

Time to chew bubble gum and watch Twin Peaks. And I’m all out of bubble gum. Good thing I have this ice cream, though.
24/7 2017

Now there’s a week until the next episode of Twin Peaks CANT YOU SEE YOU’RE TEARING US APART.
I wish I had the strength to wait and binge watch it all after it’s done. One episode a week just isn’t enough.
I know some people are annoyed by the Dougie thing. But I just love him. He makes me laugh every time.
24/7 2017

I’m so tired. Bedtime. Don’t wait up. This might be a long one, as the sailor said to the scarf seller.
24/7 2017

Today will be a good day. I didn’t make it out of bed this morning. I wasn’t surprised, though. I was really exhausted yesterday. Also I was feeling the need to dream. The dreamworld is so beautiful, the real world is so ugly. Sometimes I feel the pull from the dreams so hard that I can barely resist it. It’s like a drug. I guess I’m one of the few people in the world whose reality is literally a grey haze like the mist and whose dreams are clear and bright and much more real.
Anyway. Here we are in reality. I think. Let’s make the best of it.
25/7 2017

I’m totally on a diet, but everyone agrees I can pardon myself if I get pizza today.
25/7 2017

Today is my first day on full dose of the new meds. So if I act a little strange just… pretend that’s normal.
For example I had this crazy idea that I read that Trump used a boy scout meeting to spout inappropriate propaganda, haha. What a world.
25/7 2017

Where’s Yogi?

25/7 2017


25/7 2017

Ooh my. Remember when I told you how Mousy brought a little field mouse for Anne? I’m editing video from that day now (way behind, as always) and I was filming Mousy walking across the pasture. Didn’t realise it at the time, but looking at the footage now I can see she’s carrying something in her mouth. That must be the mouse. She walks across all the pasture and ends up over by Anne. That must have been the moment she gave Anne the mouse. How about that.
Do you guys want to see the video, or nah? I mean, it’s not like you see it that well.
25/7 2017

Okay, here’s the video of Mousy the cat with the mouse. It’s not that interesting, but it is kind of funny that I just happened to film something I wrote about without even knowing it at the time.
link: Mousy and the mouse video
25/7 2017

“We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe.”
25/7 2017

Undercover Zuckerberg. In which one of your friends is secretly Mark Zuckerberg.
And maybe he’ll post cryptic messages about one of your friends being Mark Zuckerberg just to throw you off.
Or maybe he won’t.
Anyway, my friend Jim told me about this.
25/7 2017

Why don’t you tell me how you really feel, Mia?

26/7 2017

Looks like we got ourselves a convoy!
oh, it’s just me?
26/7 2017

Today will be a good day. Happy hump day, guys.

26/7 2017

You know, it would probably be easier if you took the two steps around the gate, Mia.

26/7 2017

I’ve seen this meme a few times on Facebook, or variations of it. I can’t find it right now, but basically there are two pictures. On the left is a well dressed man from the 40s or 50s or something. And on the right is a man from 2017 dressed weirdly, I think one version looked like it was someone on the catwalk of a fashion show dressed kinda freakily. And basically the sentiment was that this is what’s wrong with the world, how did we get from there to here etc. And I understand that the intent of this meme is to say something like how we used to have class and now we don’t. Something like that. I understand that the intent of the meme isn’t bad. I just can’t help thinking… aren’t the people ruining the world today typically the well dressed men in suit and tie? The lawyers, the bankers, the politicians. Is a suit and tie still the symbols of honesty and integrity today? I would rather see the man in a freakish outfit as a free spirit, expressing creativity and individuality. Not letting the world fit you into your assigned square. I would trust a man in a ball gown over a politician in suit and tie in this day and age. No offense if you’re one of the people who has posted a version of that meme, I understand where it’s coming from. I just couldn’t help thinking of this as I logged onto twitter and saw Trump’s mutliple tweet tirade about trans people not being allowed in the militiary. I’d rather have the boy scouts listening to a trans person than to a President these days.
And so on and so forth. The dream I dream to live in is always more beautiful than the web of reality that the spiders have woven for us.
26/7 2017

Today will be a good day. Prove me right, kids. Prove me right.
27/7 2017

Good goat times today. The new shelter got its first real use. The day started out overcast and soon enough the rain came rolling in. I was sitting with A38 in the new shelter, until Mia and Mio came running. I wish we sit there together all 4. Oh well. It was quite nice actually, sitting under the roof with Mia and Mio. Listening to the rain (and a passing helicopter). Summer rain can be quite lovely, especially when you’re keeping dry and have goats to cuddle with. Watching goats chew their cud can be quite zen. Watching them chew their cud while they watch the rain falling.. that’s a whole new level of zen. ZeN+.
Before the rain started we had a visitor. A young lady speaking English came by and asked me some questions about the place. She seemed amused to have come across goats and chickens like that. And she got to pet Mia a little. I wish I had more social skills. I wish I had social skills so I could, you know, have found out who she was and where she was from.
27/7 2017

Where’s Yogi?

27/ 2017

Our English-speaking visitor of course asked if Mio was pregnant. After an answer and an afirmation of said answer from me she went “She looks like she swallowed a melon! …or two”.
27/7 2017

Watching the rain.

27/7 2017

Ugh, that thing when you really want to engage the bigots. But you know it’s not going to do any good. I’m going to have to order a new tongue soon, the current one is being worn down by biting it.
27/7 2017

Time to spin a dreamweb. If you want to join me, just knock on the door and say the secret pass phrase.
(You’re right, Jim. No one will ever guess that it’s ‘pizza’)
27/7 2017

Today will be a good day. Don’t sweat the little thing. Order extra large.
28/7 2017

I love those colours.

28/7 2017

John McCain is like that guy in the TV show that you don’t know if is a villain or a hero. You know, like Skinner or Doctor Cox. He starts out as a villain character but then it turns out he’s got stern integrity and is actually on your side as long as you’re on the right side. But does he have ulterior motives?
I still don’t really know. But at least when I see him I get the feeling that he wants to be a good guy, unlike a lot of others who will just straight up shut down public beaches so they can flab on their own.
28/7 2017


28/7 2017

The worst thing about being this productive is constantly having to take breaks to write on Facebook about how productive I am being.
28/7 2017

Keeping an eye on the rock.

28/7 2017

Heal my heart

29/7 2017

Keep your hands off my buns, I’ve baked all night.
29/7 2017

Today will be a good day. I hope you agree.
29/7 2017

Editing goat footage, and I do believe this is the first time I’ve ever caught A38 yawning on camera. So you can look forward to seeing that video in a week or two when I’m done with this. I tells ya, being this productive is stressful. I better go back and watch some more Undertale Let’s Plays for an hour or two.
Hope everyone is having a good weekeendeth.

29/7 2017

goatlog. From the last time we had summer rain. Sheesh, I’m more than a month behind on the goatlogs. So productive, guys. So productive.

29/7 2017

Will the rain never end?!

29/7 2017

Heading to bed early, because I miss the dreamscape. And everything will proceed cyclically.
29/7 2017

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday, guys.

30/7 2017


30/7 2017

I can’t upload photos. Hmm. Anyone else having this problem?
30/7 2017


End of Facebook. Go go goat photos.

That’s all for this week, see you in the next one.

2 Responses to “Shelter From The Rain”

  1. Debster Says:

    Wish we were having some rain, too. It’s been really dry here. Seems like it rains all around us.

    A number of years ago, we had a mama cat who was teaching her kittens how to hunt. She would head out to the tall grass with the kittens trailing behind her. Then we noticed she was starting to bring “treats” up to the house for us.

    We would find mice, voles, and even part of a crawdad once. I think she was trying to teach us as well as the kittens how to hunt. We weren’t very good at hunting, so she gave up on us and concentrated on her kitties instead.

    I ask our cats to catch all the mice they can. Will be less for me to catch this fall when the crops are being harvested and all the mice want to run into our house!

  2. Plume Says:

    I’d like less rain! It’s been the coldest summer I can remember in a long while. Oh well. Still better than winter. And I’m sure glad our goaties don’t hunt mice. I wouldn’t want them to bring me presents like that!

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