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Whose On First

Good goat times today. A light rain, and colder than last week. That’s Danish spring for you.
The goats were a little less rambunctious thatn normal. I think someone had overfed them during the weekend. There was still food in their bowls when I got there, and Jeanette said the bunnies had been overfed too. Someone needs instructions on how to do the feeding..
So their appetite was less ravenous than normal, but they all seemed fine enough. They did want treats and cucumber and apple and tomato. Maybe I should whip them up a salad some time.
We had some sweet visitors too, kids in the pen petting the goats. One lady asked if Sky was pregnant. It’s been a while since we had that one! No, she’s just.. well fed.
Aren’t we all. Aren’t we all.
Well, I mean on the priviliged continents.
6/5 2024

Here’s little miss Well Fed. Sky got quite bleaty today too. Maybe in heat. She got screamy later on. Someone needs a boyfriend. Then maybe we could have another answer to the ‘is she prgnant’ questions.

6/5 2024


If any of you are interested in how my goat journey began, well up on the page is my first goat video ever and some history.
It’s funny how life goes sometimes. Growing up I was interested in exotic animals, like from Afria. But not domestic, rural animals. I was scared to death of dogs and I had no idea goats were anywhere else but farms in the country.
And then I got a camera. A digital camera. Such a novelty. I don’t remembe specifically why I got it. I wasn’t big into phorography. Some school vacations I had a camera with me and took pictures. But nothing other than that.
But then I got the digitcal camera that I could take with me around. That was back before I was retired on disability, so I was outside (theoretically) on a daily basis. And i’d start to take detours to find things to take photos of. And then I realised there were goats practically in my neighbourhood and I started going by there and taking some photos and well, the rest is goatstory.
But it’s funny how that old camera could make 15 second videos with no sound, 320×240 resolution 15fps. Now I have a camera that does 1920×1080, 60fps. If I got the newer model it could do 4k. Technologoy, am I right? And people’s smartwatches have infinitely more computing power than the Commodore 64 that my dad and I brought home that one faithful night. And when you see clips on the news of kids in school they sit at rows of computers, meanwhile when I was in school we had ‘computer time’ maybe once a month in the designated computer room where we’d sit 3-4 kids at one big clunky computer and do basic word procesing. And no one had a phone, you’d be lucky if you had a walkman and a cassette tape with songs you taped from your ghetto blaster.
WHY AM I SO OLD. And what are kids growing up today, what’s their world going to look like when they’re forty? If there is one. Maybe all that’s left is a bunch of AI sweeping away the dust of decomposed humans. War. War never changes. Just saw a news headline about Russia and nuclear weapons. Everything’s fine. Wait, what was I taking about? Oh yeah 2004 and goats. We survived Y2k, I’m sure we’ll survive nuclear war and the orange grifter jesus dictator. Everything’s copesetic. We’re not scaremongering this is really happening.
Alright, well enjoy the silent 15 second video of Mads, whomst was called “Blackie” in the filename because I didn’t know his name yet when it was filmed. Mads, Mathilde and Magnethe. That’s where it all began, who knows where I’f be without them. In the black lodge with Cooper maybe, write it in your diary.
6/5 2024

Luna and the tick.

6/5 2024

Got an hour forty on the bike today. A valiant effort, if I may say so myself. Easy rider, headlights pointed at the dawn. One rotation of the pedals at a time.
It’s almost t-shirt weather. I am never going to be slim or well proportioned. But it’s nice to be able to fit into the shirt at least. We’re all just particles racing around nucleii, moons around the planets, planets around the sun, swirly chocolate vanilla milkyways. No wonder I feel dizzy. I need some velcro boots.
Anyway, carry on.
7/5 2024

Happy Tongue Out Sky Day everyone.

7/5 2024


8/5 2024

Good goat times today. It’s Ascension day! I guess. A holiday, so we had more kids than usual. There were kids on the sportsfield next door, doing soccerball training. And a group came to see the goats too. No Jeanette today, but Maja was there and took some kids into the pen and they all had good time. We had a little butt inspector, bending down and looking right up at Bella’s rear. Laughing the whole time. Lots of laughter in the pen, they got a little loud, but the goats handled it all well.
Bella also continued her mission to destroy all cameras. I got the new replacement camera going and it’s been going well. Those cameras have a real problem with wind in the microphone though. I have to glue something onto the microphone out. I put a sponge thing on it and it’s been working well. But today Bella decided to just take a bite out of it. She tore it halfway off. Grrumble. Had to glue it back on when I came home, hopefully it won’t worsen the audio quality too much. That darn Bella.
Then I came home and did an hour on the bike, which was tough going. I went hard last time and today after being out with goats, my legs were just dead and I was really tired. I I think I got close to passing out or falling asleep a few time. But I got it done. Very tired now. Must have soup.
9/5 2024


9/5 2024

I got a Syrian miliary person on the goat page trying to get me to help him traffick a large sum of money out of the country. I am sure I’ll receive a handsome rewards. I’m having a lot of fun trying to convince him to spend the money helping people in Syria, they need all those millions way more than Denmark. Imagine all the good you can do for the people in need in your own country! So far it does not seem like this person is very receptive to my charitable ideas. A shame, since that absolutely real money definitely could do a lot of good for a lot of people.
In other news, the last few days I’ve been getting more and more posts on my personal profile tagging me in what seems to be videos of b rest feedie ng videos? Thankfully facebook holds them for review so they don’t appear on my page. Maybe that’s got something to do with why my account got blocked for ‘unusal activity’. But I mean it’s not my fault if crooked people tag me in inappropriate videos. I’m sure the links are full of viruses and stuff. I can barely be bothered blocking them anymore since they seem to just keep coming. Humans are weird.
9/5 2024

Got my 23 And Me results back, turns out I’m 90% soup and 10% shts and giggles.
9/5 2024

Finished my rewatch of Twin Peaks season 2. Man that finale is just something else. Surely one of the best episodes of TV ever made. It scared me less than it has on previous occasions. Although the strobe effects in the Black Lodge are still creepy as fork.
And then that cliffanger. That for so long seemed like it would be the end. Until Season 3, 25 years later. I am looking forward to getting started on that. I have only watched The Return once, when it first aired. It will be nice to watch it again, and this time with the context of freshly watching the old episodes.
First though I have to watch the prequel movie, Fire Walk With Me. I have watched it before, but to be honest I’m not sure if I have watched it more than once. And this time I’ll be watching the fan edit that includes the Missing Pieces deleted scenes. So that will be a four hour movie. And if my memory, and internet discussion, it is a much darker watch without much of the quirky goodness of the TV show. My only real memory of it is a scene where the Tremonds, I believe, give Laura a painting and then at night she .. goes into it.. I remember that scene freaking me out so much back in the day. Rewatching the movie may be traumatic, we’ll see. I supposed when i’m done with Fire Walk With Me and The Return I oughta watch David Lynch’s movies. Because there are actually several of his movies I have never watched, which is kind of crazy when you consider how much I love his work. I guess instead of this being just a Twin Peaks rewatch it’ll be a Lynch marathon for me. That should be cool.
To conclude this pointless post, a non Lynch thing. A song from today’s exercise mix, one that I love a lot.

9/5 2024

Oh yeah one more note on Twin Peaks (sorry). Something I noticed rewatching this time is that I really love Ed and Norma. On previous watchings of the series it was Shelly, Donna, Audrey that caught my eye. But now, I just think Normak is so pretty. And warm. And her and Ed are so darn likeable. I’m not sure if it’s because i’m older that I see that warmth and likeability as so much more attractive. I just want them to be happy together. Reminds me a little of Rose and Bernard on Lost. I have mentioned before how their brief appearance as a happy couple when everyone else is timetraveling and fighting and everytihng was nuts, and Rose and Bernard just said F it and retired to a cabin with the dog. Sweet, happy, likeable people not fighting for the world or the future or idiology, just living their lives and being happy together. There’s something to be said for that.
Anyhoo. Thanks for coming to my (T)ed (and Norma) Talk.

9/5 2024

All my Twin Peaks talking and watching paid off. The Giant / The Fireman visited me in my dreams last night. It was a pretty goofy dream, it wasn’t a Twin Peaksy nightmare. But that’s fine. I was just happy to be visited.
10/5 2024

The babysitter is relaxing on the couch while the kids are fighting.

10/5 2024

I’m thinking of dying my left eyebrow blue and my right eyebrow red. Thoughts?
10/5 2024

I have descended from pure air. Got an hour twentyfive on the bike today. Tired legs. But good sun in my back and a fair effort. I will reward myself with soup now, and so the cycle continues.
11/5 2024

I saw they’re making a new Lord Of The Rings Movie. The Hunt For Gollum? Hmm. I can only assume it’s a gritty crime procedural about the manhunt for Smeagod, prime suspect in the brutal killing of Deagol. With Gandalf as Columbo, see it writes itself.
11/5 2024

Beware the dreaded Sky snake.

11/5 2024

Happy Mother’s Day to all the lovely mothers in my life.
12/5 2024

A goofy Luna hug.

12/5 2024


That’s all for now.

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