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Oh Deer

I hope everyone who subscribed to me premium content is enjoying the thrillride.
7/8 2017

Today will be a good day. Here’s to a good week, let it be it.
7/8 2017

Good goat times today. Nice to have a little summery weather again. Or at least, a little dry. It was moderately warm and cloudy. The ground was still a bit wet from all the rain, though. Which means the goats don’t like to sit around as much. I hope we’ll still have some real summer ahead in August, but it’s not looking that great. I can’t remember a summer completely without 30C days. Will this be it? Well, it’s still better than winter. I will be sad when I have to get the thermo underwear out again.
A38 was quite jumpy today. I wanted to film some video of me sitting with her. But she kept getting up and running away. She doesn’t like when you walk right up to her and sit down right next to her. So I usually sit down about an arm’s length away and feed her peanuts while I slowly inch closer. Then she’s fine with you sitting right next to her. But not so much today. On the other hand,. when I brought them branches with fresh leaves she abandoned the branches I had put aside for her and instead went over to Mia and Mio and started eating from their brances. Granted, the gate was between them. But that was still braver than she usually is. Go figure! Got grandma Mio running a little too. And now that vacation is over the goats are usually out when I arrive again which means I get a nice bleating greeting when I show up. The horses aren’t back yet, but it can’t be too long.
7/8 2017

Here’s A38, sneaking uo to steal some leaves from the two great whites.

7/8 2017

Had an odd encounter today. It was some kind of animal. My first thought was that it was a deer. The only other thing I can think of would be a dog. But it would have been a big dog then and its behaviour didn’t seem very doggish. If it was a deer it must have been a young one. it wasn’t huge. Hmm.
What happened was, I was walking on the path along the fence around what I call ‘the dark forest’, the trees at the opposite end of the horse pasture to the goat pen. As I turned the corner to walk up that path something came running out from the trees next to the fence. It ran across the path and disappeared into the trees on the other side. It seemed like I startled it. Because of my bad eyesight and the suddenness of it all I did not get a good look at it. I tried going after it to see if I could spot it, but it was FAST and with my bad eyesight there was no way I was going to find it in the trees.
Hmm indeed. Are there deer living out there? What else could it have been. I mean, I’ve been reading headlines about the wolf being back in Denmark, but I doubt that’s what it was! Haha. I don’t know. There are residential areas over in the direction of the playground, but in the back there in that direction it is some kind of park or nature area with trees. I have no idea how big it is, though. If it’s big enough to sustain… wild animals. Maybe it was some kind of mythological being. Maybe it was like the white horse in Twin Peaks. Maybe it was an omen. Maybe it was a magic pizza delivering unicorn and it had forgotten the pizza so it ran away to get it and when we meet again it won’t be me.
Anyway. I’ll have to try to remember to try to ask someone there if it’s even possible it could have been a deer. Maybe it was a moose. Maybe along with Mousy we have a Moosy. Or Ann Elk.
7/8 2017

Apparently German TV accidentally aired next week’s episode of Twin Peaks instead of this week’s. I couldn’t help myself and read some semi-spoilers. If what I read is true then next week’s episode is going to be exactly what I want from Twin Peaks. I can’t wait. Now I just have to get through this week of reality. Seven day hibernation maybe?
7/8 2017

My plan to get people to unfollow me because of political posts is working great! I think this week I shall switch to writing posts about famous Danish philosophers. And no, it’s not the one you’re thinking of. But rest assured that I’ll write all the posts in Danish and you’ll be able to enjoy accurate translations through the wonders of creationism. Or evolution. Or whatever science Rick Perry hasn’t yet defeated.
Also I’m going to bed, goodnight.
7/8 2017

Today will be a good day. Set your sights on it.
8/8 2017

Which way is the wind blowing, A38?

8/8 2017

Pizza’s here. Please entertain yourselves while I engage in the ritual sacrifice of cheesy delight.
8/8 2017

PICKLE RICK!!! WoooooOOOOooooo
8/8 2017

If I don’t get dessert you will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.
8/8 2017

It’s funny because the world is going to end

9/8 2017

Today will be a good day. Happy hump day, guys.

9/8 2017

Where’s Yogi?

9/8 2017


9/8 2017

Time to crash this bed into the sun and dream of fire and ice and song and dance. If you’d like to join me on this trip please stand by and be ready at the designated pickup place: Jack Rabbit’s Palace. If you don’t have the coordinates then just keep your head down and hope no one notices. Two birds with one stoner.
9/8 2017

Today will be a good day. Say it like you mean it, mean it like you say it.
10/8 2017

Good goat times today. Pleasant weather, around 20/70 deegrees. I guess that passes for summer. Quite lovely when the sun was out. A few drops too, but nothing that bothered us. I was feeling a bit off today, though. Not sure why. I couldn’t stop craving chocolate milk. Odd. Too bad we don’t have any brown cows. No horses either, I kinda thought they’d be back by now. Oh well. Can’t be long. The ground was dry so I got some good relaxing sitting with the goats. And brought them fresh leaves too of course. The gpatfather provides.
10/8 2017

Always find the shortest route to the food.

10/8 2017

Please do not read this post, or please unfollow me or please tell me all the ways in which I’m wrong.
political spoiler space.

This is insane. More than 50% of Republicans would let Trump suspend the 2020 election over voter fraud. That’s legit like the movies where insane dictators gain power legitimately and then just stop having elections. That is how Palpatine became the Emperor in Star Wars. It’s not even funny. It’s scarier than him threatening North Korea with nuclear war. i think. Okay, I can’t decide.
Like I said in a comment the other day, we live in a world where I can now honestly say “I hope your kid doesn’t grow up to be anything like the President of the United States”. And Seth Rogen tweeting “I make movies about food f****ing and I feel my job is too important to take a 17 day vacation”. And what would the media say if that crazy North Korean dictator had his own New channel with one of his family members cheerfully reading propaganda. And when all FAKE NEWS mainstream media make mistakes they admit it and correct it and people get fired. But the forking president just says whatever he wants. If those transcripts of his phonecalls with Mexico were right then he literally said to the Mexican president to just lie to the media about not paying for the wall. And on and on and on and on. I just can’t even. And people ask who is paying for all those benefits that make Danish people the happies in the world. Well, the Danish people do. With super high taxes. And yet we always come out as the happiest people in the polls. It’s almost as if money doesn’t make you happy?! But no, you’d rather be able to afford a second car and a tv in every kid’s bedroom than have a welfare system that takes care of your own veterans. You’d rather have your kids being murdered in schoold than even have a debate over whether something maybe should possibly be done about guns, maybe some day OVER MY COLD DEAd. You are more likely to be killed by a toddler with a gun than by a terrorist act from a refugee. but you still want to build walls and put checks in place that would stop Trump himself from getting in the country, let alone his next wife from Latvia or Estonia or wherever he finds the next true love, but don’t let the gay people marry because making a wedding cake for them would destroy the sanctitfy of your 3rd or 4th marriage, meanwhile here’s a picture of your high quality kid holding a bloody limb of an endangered elephant or a dentist shooting a beloved lion or whatever whatever.
Oh my god where is my chocolate milk.
10/8 2017

Heading to bed early again. Because I can’t wait to go to dreamland. Where 50% of all Lasses believe that unicorns can fly. And the other 50% ARE unicorns and flew off before I could ask them the question.
10/8 2017

Today will be a good day, sources tell me.
11/8 2017


11/8 2017

United colours of A38

11/8 2017

30 minutes, then my pizza delivery systems will be locked and loaded.
11/8 2017

I’m watching The Mist so you don’t have to.
11/8 2017

Rød saftevand
11/8 2017

Spin the lucky wheel and see who’s next to face the military might of the clown in chief. North Korea? Venezuela? IT COULD BE YOU! Place your bets. Round and round it goes.
12/8 2017

By the way, I haven’t seen that deer again. If it was a deer. I’m pretty sure it followed me home and ate all my pizza, though.
I mean. SOMEONE ate all the pizza. So, I mean. Your theory is as good as mine.
12/8 2017

I love this picture. Although it’s hard to believe both those goats have passed on and that red building has burned down. And there will never be goats in that pen again. Things sure have changed. Some things for the better. But some things I wish I could dearly bring back…
so it goes. Wherever life takes me I hope it never takes me too far away from them.

12/8 2017

This is pretty crazy. I hope that Swedish reporter turns up unharmed. But just the idea of a homemade submarine. That would be the stuff of nightmares for me.
link: news article about missing reporter
12/8 2017

Today will be a good day. And we live in sane world. Don’t check the news don’t check the news don’t check the news.
12/8 2017

Uncle Treatbag detected. Stand by for mugging.

12/8 2017

Sad pictures from the University of Virginia. How ugly are those faces? So filled with hate. It’s incredible how much suffering humanity inflicts upon itself, and others. I wonder if that’s just inevitable. If we found life on another planet would they be busy waging wars against themselves too?
12/8 2017

“What’s going on?! I sure hope no one is choking that chicken!”
link: chicken holler video
12/8 2017


12/8 2017

That’s as much as I can take of this world. Going to dream it all away for a while. If you want to come along, remember to bring a rubber chicken, a wetsuit, a coconut and five bars of dynamite. And please make sure you have no Arzt on your wetsuit.
12/8 2017

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday, guys.

13/8 2017

I can’t believe the news today, I can’t close my eyes and make it go away

13/8 2017

More wonderful dreams last night. They have passed on from memory now. But one of them was a scary Twin Peaks. I love those. And hate those. Another dream was so fascinating that in the dream I was thinking of I had to tell my Facebook friends about it. I even took notes. In the dream. Unfortunately when I woke up the notebook was nowhere to be seen. I guess I left it in dreamland. I hope it wasn’t anything important because I remember nothing about what it was I wanted to tell you guys. Maybe I’ll see if I can find the notebook on my next trip to dreamland.
13/8 2017


13/8 2017

Need a break.

13/8 2017

Look. If nazism is going to be a thing again. I demand we get Indiana Jones back to fight them.
13/8 2017


End of Facebook, go go goat photos.

That’s all for this week, see you in the next one.

2 Responses to “Oh Deer”

  1. Debster Says:

    Close encounters of the “red deer” kind. Oh, my! I looked up deer in Denmark and see you are being over-run by deer. And they turned some moose loose on purpose, too. An attempt to bring the wild and untamed element back to Denmark.

    I figured when I told you one time about how many thousands of deer lived in my state, you would think we couldn’t walk outside without being run over by a deer. Hee, hee. And now you were outside walking and rustled up your own deer.

    We actually had rain the other evening – a whole inch of rain. We haven’t had rain like that since April. We need rain badly so we’re happy to get it. And it has been cooler so we haven’t had to run the air conditioner all the time. The electric bill won’t be so high this month, I hope.

    Lots of goatzie tongues in your photos this time. Does everyone appreciate just how hard it is to take pics like that? I usually get photos of the back of the goat and that’s not what I was hoping for!

    Keep us updated on the deer population. They will sometimes come up to salt or mineral licks here when the farmers have cows out in the fields. They may be attracted to the hay and other food at the playground, too.

  2. Plume Says:

    Doe, a deer, a female deer! Well, I have had no further deer encounters since that one. So by my count the deer population of Denmark is… one. So far. Maybe I should practice my deer call.

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