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Twas The Post Before Christmas

Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

16/12 2019

Good goat times today. I had a foot therapy appointment early in the morning. So I was out walking along the highway in the dark. That was not fun. But hey, I survived. And I survived running arounc, chasing goats out of the flowerbeds. Being jumped by Nuller. All in good fun and goats.
Now, I have a batch of soup to finish off.
16/12 2019

Here’s today’s goat butt parade.

16/12 2019

He’s… playing a text adventure.
To… destory the world? Make a new world?
He’s playing a TEXT ADVENTURE.
I love Mr Robot so much. So fucking much. Name me one other show that has had ALF and text adventures in them? This is insane.
God damn I miss text adventures. You can keep your x box x series x one x xxx x x markes the spot.
And Elliot’s thoughts about self hatred and the love of others healing him.. I feel it so hard. I’m not a leet hacker, but the self hatred and non existant social skills. That’s so me.
Anyway. Gotta get back to watching the episode. I just had to take a second to scream to the world that he’s playing a text adventure.
16/12 2019

When you hear your neighbours drilling in the walls do you ever worry that they’ll drill the whole way through by accident and that they can hear and see everything you’re doing and that you’ll have to start wearing pants?
16/12 2019

they feel something for me that I can’t…
they love me

16/12 2019

Milo dancing around the upsidedown christmas tree.

16/12 2019

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi Day everyone.

17/12 2019

Thank you so much Angeline Slaats for the wonderful package! That put a big smile on my face. Two wonderful goat books. I had a quick flip through them, tons and tons of lovely goat photos! Especially all the little babies! I’m going to enjoy looking through those. And the thermal socks feel super comfy and warm. They’ll come in handy. I mean, footy. And the card, with a very beautiful message inside. Thank you so much. I am glad there are people like you around, taking care of animals in need. I wish there were more like you, and I wish I could do a fraction of what you do. Thank you <3!

17/12 2019

When you’re tired but you forgot to bring a pillow.

17/12 2019

Remember when the most powerful man in the world said he couldn’t have assaulted a woman because she wasn’t attractive enough.
So you better hope your daughters wives and mothers are ugly. Or stay at home in the kitchens instead of mingling with presidents, comedians, news anchors, or men in general I guess.
I will never understand how some people wanted, and still want, this kind of person in charge. I don’t even care if that new China trade deal is good or bad for the economy. Is your soul sale? Are you okay with your daughter/wife/mother being abused as long as she gets a financially beneficial settlement? It doesn’t fucking matter anymore if Trump is a good or bad President, if he’s better than Lincoln or Washington. He’s a crooked piece of shit dirtbag. I’m sure Hitler could have made a prosperous world, for everyone who didn’t end up in the gas chambers. It doesn’t fucking matter if you benefit from his policies when it puts people like Stephen Miller in positions of power. Who gives a shit if you can afford a second car when there are people living on the streets? Who gives a shit if your health care when others have to gofundme their cancer treatments. If all you care about is yourself then don’t come crying when your daughter/wife/mother gets raped. Or your son/husband/father gets shot in the street because some punk in the street thinks they have the right to take what they want. When your kids gets shot in the schools because disturbed people have easier access to guns than mental care.
And I know I keep saying it , but it pains me how republicans who claim to care about animals are okay with the destruction of the environment and animal rights. It’s so fucking easy to sit and say “oh I cry more when the dog dies in a movie than when a human dies”. BUT YOU’RE PASSSING LAWS TO SHOOT HIBERNATING BEARS IN THE FACE and drill the alaska and kill the bees, and import the ivory, and keep polluting even though everyone else has accepted global warming is real. And on and on and on. Cry for the real world if you cry for bambi’s mother. Your letting them rape nature too.
He put a guy who had lobbied to disband the epa in charge of the epa. How much do you think your environment is getting protected?
You can close your eyes when the dog dies in the movie, doesn’t help to close your eyes and cry fake news when the world burns.

18/12 2019

Did you see anything, Nuller? No, I didn’t see anything either. *waves hand* these are not the facebook updates you’re looking for.

18/12 2019

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

18/12 2019

Since today is thanksgiving, and since I don’t understand the concept of time or how calendars work, I’d just like to express my grattitude to you all out there. As I said just now in a comment thread on the other side of the planet, it’s easy to forget that there are good people out there when all you see is a big flaming turd everytime you look at the news or social media.
You gotta believe the good still outweighs the bad. And eventually we’llf ind the constant and the universe will course correcvt and we’ll head to our destiny, and then time will start over and we’ll continue the alderson loop.
Anyway, as I was saying. I am not always good at expressing emotions, reciprocating attention, being present in the moment, spelling words correctly befoer I have started typing the next one, etc. I am thankful for those who have chosen to be part of, or been chosen, or stumbled blindly into, my life. Some of you don’t know the darkness in my past, present, and future. Some of you do. But I appreciate the light you bring to me. All my own voices in my head say negative things, all the voices you guys add to the mix are positive. Eventually it heals and hopefully outweighs the bad. I appreciate you. Even if we disagree about stuff. I know I get heated sometimes when I let off steam, especiaally when the politics get to me. I am sorry if I offend, or annoy, or just bore you. I am thankful for those who agree witth me, and I’m thankful for those who don’t but who choose to remain part of the puzzle. And I don’t blame those who have to leave. It’s the circle of life, and you can’t always jam all the shapes into the wrong holes. Wait, what? I think I need a train conductor cos this thing has gone off the rails.
Anyway, thank you for indulging the madness. Don’t forget to collect your complimentary gift basket on the way out. Your call is very important to us.
18/12 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Fuzzy from 2016.

19/12 2019

Yeah, the bombs are falling but have you seen the ratings? Don’t cut the feed, look at your neighbourhood burning, we are live streaming the apocalpyse. A round table discussion about how to make ends meet in a schorched earth scenario, the weather is in the 200s but there’s no sun under the toxic sky. A slight risk of chemical fallout, drive safely out there on the thunder roads. Here comes the big one, thanks to our sponsors. We’ll be right back after this mess
19/12 2019

I got soup!
Shoutout to mom and pop for being righteous and spoiling me more than I deserve.
Especially dad, who insisted on getting it made and bringing it over. DESPITE HIM FALLING AGAIN. Sheesh. He’s ok. I don’t think I mentioned that he went back to the emergency room because the pains got worse? When he was there first he was supposed to get x-rays done but the person who looked at him said it wasn’t necessary. This time they did take x-rays. They didn’t find anything new or alarming, so that’s good. Nothing to do but wait it out. I don’t think he likes staying still. He was back at work only a couple of days after his first fall. Promising to just “sit down and let the others do the work”. But still. I was kinda shocked when my mom told me that. Oh lord. But let’s hope the pains don’t last too long. Thank you all for thinking of him.
And thank you for this blessing of soup. Praise be the soup. Everything is soup.
19/12 2019

Fireworks season has begun. Sigh. Ban the lot of it I say.
19/12 2019

Skywalker ascension
19/12 2019


19/12 2019

Lol. Christianity Today, “the biggest publication in the world of Evangelical Christianity”, has come out saying that Trump should be removed from office.
Not that it matters. Religious people who support Trump have already shown that they don’t care about god or being christian, they care about power. Not like the megachurches are going to stop turning a profit.
Anyway, they probably caught teh gay from watching Cats or something REPENT SINNER
20/12 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Mads and Magnethe from 2007.

20/12 2019

Good goat times today. Twas a dark and foggy morning.
Funny thing, I have started listening to David Lynch’s book Catching The Big Fish. It’s mostly about meditation and things like that, but he touches on some of his works too. And as I walked through the dark fog… he started talking about Twin Peaks and BoB. If you know me then you shouldk now that BoB is the one thing that scares me most. Killer demon clowns and humanlike cats, eh they don’t bother me. But BoB scares the living daylights out of me. So that was fun, David Lynch’s voice in my ears talking about BoB as I walked through the dark fog…
Luckily then I got to the goats and all was well. They keep me safe and sane, more or less.
They were a little spooked too, though. The kindergartners next door where out running their exercise run and they had a loudspeaker playing christmas music. And then a big truck came driving in too. So, a spoooky Halloween morning. I still don’t know how time or calendars work.
We had a good time out and about though. Cold, wet, muddy, but it’s just good to be with them.
20/12 2019

Here’s Mia and the adoptees, wondering what’s going on.

20/12 2019

Can you imagine how horrible Never Ending Story would have been if they made it today? Horrible CGI cookie cutter lameness. Kids today are cursed. You have more memory in your phoens than I had in the computer that my dad and I drove for hours at night to buy for thousands of kroners GET OF FMY LAWN GET OFF MY ¤/E%¤&/ LAWN

20/12 2019

in fog

20/12 2019

A true man of god. His heart is so full of the word of god that he can’t even choose between the old and the new testament. It’s a very personal thing for him, you see. The bible verses.
Jesus christ. It’s amaxing how eager some religious people are to believe in a false idol.
Is there any better way of cotrolling people than religion? Thou shalt not change the channel.

20/12 2019

Okay, I’m going to bed early. Into the fog of dreams.
Tune in tomorrow for my review of The Rise Of Skywaler and top ten reasons why penguins.
20/12 2019

Today will be a good day. Here’s Medium and Large from 2013.

21/12 2019

Dad update: He’s improving. Little by little getting better. So that’s good. Just takes time. Now let’s hope he can stop falling, that would be a good idea. Courtesy of Dr McLasse.
21/12 2019

Thank you so much Pamela Smotherman for the lovely card! A sweet popup card! And a lovely message. Thank you, Pam! Merry christmas to you <

21/12 2019

Milo and Sky. Been with us two year now. Little sweethearts.
21/12 2019

Turns out Chuck Norris and his wife was right. So now we’re almost 8 years into the THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF DARKNESS.
This is all YOUR fault for not voting for Rick Romnitt.

22/12 2019

Trump teared up at a christmas tree lighting ceremony?
He was probably thinking of how he’d have to tspend the holidays with his family instead of being with pornstars and hookers.
Oh no, you would have withdrawn Clinton’s impeachment if he’d cried for christnas. All hail the chosen one.
22/12 2019

I mean.. today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

22/12 2019

I love when I’m sitting with Sky in my lap and Mia just has to be included, trying to squeeeeze in.

22/12 2019

I’d be curious to know what republicans who support Trump think of this. Do you think this is acceptable? Normal? Okay?
Because you know, this is what Trump looks like to the rest o the world. He’s dragging America into the shits and we’re all judging you and I don’t even know if you can get back to a place where people don’t think you’re horrible.
But of course if all you want is to build a wall and be alone with yourself, only standing with people like this and North Kore and Putin then you’re probably good.
If you think the image of Trump tearing up at a christmas tree lighing outweighs an audio clip of him bragging about sexual assault, you’re wrong.
Maybe the Brazilian president is just imperfect?
link: independent.co.uk story
22/12 2019

I am shutting down for today. Going to bed early to calibrate the systems. Give you all a break from bullshirt. Tomorrow is the big Mr Robot finale. I am sad it’s going to be over but I can’t wait to see how it ends. Season 4 has been amazing and not since Lost and Twin Peaks have I had this feeling just having to get through the week so I can get to my next fix of a show. Here’s to hoping it’s a good finale, friend.
And then Tuesday is Christmas in Denmark. Which is also something.
Hope you’re all having a jolly time and remember, christmas is a pagan feast and saying christmas instead of happy holidays will not help you get into heaven if you’re also supporting racism, nazism, bigotry, misoginy and other such things. Fat Coca Cola Santa cares about Christmas, your god doesn’t.
can’t stop won’t stop #NoSleepTillUnfriended
22/12 2019


That’s all for now.

One Response to “Twas The Post Before Christmas”

  1. Debster Says:

    Merry Christmas to you and all your goatzie friends, dear Lasse. It is getting close to the big day.

    The weather has been great here. I have spent time with Ginger and Kip combing them. They are so soft and wooly right now.

    Kip will shake hands on his own now. Ginger watches, but doesn’t want to shake yet. She will catch on sooner or later.

    We are celebrating on Christmas eve at noon with a good meal at my sister and her husband’s house along with my parents.

    Wishing you a Mery Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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