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Fit As Fuck

Happy Mio Monday everyone.

22/11 2021

Good goat times today. Got out and goated. A beautiful sunny day. But cold. Very cold. Just below freezing. Frost on the grass. I bundled up with a shirt a blouse and my jacket, and that was pretty good. Just cold on the face and hands. I can wear gloves on the trip, but not really in the goat pen. I need my hands free to cuddle goats and hand out treats.
I was a little worried about Mia in the morning. She didn’t really want treats at first and seemed a little off. I started worrying she might be sick again. But then she headbutted some other goats away and started taking the treats. I think maybe the frosty morning had her a little down. Us old goats take a longer time to get going on a cold morning. She seemed fine as the day went on, happy for treats and snacks and cuddles. And excited along with the rest of the gang when we got a nice surprise later on.. but I’ll cliffhanger that and show you in photo later.
All in all a good day. And I felt pretty fine. Tired and winded after goating and shopping, but not too bad. I had a couple of bad days in the beginning of last week but since then I’ve been feeling fairly fine. Of course I haven’t been doing much, so that might be why. We’ll see if going out today will lead to me feeling worse tomorrow. But right now I’m feeling ok.
22/11 2021

Christmas came early this year! I know some of you don’t like that, but the goats sure were happy to get a christmas tree in November! A very nice man came and dropped it off for them. Not sure why he had a tree to get rid off at this point in time, but the goats dug in and started stripping it down. Mmm, pine breath!

22/11 2021

Lily in the frosty grass. There was a funny moment when I just arrived. Mia and Lily were sort of butting heads a bit and Lily was bleating a lot and they were sniffing each other. And Mia came up and sniffed Lily’s rear. And then Lily.. tooted. Yup. Lily farted in Mia’s face. Haha. Thankfully it was just a little one. And no berries.

22/11 2021

Good kitty times today too. I got some cat time with both of the barn kitties. Pictured is Nala, whomst I got to cuddle for a bit and then she walked with me for a stretch until I rounded the corner to the goat pen. And later in the day Heino came walking past the goat fence and we meowed back and forth a few times before he continued on. Nala always seems the most eager to be petted.

22/11 2021

Today will be a good day. HappY Yogi daY everyone.

23/11 2021

Got on my exercise bike again today. Just another 15ish minutes. But it went well. Feeling pretty good. Maybe everything will be fine. Maybe we’ll see. Hopefully in the next 2-3 days I’ll get the test results back and then the xrays taken. Hooves crossed.
23/11 2021

Rocking around the christmas tree.

23/11 2021

Nala says hi to the kitty fans
23/11 2021

Today will be a good day. Happy Hump Day everyone.

24/11 2021

Well I went to the doctor, and guess what she told me, guess what she told me?
I’m fine. all my tests results were good. I’m in peak fitness condition.
Haha, it’s almost funny. According to all the tests I’ve been taking I’m just super fit. And here I go around thinking of myself as a fat slob. Well well well.
Okay, to be honest ALMOST all my tests were good. My longterm blood sugar was a bit high. Not through the roof, but enough to warrant doing something about it. Which I am. I’ve been lax with diets and habits, but since this health stuff started I have corrected that. You know, eating vegetables and getting back on the exercise bike. And stuff. So I fully expect that the next time we measure the longterm blood sugar that will have improved.
But other than that everything’s fine. I’m relieved about the kidney numbers. After dad told me that my brother had had some of the same symptoms before his whole dialysis/transplant ordeal. I did not want to go through the same thing. But according to the doc my kidney numbers are flawless.
So. it’s nice that I’m acing all the tests. But that leaves us with no answers to my why I’m feeling the way I am. In a couple of days I got the lung xrays. And I got an appointment for a blowing tests. So I gotta bone up on my blowing. Ooer. No, what’s it called? Lung function test? Something like that. So we’ll be putting my lungs to the test and we’ll see if anything comes up. She asked if I had asthma in my family. I don’t really know. I have thought the asthma thought, but I don’t really know a lot about it.
Once again my new doc was really sweet and nice and pleasant to talk to. And now we’ll see what the xrays and lungblower will say I suppose.
After the bad days at the beginning of last week I have been feeling fairly ok. So it’s not too bad right now, but it shure would be nice to find some real answers.
24/11 2021

Thanks for all the love. To all you guys too.

24/11 2021

I want a Max Headroom cover of Once In A Lifetime
24/11 2021

I try to express it regularly, but one again, thank you for caring about me. For the support and love. I’m just some weirdo from teh made-up fairy tale country Denmark, a loser who never was able to make himself into a real live boy so instead he ended up hanging out with goats and sharing them on the electronic web around the world. I never thought anyone would care. Why would anyone care about me when I don’t care about myself? It’s humbling that you good people care about me, about the goats, about each other. I wish I could crash at every one of your thanksgivings and in person say thank you and can I have another scoop of ice cream? Two scoops! Thank you for helping me keep going, thank you for making me smile, for being the music always in the air. You make a big difference in my life. I don’t know if there ends up being something wrong with my heart, probably not, but it certainly won’t be for the lack of love.
I despair in the world sometimes, but find hope in knowing there are still good people in it. And thank you for being nuts.
– your squirrel
24/11 2021

Today will be a good day. Here’s Mads from 2005.

25/11 2021


25/11 2021

Happy Thanksgiving to whomst it applies! I am thankful for you, yes you! Thank you.

25/11 2021

I hope the xrays will go ok. I must admit I’m a little worried if they’ll be able to detect that I’m actually a robot with a thin layer of facsimile human skin sent from the future to observe the previous for of life on the planet. Hopefully my advanced disguise can fool the xrays.
You might want to stay away from Denmark for a little while. In case my secret identity is revealed I’ll have to set off the self destruct mechanism which will take out most of the mainland.
(this is a joke post, don’t send the bomb squad)
I also don’t hope I’ll accidentally get a superdose of xrays that’ll turn me into a mutant superhero. GOATMAN up up and ooh treats
26/11 2021

Today will be a good day. Here’s Herman from 2014.

26/11 2021

Quick question: Is it normal to be glowing in the dark after having xrays done?
Well other than that it went fine. My dad came with me, as he often does when I’m going new and unfamiliar places, to help me find my way. A short wait and a couple shots, turn this way and inhale, and that’s it. My doctor will have the results on Monday. I am not sure if I gotta go in and talk to her about them next week. Or if I have to wait until the next Monday, when I go in for the lung function test. But I sent her a message asking about it, so we’ll see.
At least I got a few days to relax now.
26/11 2021

I am super tired. I think i’m going to just go to bed early.
Enjoy the company of Milo in the meantime.

26/11 2021

Today will be a goodd day. Here is “father goat” from 2004. One of the first goats I ever met, before I knew she was a mother. not a father. By the time I started visiting the goats regularly she was gone. I don’t know if she left or passed away or what happened to her. But I suspect she must have been the mother of Mathilde, and so the originator of the line of goats that I spent the early parts of my goat life with, Mathilde and Magnethe and Vanilje and others.

27/11 2021


27/11 2021

Got a soup date for next week! Also a pcr date and a lung function test date. I’m a vey popular guy, doncha know.
27/11 2021

Watching The Beatles just jamming and rehearsing is pretty neat. I’ve never been that interested in The Beatles. They were before my time and just too.. huge. Like a huge thing that blocks out the sun and there’s no point in even trying to relate to it. Like Elvis. it’s everywhere which means they’re nowhere.
sorry I shouldn’t have smoked that lucy in the sky.
Anyway. I like seeing them as just a band. I always loved the idea of being in a band. Writing songs, lyrics, music. Music is such a beautiful thing. I wanted to write songs and poetry and books.
Instead I take goat photos. I guess that’s a thing.
If I could do it all again, i’d try to be in a band.
27/11 2021

So, I watched The Rise Of Skywalker today.
For the first time since I watched a bad cam copy of it when it was released. That’s.. two years ago now. Huh. How about that. Back then I was so.. annoyed. Mostly with the fandom and the reaction, and by Disney’s handling of the franchise partly. So I kinda… put it in a drawer and didn’t want to think about it. Wanted to think about the cool TV Star Wars stuff instead.
Now after watching it for the first time in proper quality I have to say… I liked it bettet the second time around. It has some big flaws. But generally speaking I found it to be a fun and exciting ride with some cool ideas and characters I like. I like pretty much all the new cast. And I must admit, Leia, Han, Luke, Chewie, Lando. All that stuff gets right to me, right in the heart. I wish we could have gotten a sequel trilogy back when they were all young and in good health. But I love every bit of seeing them again.
In case you haven’t realised, i’m going to be rambling about Star Wars for an hour, so you can just go ahead and tune out if you haven’t already.
I liked quite a bit of what tros did. Even stuff that many people didn’t like. Like, bringing back Palpatine. I think that was good. They did that in the old pre-Disney expanded universe too. Palpatine coming back was always part of the Star Wars universe, that’s whow it was meant to be.
What I didn’t like was how they did it. I think they first revealed it in forking Fortnite. A video game. For forks sake, that was wrong on so many levels. And then in the movie they revealed it in the opening crawl. It’s just not the right way to do it. You can’t have two movies where it seems like he’s not going to be a part of the story and then start the third movie with a block of text saying GUESS WHO’S BACK!. It sucks. I don’t like it. They should have started seeding it in The Last Jedi. Or made IX a two parter. IX part 1 where you slowly bring him back and IX part 2 where you defeat him. I don’t know why the Skywalker saga has to be trilogies? I know it’s tradition now, but why? Why couldn’t the sequel trilogy have been a sequel quadrilogy? Part of what I didn’t like about tros was that it seemed to be in a rush. Even with two hours and 20 minutes it still felt like they were in a rush. New places new people. I felt like we barely got to know some of the new characters and worlds. I don’t know.
There were mainly two things I didn’t like. So the first was how they handled bringing back Palpy. The second was Rey’s lineage. Obviously there will be spoilers here, but the two people who haven’t closed the browser and turned off their computer by now will of course have already seen the movie. So, Rey being a Palpatine. It’s just.. ugh. No. I do like kind of how Palpatine wants to transfer his spirit to her. In the old EU I believe he transfered his spirit to cloned bodies of himself. Having a powerful offspring to transfer his spirit into, I can dig that. But at the end of the day. Not only just saying HEY GUESS WHO’S BACK but also HEY GUESS WHO HAD A KID it’s just too much too dumb. It goes against everything Palpatine has ever been, it makes no sense. He had a son? When? Where? How? Who? I don’t know, maybe the extended material of books and comics will make it all make more sense eventually. But I just think it’s bad and dumb.
I actually prefer what it seemed like they were going with originally. That Rey was a nobody. “You think you matter? You don’t. You’re nobody, you’re nothing”. I feel that’s more powerful in a way. You don’t have to be a big name, a powerful family. You can not know where you come from and still matter. You can be a nobody and make yourself a somebody. You can make a difference even though you’re not born with a silver spoon in your mouth. It makes more sense to me than a Jerry Springer dna test, who’s the father?
And I like my own idea better. I wrote about it before tros came out. You could still have her be a Skywalker. You could have come up with a reason why Luke didn’t know she was her daughter. He thought she died when his academy was burnt down and the other students killed. It would have made more sense than her being a Palpatine. I love Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley. I would have loved them being a Solo and a Skywalker and that being the main throughline of the sequels. It would have been a little predictable and clichéed, like in the old expanded universe where you had the Solo and Skywalker kids. But I still wanted that more than a Palpatine kid.
Now that all being said, I do not have a problem with the ending where Rey names herself a Skywalker. I know a lot of people hated that. I didn’t. I don’t know, I think it’s fine. What is a Skywalker? How much do we even know about that family? Have we ever heard Shmi being called a Skywalker? I don’t even remember. We know she was a slave. To me it would make more sense that Skywalker was just a name given to her by slavers because she was a noname slave kid. A nobody. Do we know if she had force powers? I don’t think so. And in any case, we know that Anakin’s father was basically The Force. That’s hwere he got it midichlorians from surely. Shmi could have had zero powers for all we know. Skywaler could be a madeup name for a slave orphan. The Skywalker family could have been nobodies with no powers. I love the skywalker family for Shmi, Anakin, Leia and Luke. I have no problem with Rey becoming an adopted or honorary Skywalker, presumably restarting the Jedi order at some point in the future under that name. Doesn’t bother me one bit.
So that’s about what I think of The Rise Of Skywalker. It’s a pretty fun ride. Pretty dumb at places, makes some bad mistakes, but has some good ideas and fun times.
I do think Disney didn’t stick the landing. The Sequel Trilogy comes off lacking. Uneven. It feels like they didn’t have it all planned from the start, and I think it’s pretty astonishing if they didn’t. Making a trilogy without having an idea how it’s going to all add up seems like a bad idea. I don’t know how much got changed when they cahnged directors on tros. Who knows if that made it better or worse. And as I always say, Star Wars isa giant beast. Spanning decades and medias. There’s no way they could have made everyone happy. But it feels like they ended up making most people unhappy.
I think the sequels are better than the prequels. The sequels are more fun to me. And the mistakes they make don’t hurt the original trilogy as much as the mistakes the prequels made. The prequels messed up stuff from the originals. Like Anakin building c3po. The mistakes that the sequels make just mostly hurt themselves.
I still love Star Wars. I still want more. Gimme more. Gimme all the Star Wars. Can’t wait for The Book Of Boba Fett in a month’s time. You know I love me some Tatooine. Finally I get my Jabba’s Palace stories.
27/11 2021

Alright, i better get a goat post on top of the timeline. Here’s Sassy keeping her feetsies out of the frost.

27/11 2021

Today will be a good day. Happy Funday everyone.

28/11 2021

I had a cup of pot noodles and there was no foldable plastic fork in it, what is going on how could this happen to me. Wait is this because of the environment? I mean, I like the environment but at what cost AT WHAT COST ok I guess I’ll just use my own fork. We’re forked.
28/11 2021

This metal latch thing is where the door to the stall used to be. There used to be doors to the two stalls inside the goat house, but they took the doors down so the goats can just move around freely in the house. Why is Mia licking that thing? Because I use it to cut up apples and pears. Since I can’t really bring a knife, that metal latch is pretty handy for cutting up fruits. And of course that leaves bits of fruit stuck to it sometimes. And the goats are of course always starving and have to get every last bit that they can. Like me digging out melted cheese from the pizza box. Every crumb counts!

28/11 2021

You know, i’ve never watched Plan 9 From Outer Space. Doing it with RiffTrax on seems like a good idea.

28/11 2021

Nuller vision test

28/11 2021


That’s all for now.

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