Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.
7/12 2020
I done got another pressent! THank you so much CarolAnn Ellis ! A beauuutiful card and a pair of, I guess they’re pajamas pants? We call them pyjamas in Danish. I haven’t tried them on, but they seem very soft and warm. And with goats on them! Lots of goats! How did you guess, I love goats! THank you so much, you’re much too kind!
I guess I’ve been a good boy this year. Or, more likely, Santa has not been able to keep a list because of the social distancing. In any case, I am thankful !
7/12 2020
Hello Galactic Federation. On behalf of all goatkind I salute you and welcome your friendship. Please don’t let the humans discourage you from visiting. Just bring lazers, frigging lazers.
7/12 2020
Tis the time of year when there’s often wool stuck on the end of the goats’ horns. They’re growing their sweaters.
7/12 2020
Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi daY everyone.
8/12 2020
Good goat times today. Cold and gloomy. Tis the season. We had visitors today, of hte non goat and non human kind. There was a cat. The humans were trying to get the cat. I am not sure if it was someone’s pet that was visiting or something like that. It came over near the goat pen and climbed a tree and went under the big .. whatsitcalled. Freight.. container.. thing. Where the hay is kept. Words is hards. Anyway, the humanpeoples got it eventually. Maybe it’s a new barn cat. I don’t think so. But it would be nice to have a new barn cat.
There was also a bird. In the goat house, among other places. There’s still an old nest in there, I think it’s usually crows that nest in there. I thought this was a crow, but I don’t think so. It was stealing food from the goats’ feedboxes and it flapped its wings a lot when flying, not the same way the crows do. And it was jumping around on the floor a lot, keeping a safe distance but not flying away when me or the goats were around. I almost wonder if it’s a pet bird that’s escaped from somewhere… let’s hope the cat doesn’t get it. It did fly off eventually I think. But if I see it around I guess I should try and tell staff about it. In case someone is missing a bird. Hmm. Well if it comes back then staffers will see it when they’re taking care of the goaties.
There were also human visitors. One kindergarten group walked by and a little girl called out “Hiii Mia, I hope you slept well”. Aww. It’s happened a few times lately that I hear kids calling out Mia’s name from afar. I like that they know her name.
8/12 2020
Here’s our kitty visitor today.
8/12 2020
Raise the hoof! Haha. Sorry. I look like the guy you wish you hadn’t started a conversation with at a party.
The sweater was lovely and warm. The glasses are probably not going to make it into regualr rotation, sorry!
8/12 2020
The sweater was warm enough to keep an open jacket, at least some of the time.
This time last year I was wearing my heavy winter coat already.
8/12 2020
If you need me I’ll be in The Bald Ewok. Come buy me a drink and I’ll tell you rancor jokes.
8/12 2020
Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.
9/12 2020
Ah, fireworks. I was wondering when I’d start hearing fireworks outside. If you had your money on December 9th, you win.
9/12 2020
9/12 2020
Yes, this is still my favourite Epic Rap Battle Of History, thank you for asking.
9/12 2020
This little visitor was clearly delighted by Sassy and Lily. She was funny, I felt something bump into me and that was her just walking along the fence. And then she kept walking and her mother was laughing and going “Emma, where are you going? Emma? Emma, come back. Stop walking!” and she had to run after little Emma and get her back.
9/12 2020
If you send me one million dollars I will let you in on my super secret way of becoming a millionaire.
9/12 2020
Sky heard machines and decided to watch them fir a while. Clearly she’s supervisor material.
10/12 2020
Today will be a good day. Here’s Finn from 2009.
10/12 2020
Apparently I can’t post a photo. How pecullerinary.
.. but I can add the photo after the post is posted. Okay. This is the aforementioned schnoop, by Nuller.
10/12 2020
Today will be a good day. Here’s Bob from 2013.
11/12 2020
Is Die Hard a christmas movie or not, according to my facebox statistics analysis team?
11/12 2020
Gotta get Mio a cool pair of shades too.
11/12 2020
But, consider Sassy.
12/12 2020
Wait, I’m confused. I thought scotus had a grudge against Biden and owed Trump and would therefore give him teh wins.
Also, I thought encouraging secession was treasonous?
Well, I’m sure Parler is going to get to the bottom of this. Someone alert the galactic senate!
Get ready to build a wall around New America, see you in the sunny state of New California.
Jesus christ. You can’t make all this shit up. I don’t say this often, but Lindsey Graham was right. He might just destroy you.
12/12 2020
Can’t we all just get along? Or at least get a pizza.
12/12 2020
Alright, let me annoy you with Star Wars politics too.
. spoiler space for latest Mandalorian episode, plus disney things.
That was another fun episode! Although, I do think it was probably my least favourite episode of the season. But it’s a high bar, so it was still very enjoyable.
I love Bill Burr. Haha. And something that I didn’t even realise until I read it on a forum later. It was super funny how Boba said he couldn’t go in because they’d know his face. I figured it was because he was a known bounty hunter and stuff. I forgot the fact that EVEFY SINGLE STORMTROOPER HAS HIS FACE. At least the original ones. So yeah, Boba’s face would be pretty darn recognisable to the imps.
My favourite part was probably the imperial.. was he a captain? But the high ranking one that had a chat with Mando (without his helmet!) and Burr. He was really good. I very much enjoyed their little tense chat.
And Slave 1 is really cool, I’m happy to see hat in action.
I have seen complaints that The Mandalorian is all sidequests this season. This is the only episode where I have felt a little like that. But even so I will never ever get tired of seeing Stormtroopers in action. One of my earliest memories in life is being too young and being scared by stormtroopers and Vader entering the rebel ship in the beginning of A New Hope. My first memory of an expanded Star Wars universe is opening one of the marvel comic books that my parents had got me because I was taking a train journey on my own and I opened it and there were STORMTROOPERS and I was like holy forking shirtballs I know these guys, you’re telling mthere ‘s more war in stars?! I can has more?!
So anyway. Good episode still. And it hurts my heart that there’s only one episode left of the season. Gosh darned it. I’m going to really miss having Star Wars fun. It’s been an outstanding season, an outstanding series in total, it’s made Star Wars fun again and I just want more.
.. speaking of more. Apparently there are 10 new shows coming. CAN I HAVE THEM ALL NOW?! I haven’t even looked closely at the announcements yet, just the headlines really. I was really happy to see that they’re going to do an Ahsoka show. I was so hoping for that. I thought Rosario Dawson was perfect in the role, but i figured Filoni was going to take her back to animation. So I’m really psyched for that. Liveaction Ahsoka. Ah so good. And then there’s Hayden Christensen in Kenobi? I .. don’t understand how that’s going to work. You can’t have Vader take of the helmet? And you gotta have James Earls Grey Hot do the voice, right? So flashbacks? Or. I don’t know. But I do really like Hayden as Anakin, and I love Ewan and I love the character Kenobi and it has to be set on Tatooine right, and you know how I feel about Tatooine.
And Lando! Finally announced. Although not who will play him. But it has to be Glover, right? Anything else would be dumb. And hopefully they’ll have Billy Dee to do the obvious frame story of him recounting his adventures. That would be perfect and I’d love that, a lot. A whole lot. I wouldn’t mind if we could get more Han and Chewie in that too. In general I don’t like the idea of recasting the roles. But we already did it for the Solo movie and I love Han so much that I’m willing to hope they’ll keep going with that recasting because I want more Han. Whills bless Harrison, he’s the top of the best. But I still would love more Lando and Han fun. That’s probably not going to be a part of the deal, but we can always hope they change the deal and w can pray they change it further.
Okay, I’m sure everyone has stopped reading by now. I’m not going to go through al the news. I’m just very excited at the prospect of more Star Wars. The Mandalorian has shown how amazing Star Wars on TV can be. It won’t devalue the brand if they make quality stuff like that. Just give me all the Star War so I don’t have to deal with reality.
It’s 5:10 am, do you know where you’re inner kid is?
12/12 2020
Today will be a good day. Here’s Popcorn from 2015.
12/12 2020
How long before the state of Texax sues Time magazine for not making Trump person of the year?
12/12 2020
A bit of Nuller
12/12 2020
Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.
13/12 2020
I had a great dream last night. Fascinating. It was like a fully formed short story. If I were a writer, as I once dreamt of being, I would have woken up and written it down and published it and won a prize, first prize!
Or something. It was a dark family story. But it had a fascinating timeloop twist that I didn’t even see coming. I don’t really want to write about the details, because it was dark and personal and it would require processing, like that of a real writer, before sharing. Not something I’d want to let out publically in a facebook post.
Also in the dream I woke up after the story and I went to breakfast with my family and I thought about all this, about how if I were a writer this was something I could have written a real story about, and it wasn’t util a little later that I realised I was still dreaming.
I love dreams. They are so fascinating. I wonder if Stephen King has these kinds of dreams. He seems like the kind of guy who just wakes up every morning with a new fully formed story in his head just ready to be typed out.
13/12 2020
It’s hard to find unity with people who won’t accept reality.
13/12 2020
13/12 2020
Milo and Sky, sticking together.
13/12 2020
That’s all for now.