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Today will be a goo day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

14/9 2020

Good goat times today. A gorgeous day. Suddenly out of nowhere summer came back! It will only last a couple of days, but upwards of 25C/77F. That’s high summer in Denmark. Oh I wish I could have another motnh or two of this. I most likely won’t see this kind of temperature again until next May or June.
So I made sure to enjoy it. Lounging around lazily wit hteh goaties. Sitting in the grass with the goats in the sun, it’s the absolute best. Blissful.
We had some nice visitors too. A couple of elderly ladies that I have talked to before. They came over and we had a nice chat about the goats. I was sitting on the rocks and Mia was being very smoochy and givng me her paw for rubsies. People always thinkthat’s wonderful, a lot of people don’t realise how affectionate goats can be. We talked about how I’ve known Mia since she was born and about the old playground. They were really nice and also asked when I’d be back, I think they liked seeing me almost as much as seeing the goats.
Next time bring me treats!
Did I buy iced creams when I went shopping after the goat trip? OBJECTION your honour, leading the witness!
14/9 2020

Goats and guy in the sun. September 14, pretty much as hot as the entirety of July combined.

14/9 2020

Milo’s helping me work on my tan.

14/9 2020

I could get used to this whole ‘summer in September’ idea…

14/9 2020

Today may have been a surprisingly superhot day. But I did also get evidence that fall is here. In the supermarket. They were stocking up on frozen soups and flour/meatballs. That means summer is over.
Unfortunately there was no sign of elderberry soup. They were still in the process of stocking their freezers, so maybe there’s still a chance…
Nah. It’s been years. I have no idea why they discountinued the elderberry line of soup. My purchases alone could have sustained the gross national product of a small European country. Sigh. I really miss it. You guys know I love soup. But it’s almost impossible to find ready-made soup without onion. Elderberry soup hit the spot for me. It was great, it was cheap, it eas easy, it was pretty healthy I think. It made winters more bearable and I really miss it. I know there are theoretical ways of making it yourself and stuff, but it’s not the same as being able to buy frozen packs. I literally haven’t turned on my plate heater in months, I can barely cook a fried egg. I’m a big man baby. I , wait this wasn’t about me. This was about elderberry soup. Please 2020 redeem yourself and bring bacfk the frozen elderberry soup in my supermarekt.
I don’t even know if mom or dad will be able to make soup this winter. With all the health stuff going on. it’s entirely possible, and understandable, if they don’t make soup. It may be a completely soupless winter. These are indeed the darkest of times. Humanity is at the brink of destruction, and Lasse can’t have soup. Repent sinners. Look what you have done. Go out and sacrifice your firstborn stuffed animals to the Great Ones. DO SOMETHING. Don’t just stand there, operate!
Sorry. The lack of elderberry is making my brain go man woman person camera tv.
14/9 2020

Hard day at work, guys..

14/9 2020

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi daY everyone.

15/9 2020


15/9 2020

Is there life on Venus?
Okay, everyone. Be on your best behaviour. Maybe they’ll let us move there!
— “oh no, humans. The neighbourhood is wrecked” says the Venusios.
15/9 2020

Carter in charge of Stargate Command. Yes, I want that. Give me that. General Carter. Let’s go. If Momoa hasn’t let himself completely go he can come back too. And definitely Meredith.
15/9 2020

Nuller is such a big boy now. I remember when he was a tiny thing climbing around on me. Sigh. I need a shrink ray.

15/9 2020

tldr, vote in comments.
Oh boy. Making a goat meme for the first time in… I don’t know. Six months? A year? I completely forgot all the Photoshop shortcuts
I used to use. Note sure if just because it’s been so long or if it’s because my brain is fried.
Makes it tricky though.
I’m going to post two versions in the comments, if you’d like to vote for youre favourite I’d appreciate it.
15/9 2020

The celebrity goats posing for the fans.

15/9 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

15/9 2020

Good goat times today. The sudden burst of summer is gone already. A cloudy day and temperatures back under 20/68. Oh well.
Pretty quiet day. Nothing major happeend. Well, the goats escaped the pen in the morning, but they came back in when I dragged in the greens I was bringing. I don’t really have to worry about securing the gates when I’m dragging greens onto the pile of branches. Because the goats follow the food, like I follow the pizza.
16/9 2020

Milo got his greens on the bench this morning.

16/9 2020

Family health update. Unfortunately my dad’s xrays did not come up with anyhing substantial Nothing that explains why he’s constantly in pain and tired. So now he’ll have to have further examinations. Perhaps another injection, he was saying maybe the last one didnt hit the right spot. I don’t know. I had thought maybe he had a broken hip or something else like that, but I guess not. It’s terribly frustrating when you can’t do anything, and you don’t even really know what the problem is. I hope they’ll figure something out soon.
16/9 2020

My happy place

16/9 2020

Feed the Sky.

16/9 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s popcorn from 2015.

17/9 2020

Are two butts enough to make a goat butt parade?

17/9 2020

I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of this pizza going in my mouthhole
17/9 2020

A radical thought occured to me the other day.
I wonder if Sassy is actually Lily’s mother?
When they first arrived together I thought Sassy and Lily were the same age, maybe even sisters. I remember in the past saying maybe Sassy was bigger because she didn’t have a baby and she grew herself instead of Lily who had to grow her baby Nuller.
But now that I think of it. It would make sense if Sassy was actually older than Lily. Just a year or two. Sassy and Lily aren’t super-super close, but they are fairly close, there’s definitey som bond. They mostly end up sitting together like this. I figured it was just because they came together to a new home and they were sticking together in a unfamiliar environment with strange new goats, including one giant.
The more I think about it, the more I think maybe it could be. Maybe Sassy is actually Nuller’s grandmom.
There’s no way for me to find out, but it’s kind of a nice thought. Three generations of newb squad.

17/9 2020

I know we’re usually vegetarians, but maybe we should try a little baby human roast…

17/9 2020

I’m running out of peanuts and can’t find them in my supermarket right now so I go to loo on amazon, and apparently shelled peanuts are called monkey nuts some places. So that’s a thing. They ARE referring to testicles, right?
17/9 2020

Lily the lovebug

17/9 2020

I am a shadow, you are the light. When I close my eyes, you still shine but I am the darkness.
18/9 2020

Fun fact: I am now almost entirely portrayed by claymation
18/9 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s Fuzzy from f2016.

18/9 2020

Good goat times today. A chilly morning, but the sun came out and it was quite lovely. ALmost got close to summer termpeatures. I love that blue sky and sunshine. Great for lounging around and doing nothing.
Milo and Nuller were quite active though. They were knocking heads a lot. Normally they do it 2-3 times and then all is forgotten. But today they had a long row where they were circling eachother and butting heads. And making bucky grunts. Those sounds always amuse me, especially when they’re coming out of little goaties. Serious business!
I think Nuller is getting close to being bigger than Milo. Although Milo is wider. More junk in his trunk. Welcome to the club, Milo.
18/9 2020

A bit of goat butt parade on Mt. Pilebranch.

18/9 2020

Thank you so much Renée de Bruin ! I got your package of.. *Checks notes* krentjebrij. I have not had a chance to take a closer look, or taste, yet. Remind me again, I just put it cold in a bowl and it’s a desserty thing? Or do I add something?
In any case, thank you so much for thinking of me!

18/9 2020

It wasn’t just the boys going at it today. Sky got into it too. Here she is caught in mid-headbutt.

18/9 2020

The dream of a blue sky.

18/9 2020

Today will be a good day. Here’s 3B from 2006.

19/9 2020

I tried a bit of the krentjebrij when I got up today. It’s interesting. I wasn’t sure at first, but I think I quite like it. It’s nice and fresh and berryish. Very berry. I was a little worried that I wouldn’t even be able to get it down, because I’m very picky and I didn’t want to offend Renée de Bruin! But no, I think it’s a thumbs up from me. I will have to give it further study, but so far I like it!
19/9 2020

trigger warning: politics and dissing America.
Rest in peace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. What a fighter, what a woman. And her last act is exposing what a piece of shit Turtlemitch is. Not that we didn’t know, not that it wasn’t a given. But you have ot admire how comfortable he feels wearing a crown of shit.
And if you’re Republican and you think filling the scotus seat at this point but it wasn’t ok for Obama then you have no morals.
But on the bright, side I am 100% sure that the majority of Democrats would have done the same thing. Because there’s no room for morals anymore.
I love my American friends, but I gotta say once again how shocking it is that such a supposedly great country has such idiotic and unfair and downright evil things like the electoral college, lifetime scotus, the gerrymandering. There’s no way any sane person would look at that and think it’s ok, unless you’re the side benefitting from it. And that’s the problem with the two party system, you can’t have any real change because changing what’s wrong would mean one side having to give up something they need and they won’t so they don’t, unless forced. Doesn’t matter if it’s repulicans or democrats. Neither would give up power to make a fairer system. The ball of twine is so intertwined that there’s no way of untangling the mess. You’re fucked. I guess that’s why America is doing so poorly. Compared to how you should be doing. I’m not saying Denmark and Scandinavia doesn’t have problems. But at least we don’t have lifetime scotus and electoral college. #HappiestCountryInTheWorld.
I really don’t understand the concept of scotus. Maybe it’s just because I’m too dumb, but it seems like an insane concept. When is a lifetime appointment every a good idea. How can you have a the fate of a country decided by who happens to die at what point. RBG should have been spending her last years chilling on a tropical beach, not fighting through disease and broken bones to hold on to try not to die while the worst person in the world is in the hot seat. And now instead of celebrating her legacy we have to go immediately into this Americas Got Justice shitshow. It’s depressing as hell.
I’ll always love America. Which is why it’s sad to see you doing dumb shit. Thank you to those of you trying to fix it. And to those of you who aren’t, well I’m sure hypocrisy and stupidity doesn’t keep you out of heaven, right? Because you believe when you die you’re going to a cloudy palace with an old beardy dude. And you believe Shitler has read the bible. Jesus wept. You know, when he lived a long time ago and was crucified and died and is no more *whistles life of brian theme*
19/9 2020

It’s all goat.

19/9 2020

To put something more positive on my timeline, let me tell you. My last two goat trips I walked all the way home. First one with zero back pain, second one with almost none. Now I’m not going to say I fixed my back problem. Because as we all know nothing good ever happens, and if something good happens it will quickly be ruined. BUT it was so nice to walk home and not be in pain. Almost surreal. I can’t remember the last time I walked for an hour and didn’t have some level of pain.
The trick? You know the platforms in the goat pen? That I built, the ones with pavement tiles and the new one with the wooden board. Well they are just the right height that if I lay down on the ground with my back on the platform and my butt on the ground.. it arches my back in a way that feels really good. It’s therapeutic. I’m also doing back exercises at home, but I don’t really have anything in my apartment that lets me get that perfect arching of the back.
The last couple of times with the goats I’ve laid down with my back on the platform and done some exercises where I lift my butt off the ground. Which I’m sure is looking really really really weird to any passersby. “Police? Yes, I just saw a weirdo in the goat pen lying on the ground thrusting his pelvis up in the air. I’m not sure if he needs an ambulance or to be arrested, but can you come quickly?”
Haha. Well. I guess it’s worth looking weird if it fixes my back..
Again, I don’t want to get my hopes up that I can have painfree walks from now on. But fingers crossed for it to keep going. I love walking home listening to my books. Although I wish I’d discovered this at the beginning of spring, not the end of summer. It’s going to be a lot weirder doing this when the ground is wet or snowy. But again, it’s worth being dirty and wet if I can be free of the pain.
But at least I keep my facebook posts brief!
19/9 2020

So glad I found one of those MoodShirts that changes look depending on what you’re thinking.

19/9 2020

We’re gonna need a bigger vote.
19/9 2020

19/9 2020

Here’s Sky challenging Milo’s beard to a fight.

19/9 2020

Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said there definitely would not be any pandemics in 2020? #LindseyLied #LindseyLindseyPantsOnFire
Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said The Venture Bros would definitely not be cancelled in 2020?
Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said that 2020 would be the greatest year of Chris D’Elia’s career?
Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said Ellen deGeneres would have no controversies in 2020?
Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said that cats and dogs would be allowed to marry in 2020?
Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said scalpers wouldn’t prevent you from preordering a PS5 in 2020?
Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said the weather would be normal in 2020?
Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said you wouldn’t have to pay for lots of different streaming services in 2020?
Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said that celebrities you love wouldn’t keep dying in 2020?
Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said that pumpkin spice wouldn’t be a thing anymore in 2020?
Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said there wouldn’t be life on Venus in 2020?
Lasse Plume
Remember in 2016 when Lindsey Graham said that Lindsey Graham would be good for his word in 2020?
20/9 2020

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday.

20/9 2020

vrede kvinder

20/9 2020

Mia on her throne. Or like one of those stone gargoyles atop a roof. Or just a guard goat on duty.

20/9 2020

We all know that Sky likes to find her safe spots to relax, and is there a safer spot than tucked in behind giant Mia? I think not.

20/9 2020


That’s all for now.

2 Responses to “Krentjebrij”

  1. Debster Says:

    Looks like you had berry soup in a carton! The next best thing to elderberry soup.

  2. Plume Says:

    And I got the proper elerberry soup now too! Huzzah!

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