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It Pours

Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

13/7 2020

goatlog. I’m wayy behind on these

13/7 2020

I wanted to get out to see the goats today. But I had another bad night. And didn’t make it out. I feel kinda like a dinosaur trapped in a tar pit. A big fat dumb dinosaur. Gotta lighT?
13/7 2020

I’m going to have to have an intervention for my skeleton. I’m pretty sure it goes out and parties every night, that’s the only explanation for why I wake up feeling like my skeleton is hung over and cracked.
13/7 2020

Good goat thoughts with Lily and Nuller. Pretty sure baby Nuller has outgrown mama Lily by now.

13/7 2020

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi daY everyone.

14/7 2020

I feel like there’s not a lot of me left. Photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy. Degrading and fading.
14/7 2020

Cold and rainy day today. I figured with my flailing health it wouldn’t be a good idea to be out freezing in the rain. Instead I slept too. Oh well. The forecast for the rest of the week seems cautiously optimistc, so hopefully I can get goat time very soon. I sorely need it.
Thanks you all humans for your support and company

14/7 2020

This is Calby. He’s Danish, apparently. I only just discovered him. I dig his vibe. Oldskool. A lot, if not most, of the young Danish acts that I see coming up (and admittedly, I am not keeping up wtih the Danish music scene very well at all) are more rnb or hiphop inspired and that’s my scene. This, this is more my jam. Classic guitar and strings and a great voice. Just feels down to earath and real.
Music, good for what ails ya.

14/7 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone. With bonus grandma.

15/7 2020

Good goat times today. Finally, someone let me out of my cage.
Pleasant temperatures, a little humid with a couple of raindrops here and there, but some nice sunshine too. Not too bad. Just good to be back with the goat squad. Just hanging out and relaxing, handing out treats. Getting my shirt muddy from hoofprints. I was sitting on the bench and Mia was up on the table and kept putting her hoof on my shoulder and chest. Yeah, that’s one for the laundry.
Had some nice visitors too. Especially one, I guess it was a mother with a little boy and girl. They came over to the fence and were calling for the goats. So I went over to them, to get the goats to follow. “Thank you for coming over, now the goats will follow you” the woman said. We had a nice little chat. She asked if the little goats were babies, and I told her they were a couple of years old. “Just like you, Emelie. Not quite a baby but not a grownup either” the woman said. The little girl was very sweet. She saw me giving Mia a peanut and asked if she could give the goats treats. So I gave her some pasta that she quickly handed over to Mia. The little boy was a bit more shy, but they were all very nice and enjoyed getting some time with the goats.
I can feel I’m not in tip top physical shape, though. After a couple of hours I started feeling a little woozy. I’m glad I have the bus pass to make the trip home easier. I could feel my back starting to act up too. An hourlong walk would have had me in terrible pain I think. Now I’m just feeling pretty tired.
15/7 2020

Stuck in the middle with goats.
No place I’d rather be. Nuller on the left, Mia on the right. Sky looking on in the background.

15/7 2020

A circle of dinosaurs on the ground holding hands going “Oh look in the sky, a huge giant flaming hoax coming right at us”
15/7 2020

The first muddy hooftprints and stray fur has started to appear.

15/7 2020

I love a good goat yawn. Here is Mia expressing my current feels.
Heading to bed. See you all tomorrow.

15/7 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Popcorn from 2015.

16/7 2020


16/7 2020

Damn. Got some bad news. My dad is doing worse. His back and leg are hurting. He said that he’s walking worse now than before the surgery. So that’s really bad. He’s hoping to be able to get checked at the hospital very soon. Sigh. He was doing so well. I worry about him. This isn’t good for my mental state. But nevermind that, I just hope he’ll be ok and better again soon.
16/7 2020

Thanks everyone for the good thoughts, for me and my pops. Just trying to.. clear my mind. With a buzzsaw.

16/7 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Vanilje frmo 2006.

17/7 2020

Oh boy. Everything’s just sweller and sweller.
Got a call yesterday from my dad. Their computer was malfunctioning. I think they have been hit by the known “missing profile” bug when Windows 10 gets updated. Because ¤&¤/¤ Microsoft thinks it’s a good idea to forcefully update people’s PCs at least 2-3-4 times a year, whether they bork people’s computers or not. Now bless my parents, but they aren’t exactly.. computerly literate. And the missing profile bug is too complicated for me to fix over the phone. So yesterday evening I was getting ready to head out and visit my parents. Luckily, my dad managed to.. not fix the problem but find a way to get his browser working. Which was important, because he was waiting to hear back from the hospital. So that was the main thing, and I didn’t have to go over and fix it yesterday. I will have to go over and fix it at some point, but I’m not sure now is the best time. Because my mother has apparently come down with a fever. And my dad said he felt like he may be getting it to? Now he says, to my concerned inquiry, that he doesn’t think i’s the corona. But I mean, it’s hard not to think of the corona. And our whole damng family is a highrisk clusterfork. So hey, while you’re sending good thoughts for my dad to get better also kindly send good thoughts for them not having the corona.
Oh and my dad will be going in for an mri on July 31st I think it was. Although he’s going to try to see if he can’t get it moved up and get it done sooner because we feel it’s rather urgent in his current situation.
Meanwhile, I have reverted to my old sleepinh schedule of staying up long and sleeping long. This works a lot better for me, although I’d like to try again to get back to a proper sleeping schedule. But right now I just need to survive. Because I feel severely deperessed and worried and and anxiety ridden and hopelessful. I slept long and dreamt superwell last night. That helps a little. Physically I feel.. better? I think. The long sleeps make me feel better, I just have to make sure I don’t accidentally sleep for 30 hours and wake up with every muscle screaming in pain and my tongue chewed up. I won’t sleep without an alarm clock set to save me, hopefully that will mean it will be ok.
So yeah. We’ll see. Hopefully my parents don’t have the corona. Hopefully my dad can get checked out as soon as possible. Hopefully I can get my parents computer fixed. Hopefully I can sleep ok and try to stop self medicating with sugar. Hopefully I can feel physically ok and kepe seeing the goats and just keep going.
Thanks everyone for listening, if you listened. I appreciate you all caring about me. Right now I just feel like giving up on my self and everything. But hey I must have some tiny value if there are people who care. Maybe I don’t know. Sigh. And that’s just the domestic stuff, meanwhile the plague is back and the world burns and ok I’ll stop now.
18/7 2020

Here’s some goat content while we tread water and try not to drown. Lily and Lasse.

18/7 2020

Here’s Sky saying hit to a sweet little visitor, while Milo is weighing is options.

18/7 2020

Here’s Mia with her hoof on my shoulder. Sometimes I feel a little like a piece of furniture.

18/7 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

19/7 2020

Don’t forget to sign up for your free trial of Lasse+, the only streaming service where you can listen to a dumb Danish guy rant about stuff that doesn’t matter 24/7. IF you get the premium subscription we’ll send you old Danish weather forecasts taped on VHS from the 90s. DON’T ACT NOW, DELAY!
19/7 2020

There’s just about enough room for Mia and Sassy on the table.

19/7 2020


That’s all for now.

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