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Lab Rat

Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

20/4 2020

How I’m doing?
Reasonably well. When I think how last week I couldn’t move without blinding pain. The doomsdaysayer in me was proclaiming how I’d never be okay again, that I was irreversibly broken. Show’s what I know.
Well, I’m still not sure I won’t have lasting problems. But I’m glad for the improvements.
I am verrily missing goat time now though. I’m not sure the last time I went this long with this little goat time. First the ribs then the back. I was toying with the idea of going today, but ‘funnily’ enough the fact that I’m feeling better has made me decide to wait just a little. When I thought that oh I would never be okay then I figured I should just go as soon as I could possibly drag my hurting body out the door. But now that I actually feel like I’m healing.. I feel like giving my body the chance to heal as much as possible would be smart. I’m a little afraid of going out goating and then waking the next day with blinding pain again…
I will probably wait 2-3 days. A little extra healing. And then going. I hope the goats are okay. And that they haven’t forgotten me. I bet they haven’t forgottne my bag of treats.
What a year it’s been. Starting off with some of the worst depression in a long time, then allergy testing then rib injury then back injury. Meanwhile the world in the grips of pandemic and uprecendted happenings in Denmark and everywhere else.
Horrible news out of Canada just now too.
This world.. I really need my goat time soon.
20/4 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Yogi Day everyone.

21/4 2020

How’s I’m’s doing’s?
Not too bad. I went out and did a little shopping. The two previous times I did that I couldn’t walk around with feeling a bit of jabbing pain in my lower back. I didn’t feel that pain today. I don’t know if it’s because I stretched better beforehand. Or if i have healed some more. But hey, any improvement is welcome. My back is sore, but no sharp pain. Some movements still cause a little pain, but it’s much more manageable.
Another couple of days rest and then i’ll go see the goats. My dad is going to come help me get a bus ticket so I don’t have to do the whole 2 hour walk. The weather is glorious right now. I just want to sit on the bench in the sun with the goats, tra la.
Hope you’re all doing fine out there. Once again, thank you all for the support. It’s been a forked time, but I know everyone is dealing *flails arms*. Stay strong, fight the powe, turn off the lgihts when you leave the room.
21/4 2020

Sorry can’t talk, watching Matt Foley motivational speaker
21/4 2020

I love that position Sassy is sitting in, with her hooves out front.

21/4 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

22/4 2020

Happy Earth Day.
It’s a good thing Earth isn’t trying to kill off the infection that is destroying it…

22/4 2020

Good goat times today. Yes, I made it out. So good to be back. Seeing the goaties rushing towards me. My brain and heart feels a lot better.
How is my back feeling? A little sore, but otherwise okay. The big question is how it will feel tomorrow. When the injury happened I felt fine on the goat day too, it was the next morning that I couldn’t move without blinding pain. So. Slightly nervous about tomorrow. But we’ll see.
It wen okay. One little mishap. Nuller managed to jump up on my back. Dammit. Can’t keep that kid down. Let’s hope it won’t have any bad consequences..
My dad came and helped me get a bus ticket. I walked home. Hopefully that was an okay balance. I hope I haven’t overdone diddly did it.
Beautiful, sunny day. Warm and summery, 20C/70F. That’s legit summer for Denmark. I remembered to bring a drinking bottle to stay hydrated. I don’t know if dehydration had anything to do after all with what happened last time, but better safe than sorry.
I stayed about a couple of hours I think. I really wnated to just stay longer. Sitting with Mia next to me on the bench in the sun. Perfect bliss. But I thought I’d better limit myself.
So hey we’ll see. Just so happy to see my goat pals again. Let’s hope we can have a good summer.
23/4 2020

Finally, back where I belong. Good for the heart, mind and soul. Let’s hope I don’t wake up tomorrow with blinding pain in the body again.

23/4 2020

Mia at the gate. Sigh. She still doesn’t quite understand how come I’m not letting them out in the morning. I wish we could start going out again soon.
On a funnier note, a couple of kids came to the fence to look at the goats and they were asking me questions. Questions like “How come you’re in the goat pen? And aren’t you afraid the goats are going to eat you?”. I’ll take my chances amongst goats over humans any day.

23/4 2020

Oh, and if you’re having trouble keeping track of my goat pals, here’s a video where I introduce them all (yes, I can talk. It happens. Rarely).
Nuller and Lily. Milo and Sky. Mia. And Sassy.
From the last time I was goating, which was also a beautiful, sunny day.
23/4 2020

Alright, I’m going to shut it down for today. Feeling fairly okay. Big question is, how will I feel in the moninr? Still improving or back in pain? Tune in tomorrow for further adventures of That Guy Whose Always Something Wrong With.
23/4 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Peanut from 2015.

24/4 2020

How is I’m doing?
Okay. My back and legs are a bit sore. But the important thing is. I did not wake up with blinding pain every time I move. So that, that’s good. I was a little worried.
Hopefully this means I’m on the road to recovery. And that I can get back to normal, regular goating. I have to be careful about my back of course, ease into it. But when you consider that two weeks ago I had myslf convinced that I’d never be able to move without pain again, this is.. better.
Thank you all for the support and advice along the way. You’re simply the best, better than all the rest.
24/4 2020


Healthcare blues

24/4 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Popcorn from 2015.

25/4 2020

I’m pretty sure injecting yourself with midichlorians cures the coroner
25/4 2020

Don’t ever stay away that long again

25/4 2020

Sky is ready for her closeup. Milo’s waiting his turn.

25/4 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

26/4 2020

How are I’m doing today?
Not great, actually. Physically pretty good. My back is still sore and aching, but not so bad But.. there’s always something. I have not been sleeping well the last 4-5 days. If you know me, you know that I love to sleep and dream. Sometimes I’ll stay in bed for 24 hours and just sleep and dream and I love it. But the last few days I have had a hard time sleeping through. I wake up every hour or every other hour. For dreaming that’s actually pretty good, because when you wake up in the middle of a dream it’s always super clear and vivid. But it’s not healthy to only sleep an our or two straight. And I can feel it. Mentally. I am tired and stressed and depressed and just not feeling good. It affects my eyes too. My eyesight gets worse when I haven’t slept enough. And it’s not good right now. I just feel like shit, honestly.
I’m not sure what the cause is. I have been used to effortlessly sleeping. Is it connected to my back injury? You’d think so maybe. But then, when I was in blinding pain a few weeks ago. I still slept fine. In fact I probably made the injury worse because I took a couple of complete days where I just stayed in bed and slept. I slept through fin then. Now my back is better than it was then, so is it the cause? I don’t wake up feeling pain. I don’t feel like I’m being jolted out of sleep by some pain. I just.. wake up, and I loo at the clock and it’s an hour later. My theory has been that maybe it’s because I’ve been taking a ton of supplements lately. Upped dosages of stuff I’d been taking already and added new things. Stuff that’s supposed to be good for the back, or the body in genearl. The bones. So maybe some of that has affected my sleep. I stopped taking most of it yesterday, it didn’t seem to really help my sleep last night but maybe it needs more time to leave my system. I can only hope so. I feel like I’m going insane. I remember when I was doing some reading about lucid dreaming, I read some stuff about how lack of sleep affects the brain. It’s like torture. It’s not good.
Maybe the fact that I have been less physically active because of the injury could have something to do with it too. I was planning to do a little work on the exercise bike today. But then again I got up feeling so bad and tired and unmotivated. So I didn’t. But maybe it would help to get going more on that. And more goating. I need to be careful about my back too, though. Right now I’m kinda planning to do one goat trip next week and then get started on the exercise bike the otehr days, work up some form.
I guess I’ll see how it goes.
The lack of sleep is probably one of the reasons why I have been feeling severaly depressed the last few days. Everything is just so.. shitty. The whole world is just falling to pieces. And I’m falling to pieces. Constantly hurting something somewhere. And even without injuries I’m still just.. like a failed experiment. Incapable of being a human. A fat, blind blob that can’t be around people. I feel like I should be chained up in the basement of a mad scientist’s laboratory. I can’t make it in the real world, I don’t beling there. There’s no point in me being here, I will never feel okay. Even if the curent stuff passes it’s just a downward spiral into blindness and weakness. Sigh. I really just wish I could go to sleep and not wake up.
don’t worry, this isn’t a cry for help. Just expresseing the feelings to get them out of my head. Sorry I’m such a drag. I hope the goat photos somewhat make up for all the boring, self indulgent shite. I am thankful for those of you who stick around. And if you read through all this, I am sorry. So sorry. Maybe I should try reading my own posts at bedtime, that oughta send me into a coma.
26/4 2020

Think goat thoughts

26/4 2020

Hey, thanks everyone. For the love and support. I can always count on the faceboxers. I’m feeling a bit better. Still stressed and depressed to a degree. But it was good to get the thoughts out of my head, and feel that I am not alone. You guys are the best.
Oh and also, snl brought back What’s Up With That. I love that sketch. Ooh oui
< 3 ALL
26/4 2020


That’s all for now.

2 Responses to “Lab Rat”

  1. Debster Says:

    Hey, you really can talk! Do you speak English to the goats? They are probably not used to hearing you speak a foreign language.

    Unless they are bilingual goats!

    Good to hear you are feeling better and got to visit with the goats. Sitting in the sun with goat friends is the best feeling. And I think the goats would think so, too.

  2. Plume Says:

    I speak a mix of Danish and English to the goats. If I’m filming a video I usually try to speak English for the benefit of our esteemed viewers. Thankfully the goats understand the universal language of treats.
    Well, my back is getting better but now I’m having trouble sleeping. There’s always something!

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