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Black Hole Wishlist

I don’t know, that “property of USA” on Greenland seems to be drawn in with a sharpie… can’t be legally binding.
9/9 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

9/9 2019

Good goat times today. Cold morning. Down to 10/50 in the morning. It got better as the day went on, but mostly grey still. Oh well. The greens are stil there at least, so we had a good time with that. Got to say hi to Nelly and some of the kids too. And then sweet relaxing in the pen. So that was all good. Here goat the week.
9/9 2019

Milo and Sky, attached at the … wide bellies.

9/9 2019

Sassy got in a spot of bother today. The newbies all went into the horse field. There’s still that slight gap in the fence. All three managed to squeeze in. But when it came time to squeeze out… Sassy was just too big. It was hard not to laugh as she repeatedly tried to squeeze out. Oh dear. Definitely Winnie The Pooh vibes. I was worried I’d have to open the gate, which could have been a little problematic what with the horses being there now and all. But I managed to get her out. Maybe I shouldn’t have but.. I grabbed onto her horns and gave her a little pull to get her out. Tight fit, but she made it. I remember how slim she was when they arrived here. Somehow they blimped out. All’s well that ends well.

9/9 2019

I’m getting spam emails from “Gifte Koner”. That’s the literal translation of “Married Wives” and if you’re Danish I think you can appreciate how utterly silly it looks to see emails from “Gifte Koner”.
So, you’re welcome, Danish friends.
Also, I’ll be going on a date tomorrow, what should I wear?
9/9 2019

is tired

9/9 2019

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi Day everyone.

10/9 2019

Just a couple of goofs

10/9 2019

On a bench in heaven

10/9 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

11/9 2019

It’s good to have a purpose in life.

11/9 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s a bunch of old sweeties from 2014. Herman, Mio, Palle, Kamel. And princess Mia.

12/9 2019

Geez, you can’t make this shit up. They’re going to ban vaping because 6 people died. But BANNING GUNS WOULD DO NOTHING. It’s a fucking crazy world in which the government would rather protect kids from vaping than from being shot in school. I guess the NVA doesn’t have enough money to buy politicians.
12/9 2019

I had some funky dreams last night. One of them was especially funny. I know it’s going to sound like I’m making it up (especially if you’re a republican friend), but I swear I’m not. In this dream Donald Trump was at some kind of event with kids asking him questions. And I was one of the kids. And I asked him some questions that were designed to make him look dumb, like Trump was being outsmarted by fifth graders. I can’t remember what the questions were but Trump couldn’t answer and stormed off in a huff, humiliated on camera. And then.. I pulled off my kid’s face and I was Tom Brokaw in disguise. I swear. I was Tom Brokaw. And I know, because I was talking in that kind of.. drawl. You know, the way Brokaw talks.
So to sum up, I was Tom Brokaw disguised as a fifth grader asking Donald Trump questions that he wasn’t smart enough to answer.
I swear, that happened.
12/9 2019

Would you look at that. Sky and Sassy going head to head. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Sky or Milo taking on Sassy like that. They normally just run away when she’s near. Let’s hope for more headbutting, and let’s hope humans take up headbutting to sole our differences instead of you know, murder war crime etc.

12/9 2019

I often remind myself of Tom Hanks.
“Lasse,” I say, “remember Tom Hanks!”
12/9 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Bruce and Clark from 2014.

13/9 2019

Good goat times today. A lovely, sunny morning. But I can feel the air is colder. It is Fall’ing. The goats ventured out to the green passage along the horse pen. Nice brushwork there. Oh, and Nuller managed to jump up on my back while I was stretching. I’ve mentioned before that I need tos tretch after that long walk to and from the playground. I was doing the stretsh where you’re leaning over and stretching one leg back. And Nuller jumped up on the leg and managed to get all the way up on my back. That kid is determined.
And after a bit of greening we went and relaxed in the pen.
13/9 2019

Snuggly McFluffyfur. Oh and Mia too.

13/9 2019

I smell sex and candy.
Darn randy oompa loompas…
13/9 2019

Ms Pretty Lily

13/9 2019

Going to bed early tonight. I am struggling a little at the moment. Trying to fakeittillyoumakeit with silly posts and goat photos. But if I’m even worse at socializing than normal then that’s why.
Also, that darn electric sun makes my skin looks orange…
See you tomorrow. If you make it through Friday the 13th that is.

13/9 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.

14/9 2019


14/9 2019

Stuck in the middle of goats

14/9 2019

tra la la

14/9 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

15/9 2019

Remember my story of how Nuller jumped up on my leg and onto my back while I was stretching? I tried recreating the moment after setting up my camera… it did not quite work out. But just imagine he made it all the way up on my back, that’s how it happened the first time.
link: stretching video
15/9 2019

Not sure if that hammering is coming from the apartment next door or from the inside of my skull. Maybe the demons in my head are doing some interior decorating. Putting up paintings of … daffodils. I don’t know, just because you’re a demon you can like nice things, right? I mean if your whole job is fire and brimstone you’d probably like to hang up pictures of polar bears or flowers or locomotives in space look if you’re going to ask what’s on my mind then you’re going to get what’s on my m
15/9 2019

This happens pretty much every single time I sit on the bench. Milo trying to get at my pocket. This is why I like to wear long shirts. So I can pull it down over my pocket and under my butt to sit on it so Milo can’t get at the treats. He’s the biggest pickpocket of them all.

15/9 2019

Shutting down the week from here. Off to dreamland. Not gonna lie, I’m not in the best place right now. I saw some headline about a black hole eating the milky way or something, and my first thought was “hmm I wonder how long before it swallows Earth”. But I guess if the Earth was in danger of being destroyed by a black hole then it would probably make the headlines other places than a Danish tabloid site. Might even make the trending list on twitter, right below the sports and the kavanaugh and whatever celebrities are currently celebrating a birthday or being terrible.
So anyway. See you tomorrow, if the Earth is still here.
15/9 2019


That’s all for now.

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