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Here comes the Mia train!
14/11 2021

Today will be a good day. Happy Mio Monday everyone.

15/11 2021

Back from the doc’s office. Got my blood and urine taken. So I’ll get results from that next week. I also got the heart diagram done and… it was fine. All good. So that’s.. all good. I guess. I’m not sure if that means that there is nothing wrong for sure with my heart. But at least so far I’m apparently in perfect health.
I’m starting to wonder if this is all just in my head, haha. Well, no there has definitely been something. But I do feel like I’m getting better. I went and did shopping after the trip and when I came home I was still breathing hard, but I wasn’t completely wiped out. It’s weird, I’m srarting to forget what my state of normalcy is/was. Was I breathing abnormally hard now or was it just normally hard breathing because I’m not in the greatest shape? I’m starting to doubt myself.
I don’t know. We’ll see what the tests results are and I still gotta get that lung xray. But I’m starting to think maybe we won’t come up with anything and all and I’ll just have to .. be ok. Maybe get back on the exercise bike and get in better shape and maybe that’ll be good enough..
I don’t know I don’t know.
One thing I have been wondering if I actually had the corona. I think it’s theoretically possible, if very rare, to have it without having a fever. Maybe.. I got it and because I was vaccinated it was very mild and what I’ve been experiencing the last month’s time or so, maybe those are the late stage / delayed symptoms that you hear about. I mean.. it’s possible?
I had a couple of days where I was kind of snotty. I had one night with a sore throat. I had that one night where I felt like something was wrong with my lungs.
Even if it sounds mad, it’s the only thing I can think of that makes any kind of little sense. Assuming there’s nothing wrong iwht my heart. Other than that the only thing I can think of is that moldy cheese, maybe this was all a fungal infection.
I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know. I’m just thinking out loud.
For now I guess we just have to wait for the test results and see if anything comes up. I wouldn’t be surprised if we never find any answers and I just slowly get back to normal. That’s kind of how it feels like it’s going to go right now.
We’ll see.
Sorry for the ramblings.
15/11 2021

Once again, thank you everyone for caring about me and my health. Thank you for the comments, advice and support. As I have mentioned before, I have known real isolation and loneliness in my past, so it really means a lot to have good people who care about me and want to associate with me. I am very appreciative of that, even if I’m not great at showing it or reciprocating or being social or whatever. It helps me to keep going when I just want to give up. Because there are people who care about me, so maybe so should I.
Thank you!
in other news, lung xray scheduled for next week. Along with test results for blood and urine. So we’ll see then.
15/11 2021

I kinda want to rewatch the Lord Of The Rings movies, but with the extended editions it’s like 12 hours and I barely have the attention span to ooh look squirrels
15/11 2021

Today will be a good day. HappY yogi daY everyone.

16/11 2021

Sassy is almost always the first one who sits down. She’s got that grandma thing going on. “I’m old, life is hard, you bring the treats TO ME”.
Usually I’ll be out in the field, I mean the pen, playing with the kids. And then I’ll look into the shelter or the goat house and there she’ll be sitting with a “nah I’m done for the day” look on her face.

16/11 2021

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

17/11 2021

Good goat times today. Got out and spent some time at the goat place. It was a cold morning, and not long after I got there it started raining. So most of the time was spenti n the goat house. But that’s a good place to be when the company is great. And it is. Got some lapgoat time with Sky. And then later she had some ‘jump over lap’ time. She was standing next to me when Sassy appeared. And you know what happens when Sassy appears. Sky disappears. She went in a full-on gazelle leap over my lap, to get to safe distance. I wish I’d been filming, it was really rather impressive. The little darling.
17/11 2021

In less good news… remember how I was saying that I felt like I was getting better and this whole health thing would probably just end up with no answers and me just getting over it? Well.. now I’m not so sure. Because I started feeling worse last night. Breathing harder. Not super bad, but just.. not great. And this morning I managed to force myself to get out and goat, but I kinda wanted to cancel because I was breathing harder and feeling weak. I managed ok, but definitely getting more tired and out of breath. And when I got home I was pretty wiped out. Maybe not as bad as when it was worst. But not good. Worse than when I felt it was getting better. And i’m still feeling pretty tired and worn now. So yeah, i’m not sure it’s just going to go away on its own after all.
I was talking to my dad on the phone the other day and he brought up how when my brother had the kidney problems… he had some of the same symptoms. I told you about that day I was going to go to my parents but I had to give up and take the bus home because I couldn’t handle the walk? My dad brought up how he’d been out walking with Peter and they’d had to go home because he was too weak or tired. So yeah. I guess kidney is another possible answer to what’s going on. I sure hope not though, I really don’t want to go through what my brother did with dialysis and transplant.
But part of the blood/urine test I just had taken are the kidney numbers, so I guess they will show if there’s a problem in that area. I feel like my problem is more around the heart or lungs. During my doc visit she felt up my legs (didn’t even buy me dinner etc) and I guess that was checking for them being swollen which I think is a sign of the kidney thing.
Anywy we’ll see. What the test results and xrays say.
I’m just really tired. Tired of being unwell. Tired of being tired. Of being blind and phobic. Tired of the world getting worse and worse, tired of the cesspool of news of everything everywhere going rotten. Tired o life.
This is when I appreciate having people like your good selves. Gotta keep fighting for friends, family and goats. Because right now I feel like I can’t really do it for myself.
17/11 2021

A little goat love goes a long way.

17/11 2021

Today will be a good day. Here’s Herman from 2014.

18/11 2021

Hay, Lily. Lily, hay.

18/11 2021

Today will be a good day. Here’s Fuzzy from 2016.

19/11 2021

Well, I am feeling better today. Better than the last couple of days anyway, so that’s good.
I felt good enough to get on my exercise bike for a little. As I had planned. Just a little test. I went for 10-15 minutes, most of it at lowest setting. And it went fine. I just wanted to see if the bike still worked and if I remembered how to do it all and if it felt ok, felt like something I can do again. And it does. That short time was enough to get me winded, but I felt ok. So I will probably try to slowly get back into the habit of doing it. If nothing else it’s a good way to get to spend some time listening to my audiobooks.
I have been improving my eating habits. Managed to cut out the candy and sugared sodas thatI foolishly had gotten into the habit of consuming. But it’s gone ok cutting it back out, eating more vegetables and stuff. I mean I’m not saint, but right now I’m living healthier than I have in a long time. Whether that will make any differences to my current problems, I have no idea. I mean if my heart or kidnets are busted, vegetables won’t fix ’em. But we’ll see how it goes next week with the test results and xrays.
19/11 2021

Idreamt about John Goodman. I don’t remember what the dream was, though.
But I also dreamt about birds. I dreamt there was bird with an umbrella stuck in its mouth. I got a hold of the umbrella and tried to pull it out, but I couldn’t manage it. then my dad showed up and helped. I managed to manouvre the bird over to him and he got a hold of it and pulled it back while I pulled the umbrella and we got the umbrella out of its mouth and it flew happily away. And there were other birds in weird colours and I was taking pictures of them.
Also, I’m in the middle of my Seinfeld rewatch and we’re up to the Jerry Stiller years and it’s just the absolute best. What a wonder he was. The other day I watched an episode of Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor from Smallville aslo from IMpastor)’s podcast Inside Of You and he had Jason Alexander on as a guest. And it was pretty great. Especially when he talked about Jerry Stiller. If you like Michael Rosenbaum or Jason Alexander, definitely go look up that podcast on the youtube.
Also I just watched the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine is dating a guy who has the same name as a serial killer. And she suggests various names he could change his name to. And one of them is OJ, like OJ Simpsons. Haha. Yeah that would have worked out well.
Anyway, that’s all for now. I hope this letterpigion finds you well
19/11 2021


19/11 2021

It’s a good thing I don’t talk about politics on here anymore.
That being said, fuck you anyone who thinks Kyle Rittenhouse is not a piece of shit,
thanks I’ll take the ban
19/11 2021

Think goat thoughts. Love the lil goat feetsies.

19/11 2021

Today will be a good day. Here’s Preben from 2012.

20/11 2021

Dragons ought to wear pants. Have some decency.
20/11 2021

Well, I gotta go. Hope you find your missing tomato!

20/11 2021

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

21/11 2021

Also known as Theme For Troldspejlet

21/11 2021

I dreamt of colourful birds again. I don’t really remember the dream, just that there were strange colourful birds again.
21/11 2021

O hai Nuller

21/11 2021


21/11 2021

Hanging onto Nuller, while Mia watches.

21/11 2021


That’s all for now

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